Stephen J. Cannell

Stephen J. Cannell

출생 : 1941-02-05, Los Angeles, California, USA

사망 : 2010-09-30


Actor / Producer / Writer.

프로필 사진

Stephen J. Cannell

참여 작품

22 점프 스트리트
Executive Producer
위장 수사로 인정받은 젠코와 슈미트 콤비가 대학교에서 유행하는 신종 합성 마약 '와이파이' 공급자를 색출하는 임무를 맡는다. 이에 MC 주립대 학생으로 위장한 두 사람은 사건의 단서를 남기고 죽은 신시아의 주변을 탐문한다. 곧 풋볼팀의 주크를 의심하게 된 젠코는 풋볼 선수로 뛰면서 그의 동태를 살핀다. 그런데 젠코는 본분을 망각한 채 주크와 둘도 없는 콤비가 되고, 젠코에게 소외감을 느낀 슈미트는 예술전공 학생 마야와 가까워진다. 그러던 어느 날, 신시아를 딜러로 의심하고 그녀의 방을 수색하던 두 사람은, 마약 공급자가 도서관의 책을 이용하여 마약을 거래했음을 알게 된다. 이에 도서관으로 간 슈미트는 '유령'으로 불리는 남자의 마약 거래 현장을 목격한다. 하지만 슈미트와 젠코는 유령을 놓치고, 경찰은 다른 사람에게 혐의를 씌우고는 사건을 종료하는데…
21 점프 스트리트
고등학교 시절을 전혀 다르게 보낸 운동만 할줄 아는 젠코(채닝 테이텀)와 공부만 할 줄 아는 슈미트(조나 힐). 하지만, 둘다 '프롬(졸업 무도회)'을 못가긴 마찬가지였다. 졸업후 경찰학교에서 다시 만난 이둘은 서로의 약점을 채워주며 둘도 없는 단짝이 된다. 의욕에 불타는 초보 경찰이었지만 결국 곱상한 외모(?)때문에 고등학교 잠복근무로 부서 이동되어 버린다. 신종 약물이 활개치는 '21 점프 스트리트'의 한 고등학교에서 그 시절과는 정 반대의 고교생활이 펼쳐진다.
21 점프 스트리트
고등학교 시절을 전혀 다르게 보낸 운동만 할줄 아는 젠코(채닝 테이텀)와 공부만 할 줄 아는 슈미트(조나 힐). 하지만, 둘다 '프롬(졸업 무도회)'을 못가긴 마찬가지였다. 졸업후 경찰학교에서 다시 만난 이둘은 서로의 약점을 채워주며 둘도 없는 단짝이 된다. 의욕에 불타는 초보 경찰이었지만 결국 곱상한 외모(?)때문에 고등학교 잠복근무로 부서 이동되어 버린다. 신종 약물이 활개치는 '21 점프 스트리트'의 한 고등학교에서 그 시절과는 정 반대의 고교생활이 펼쳐진다.
최고의 실력을 자랑하던 특공대가 돌연 자취를 감춘 지 1년. 누구도 해결할 수 없고, 아무도 도울 수 없는 문제들을 해결하기 위해 최고의 해결사 A-특공대가 되어 다시 돌아왔다! 비상한 두뇌 회전의 소유자 한니발(리암 니슨)의 기상천외한 작전 지휘 아래, 작업의 달인 멋쟁이(브래들리 쿠퍼)의 수려한 외모와 화려한 언변으로 실마리를 풀면 두려움을 모르는 짐승 파이터 B.A(퀸튼 잭슨)가 선방을 날리고...
최고의 실력을 자랑하던 특공대가 돌연 자취를 감춘 지 1년. 누구도 해결할 수 없고, 아무도 도울 수 없는 문제들을 해결하기 위해 최고의 해결사 A-특공대가 되어 다시 돌아왔다! 비상한 두뇌 회전의 소유자 한니발(리암 니슨)의 기상천외한 작전 지휘 아래, 작업의 달인 멋쟁이(브래들리 쿠퍼)의 수려한 외모와 화려한 언변으로 실마리를 풀면 두려움을 모르는 짐승 파이터 B.A(퀸튼 잭슨)가 선방을 날리고...
포커 하우스
한 10대 소녀가 자신의 어려운 상황을 웃음과, 품위와, 농구로 극복해가는 과정을 그린다.
아이스 스파이더
Frank Stone
인적이 드문 한 스키 리조트에 올림픽 대회의 훈련을 위해 선수들이 온다. 그곳에서 그들은 전직 올림픽 대표 선수였던 대시빌을 만나게 되고 대시빌은 훈련을 도와준다. 한편, 애프릴 썸머 박사가 이끄는 과학자들이 인근의 한 실험실에서 극비의 실험을 하던 중 자이언트 거미가 실험실을 탈출하게 되고 사람들이 희생되기 시작한다. 대시빌과 프랭크는 거미로부터 사람들을 보호하려 하지만 역부족이다. 거미는 몹시 빠를 뿐 아니라 엄청난 힘을 지닐 수 있도록 유전자 변형이 이뤄졌기 때문이다. 실험실의 부대가 동원되어 거미의 생포작전에 들어감과 동시에 대시빌과 애프릴은 생존자들을 구하기 위해 목숨을 전 투쟁에 나서는데... 영화의 주인공으로는 , 등에 출연했던 바네사 윌리엄스와 의 패트릭 멀둔이 박사와 전직 올림픽 스키 선수로 나와 호흡을 맞추며 자이언트 거미와 사투를 벌인다. 연출은 캐나다 출신으로 을 통해 아보리아즈 판타스틱 영화제에서 수상을 한 티버 타칵스가 맡았다. (전설속으로님 제공)
The Garden
A troubled young boy and his father on a road trip stumble upon a rural farm where the elderly owner has sinister plans for the both of them involving witchcraft and evil.
리턴 지퍼스크리퍼스: 어둠의 부활
국립공원의 여성 레인저인 다니엘은 친구의 죽음에 대한 죄책감으로 괴로워 하며 술로 나날을 보내고 있다. 이때 그녀에게 친구이자 레인저인 릭이 그녀의 마음을 달래 주러 찾아오고 다음 날부터 다니엘의 주위에선 예기치 못한 사건들이 발생한다. 국립공원에 온 부부와 모녀 일행이 피범벅이 된 채 죽은 시체로 발견되고 릭의 자동차 역시 거대한 힘에 의해 파괴된다. 통신장비마저 고장나 외부와의 연락이 두절되자 릭은 구조 요청을 하러 가지만 도중에 살해된다. 밤이 되자 혼자 남은 다니엘에게 정체불명의 살인마가 다가오고 다니엘은 살인마에게 총상을 입는데...
리턴 지퍼스크리퍼스: 어둠의 부활
국립공원의 여성 레인저인 다니엘은 친구의 죽음에 대한 죄책감으로 괴로워 하며 술로 나날을 보내고 있다. 이때 그녀에게 친구이자 레인저인 릭이 그녀의 마음을 달래 주러 찾아오고 다음 날부터 다니엘의 주위에선 예기치 못한 사건들이 발생한다. 국립공원에 온 부부와 모녀 일행이 피범벅이 된 채 죽은 시체로 발견되고 릭의 자동차 역시 거대한 힘에 의해 파괴된다. 통신장비마저 고장나 외부와의 연락이 두절되자 릭은 구조 요청을 하러 가지만 도중에 살해된다. 밤이 되자 혼자 남은 다니엘에게 정체불명의 살인마가 다가오고 다니엘은 살인마에게 총상을 입는데...
Demon Hunter
After resolving a situation of exorcism, the half-breed demon hunter Jake Greyman (Sean Patrick Flanery) reports to Cardinal White (William Bassett) and they realize that the demon Asmodeus (Billy Drago) is impregnating many mortals trying to raise offspring. Cardinal White calls Sister Sarah Ryan (Colleen Porch) to assist Jake in his hunting for Asmodeus and his women.
Hunter: Back in Force
Executive Producer
Lieutenent Rick Hunter, now of San Diego Police Department, along with his 'new' partner Sergeant Dee Dee McCall, must track down a group of women bank robbers who appear to be behind bars when the crimes occur, while simultaneously looking for an excon he put away who has just been released and is now on a vengeful crime wave.
Hunter: Back in Force
Lieutenent Rick Hunter, now of San Diego Police Department, along with his 'new' partner Sergeant Dee Dee McCall, must track down a group of women bank robbers who appear to be behind bars when the crimes occur, while simultaneously looking for an excon he put away who has just been released and is now on a vengeful crime wave.
Pacheco Laval
Alien seeds hitch a ride to earth in a space shuttle crew and begin to grow. When their numbers reach the Threshold amount they will be an unstoppable swarm.
하프 패스트 데드
Frank Hubbard
FBI 비밀요원인 사샤(스티븐 시걸)는 국제 자동차 도둑으로 위장, '킹핀'이란 조직에 잠입한다. 킹핀의 중간보스 닉(자 룰)에게 접근, 신뢰를 쌓아갈 무렵 FBI가 조직을 급습한다. 위험에 처한 닉을 구하다가 7방에 달하는 총상을 입은 사샤의 심장은 22분간이나 멈춰버리는데. 죽음의 문턱에서 벗어난 사샤가 깨어난 곳은 역사상 가장 악명높은 감옥 알카트라즈를 최신식 설비와 방어벽으로 재정비한 '뉴 알카트라즈'. 이곳에 설치된 최신식 사형 집행 시스템 "슬로터 하우스 5 (Slaughter House 5)"의 첫번째 사형수는 2억달러의 금괴를 훔친 전설적인 범죄자 레스터. 그러나 미연방법원 판사와 최고위층이 참석한 가운데 레스터의 사형이 집행되려는 찰나, 이곳의 보안 시스템을 꿰뚫고 있는 교도관 도니는 "49ERS"로 불리는 전투 용병들을 동원하여 고위층을 인질 삼아 순식간에 뉴 알카트라즈를 장악한다. 이제 사샤는 그의 신분을 알게된 닉과 함께 금괴를 강탈하려는 도니와 49ERS의 음모를 막고 인질을 구해내야만 하는데.
Dead Above Ground
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
Dead Above Ground
Carl Hadden
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
Dead Above Ground
Jeff Lucas is already an outcast, but when he makes a horror film instead of a documentary for a class project, the ridicule his classmates inflict upon him soon turns to outright abuse. After being forced into an auto race with one of his more sadistic classmates, Jeff's car careens over a cliff and the troubled student is presumed to be dead. When a new family moves into the home previously inhabited by Jeff and his family, a series of bizarre occurrences lead the family's high-school-age son to believe that Jeff has returned to inflict revenge upon those who wronged him in life.
The Contract
William Goodwin
CHiPs '99
Ponch has returned to the police force, and is determined to help his friend Jon investigating various car thefts.
Executive Producer
Remake of the 1954 SciFi classic
The Rockford Files: Punishment and Crime
Laid-back private eye Jim Rockford and his brown Pontiac Firebird become embroiled in another case when he runs across an old flame, blind book editor Megan. Her no-good playboy cousin Patrick is involved with the Russian Mob, which puts everyone's life in danger. The weary Rockford must also deal with his old friend Angel, who is painting Jim's trailer to work off a debt.
The Rockford Files: Friends and Foul Play
An friend of Jim's continues to seek his help for her murdered son, but when she winds up dead not long after an altercation with the mafia man, Jim must must do what it takes to put both her soul and her son's, at rest, himself.
The Rockford Files: A Blessing in Disguise
Angel's televangelical ministry launches a boycott against a movie entitled "Little Ezekial," and Rockford is hired to protect its star.
The Return of Hunter: Everyone Walks in L.A.
Executive Producer
Lieutenant Rick Hunter's girlfriend is murdered.
Jake Lassiter: Justice on the Bayou
Executive Producer
Gerald McRaney stars as Jake Lassiter, a colorful ex-football player turned top defense attorney who is hired to defend Dr. Roger Salisbury, a surgeon charged with malpractice in the mysterious death of a wealthy patient, Phillip Corrigan.
Retired sherriff, judge, coroner and con-man team up to solve crimes. Pilot. From GREYHOUNDS is an action drama starring Dennis Weaver, Robert Guillaume, James Coburn and Pat Morita about three retired lawmen and a "reformed" conman lured back into crimefighting as special consultants to a young Assistant U.S. Attorney in San Diego. Weaver is Chance Wayne, a widowed ex-sheriff; Guillaume is former Judge Robert "Maximum Bob" Smith; Morita plays ex-police psychiatrist Akira "Moch" Mochizuki; Coburn is con artist John Duffy, just released from prison and not so anxious to go straight. "JoJo" Gonzales, played by Roxann Biggs, is the female U.S. Attorney who recruits them for her staff.
Retired sherriff, judge, coroner and con-man team up to solve crimes. Pilot. From GREYHOUNDS is an action drama starring Dennis Weaver, Robert Guillaume, James Coburn and Pat Morita about three retired lawmen and a "reformed" conman lured back into crimefighting as special consultants to a young Assistant U.S. Attorney in San Diego. Weaver is Chance Wayne, a widowed ex-sheriff; Guillaume is former Judge Robert "Maximum Bob" Smith; Morita plays ex-police psychiatrist Akira "Moch" Mochizuki; Coburn is con artist John Duffy, just released from prison and not so anxious to go straight. "JoJo" Gonzales, played by Roxann Biggs, is the female U.S. Attorney who recruits them for her staff.
Jimmy Love
1887년 미국, 쿠바를 놓고 스패인과 전쟁을 벌이기 위해 흑인 용병부대를 쓴 기병대에는 '들소 군인들'이란 용맹한 총기병들이 있었다. 그러나 백인들은 전쟁중에 금화를 훔치기 위해 흑인 용병들을 함정에 몰아 넣고 몰살시킬 음모를 세운다. 미리 눈치 챈 제시(Jessie Lee: 마리오 반 피블스 분)와 그의 동료들은 아예 선수쳐서 금화를 빼돌려 서부로 도망친다. 그러나 시대는 아직 흑인 노예제도가 엄연히 존재하고 있었고, 이들 '들소 군인들'은 백인 무장 군대의 잔인한 추격에 쫓긴다. 이제 서부는 총격전의 전쟁터가 되고 여기 역사상 최초의 흑인 건맨 제시 리의 신화가 세워진다.
The Great Pretender
A newspaper reporter, who has just won a trial against his newspaper which had fired him, suffers dangerous reprisals at his work.
Identity Crisis
The Coroner
A rapper finds himself possessed by the soul of a dead fashion designer; frequently switching personalities.
Destination: America
Executive Producer
A patrician family's estranged, black-sheep son forsakes his blue-collar life to return home and soon finds himself wrongly accused of his father's murder, with his old childhood friend determined to convict him. Pilot to a prospective TV series.
The Last Precinct
Executive Producer
In this spoof of TV cop shows, which served as the pilot to the subsequent short-lived series, a bunch of bumbling misfits and rejects from the police academy, all assembled under a straitlaced but dimwitted captain, fumble their way to success cracking a drug ring run by a blind mobster.
The Last Precinct
In this spoof of TV cop shows, which served as the pilot to the subsequent short-lived series, a bunch of bumbling misfits and rejects from the police academy, all assembled under a straitlaced but dimwitted captain, fumble their way to success cracking a drug ring run by a blind mobster.
A district attorney is kidnapped by a criminal who then has a deranged doctor do something to him that leaves him with the mind of a child. His assistant seeks out a man who is only known by the car he drives, a Stingray. He helps people who have problems and in return, they owe him a favor that he will collect later.
Midnight Offerings
Executive Producer
Vivian has magic powers. She doesn't hesitate to save her boyfriend David from failing in school by murdering teachers. However, David has gotten tired of her and is putting his charm on a new girl in school, Robin. Robin discovers that she also has magic powers, and before long the two girls clash violently.
Executive Producer
Danny Dandoy is a good-humored, streetwise cop working the dusk-to-dawn shift in Los Angeles with his somewhat naive new partner, Macey, in this proposed pilot for a new TV series.
Danny Dandoy is a good-humored, streetwise cop working the dusk-to-dawn shift in Los Angeles with his somewhat naive new partner, Macey, in this proposed pilot for a new TV series.
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
Executive Producer
Dennis Weaver is a Joseph Wambaugh-type novelist cop and Pat Hingle is his hard-nosed superior who wants him to stick to police work or get off the force in this pilot to the short-lived series.
The Night Rider
"The Mark of Zorro" was updated for this pilot for a prospective series that tells of a New Orleans gentleman who turns masked rider to fight for law and order and avenge his family's killing by four men who wanted their silver mine.
The Night Rider
Executive Producer
"The Mark of Zorro" was updated for this pilot for a prospective series that tells of a New Orleans gentleman who turns masked rider to fight for law and order and avenge his family's killing by four men who wanted their silver mine.
The Jordan Chance
Jordan Chance was wrongfully imprisoned for ten years. Upon release, he becomes a lawyer and investigates the case of a Mexican woman convicted of murder. The local police give him every reason to believe she was railroaded to ease a tense racial status quo, and they will stop at almost nothing to prevent the case from being reopened.
The Jordan Chance
Jordan Chance was wrongfully imprisoned for ten years. Upon release, he becomes a lawyer and investigates the case of a Mexican woman convicted of murder. The local police give him every reason to believe she was railroaded to ease a tense racial status quo, and they will stop at almost nothing to prevent the case from being reopened.
The Gypsy Warriors
Executive Producer
American soldiers (Tom Selleck and James Whitmore Jr.) must travel behind enemy lines to procure the formula for a deadly Nazi toxin in this World War II adventure.
The Gypsy Warriors
American soldiers (Tom Selleck and James Whitmore Jr.) must travel behind enemy lines to procure the formula for a deadly Nazi toxin in this World War II adventure.
Dr. Scorpion
Executive Producer
A retired spy is reluctantly lured back into action to take down a mad scientist living on a tropical island.
Dr. Scorpion
A retired spy is reluctantly lured back into action to take down a mad scientist living on a tropical island.
Dr. Scorpion
A retired spy is reluctantly lured back into action to take down a mad scientist living on a tropical island.
The November Plan
A hard-nosed private detective investigates a suspected overthrow of the U.S. government. Loosely based on The Business Plot of 1933.
Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours
A young private detective takes on his first case, a young woman with amnesia who doesn't know why a gunman is trying to kill her but believes she might be involved in a murder.
Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours
Executive Producer
A young private detective takes on his first case, a young woman with amnesia who doesn't know why a gunman is trying to kill her but believes she might be involved in a murder.
Scott Free
Executive Producer
A professional gambler finds himself on the run from the mob, the federal government, and a band of Indians, all of whom have an interest in a piece of land he won in a poker game.
Scott Free
A professional gambler finds himself on the run from the mob, the federal government, and a band of Indians, all of whom have an interest in a piece of land he won in a poker game.
Associate Producer
A special police unit goes after a cop-killer in this pilot film to the short-lived series.
A special police unit goes after a cop-killer in this pilot film to the short-lived series.
This TV-pilot, later made into a TV-series, is about a cop in Newark, New Jersey, who defies his superiors to try to bring down the head of a Mafia numbers racket.