Alf Jörgensen

Alf Jörgensen

출생 : 1914-02-04, Helsingborg, Malmöhus län, Sweden

사망 : 1972-04-11

프로필 사진

Alf Jörgensen

참여 작품

A day in the life of a theater ensemble. The acting students are struggling to get one foot ahead of the others and the regular cast is fighting for the good parts.
A comedy mystery involving the composer and cartoonist Hubert Yrhage, the journalist Gary Lundberg, anticartoon campaigner Lena Lett, the mysterious Jens Myskovich and music publisher Darling Karlsson. Yrhage receives his manuscripts from an 11 year-old whose inspiration comes from the mysterious events at a boarding house where several of the characters stay.
The Yellow Squadron
The year is 1954. The war in Korea has just ended and the superpowers stand by each side of the boarder. The peace in Europe is fragile and the cold war is imminent. At F8 - Air Fore Base, the yellow squadron stand ready with its J29 fighters.
Resan till dej
The marriage of the newlyweds Gun and Emil is strained when Gun sings in a radio show and makes a breakthrough.
I dur och skur
"In rain and shine" - Sid och Filibert are identical twins. Sid is a theater manager and composer and when his brother arrives to Stockholm for a position at the Museum of Natural History, Filibert is mistaken for Sid.