2020 marks 100 years since the birth of Federico Fellini, the most prominent Italian director and one of the symbols of the insuperable cinematic heyday of mid-20th century. Fellini had always been a mysterious director, not only in his cryptic symbolism but also in his idiosyncratic, excessive mixture of psychoanalysis, Catholicism and faith in the mysterious. In this documentary, his relationship with the paranormal, luck and fate, alongside the coexistence of organized discourse and transcendence to the imaginary, is examined via friends, collaborators and distinguished fans (Friedkin, Gilliam, Chazelle). A great testimony to why rationalists and ideologists have a hard time with his work, ‘Fellini and the Spirits’ is an appropriate yet unexpected tribute.
A documentary created by the Criterion Collection for their release of Italian film director Federico Fellini's Amarcord about his relationship with his home town, Rimini, featuring archive interviews with the director and more recent interviews with some of his friends and collaborators.
포강 하류, 항상 짙은 안개가 깔리는 마을에 사는 알도는 연인 이르마에게 갑작스럽게 이별을 통보받고 정처 없는 방랑을 떠난다. 거대한 공장, 빗물이 들이치는 움막, 얼어붙은 평원 등 인물의 감정과 공명하는 장소를 지나쳐가는 그의 여정은 ‘세계에서 자신의 자리를 찾기’ 위한 일련의 시도들로 구성되어 있다. 하지만 모든 곳이 거주 불가능한 것처럼 보이고 그는 최후의 선택으로 내몰린다.
The documentary illustrates the history of the birth and development of the porticoes module in Bologna, starting from the Middle Ages. After a brief historical investigation on the origin of the arcades and on the revolution that affected urban architecture following their introduction, we analyze the social impact that these had, and still have, on the lives of Bolognese citizens. The porch, among other things, is presented as an architectural solution capable of facilitating meeting and communication.