Zila Carni

참여 작품

신의 총
Juanita Lewis
사제에서 자경단원으로 변신한 존 신부(리 반 클리프)가 술집에서 남자를 살해한 샘 클레이튼(잭 팰런스)이 이끄는 갱단을 추적한다. 패거리들이 마을로 돌아오면서 젊은 교구민 조니를 남겨둔 채 사제를 살해해 버린다. 그는 이제 성인의 죽음에 대한 복수를 다짐하는데...
The Story of Jacob and Joseph
This film recounts the tales of the Biblical figures, Jacob and Joseph. The first part tells the story of Jacob fleeing his tribe when he cheats his brother out of his birthright, gets cheated himself in his exile years while learning of the need to make amends. The second part is of the story of Jacob's favorite son, Joseph. Betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, he meets and overcomes all adversity to become the Prime Minister of Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh.