Sonny Landham

Sonny Landham

출생 : 1941-02-11, Canton, Georgia, USA

사망 : 2017-08-17


William Marion "Sonny" Landham (February 11, 1941 – August 17, 2017), or Sonny Landham, was an American film actor, stunt man and politician. He portrayed tracker Billy Sole in Predator. At the beginning of his acting career, Landham was an actor in pornographic films. He then became a mainstream movie actor and appeared in a number of Hollywood films, including The Warriors (as a subway policeman whose leg gets broken by a baseball bat-wielding Michael Beck), Predator, 48 Hrs., Lock Up and Action Jackson. In 2003, Landham ran in the Republican Party primary election for the post of Governor of Kentucky, hoping to repeat the success of his Predator castmates Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura and California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. He based his candidacy on opposition to an amendment which endorsed the Kentucky Family Court, saying his bad experiences at the hands of the family court had convinced him it was for the benefit of lawyers rather than families or children. He was unsuccessful in gaining the party's nomination. He ran briefly as an independent candidate, but withdrew on June 18, 2003, and endorsed the Republican slate. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

프로필 사진

Sonny Landham
Sonny Landham

참여 작품

Mental Scars
Chief Bear
An investor buys an old junkyard and plans to convert it into a parking lot. She has no idea it sits on top of a Native American burial ground, or that a maniacal killer will do anything to protect it.
Boone Cagle
Charles Wilcox III finds himself on the street after the death of his Grand Dad. His anxiety disintegrates into complete madness, pulling others with him into a deadly encounter with an ancient evil.
Two men awaken from a long cryogenic sleep, to do battle in a future as primitive and violent as the remote past. California has become an arid island wasteland of subsistence farming, hunting and scavenging. The air quality is now perfect unlike the bio-contaminated atmosphere of almost a century before.
Billy Lone Bear
An honest cop named Billy Bear hides from the IRA in an Indian reservation. The problem is, the IRA's assassin is a bad cop. On the reservation, Billy turns the table on the assassin.
Billy Lone Bear
Billy Lone Bear
An honest cop named Billy Bear hides from the IRA in an Indian reservation. The problem is, the IRA's assassin is a bad cop. On the reservation, Billy turns the table on the assassin.
Carnival of Wolves
One-Eyed Jack
Four men plan a robbery in a pub
Guns & Lipstick
A female private investigator's latest client turns up murdered, and she is thrust into a deadly underworld of bi-sexual strippers, a Chinese Godfather with a taste for young girls and the hunt for one very elusive gem.
Twisted Fate
A FBI agent going back to his home town. He have to decide if he should be true to his job or take care of his brother who is on the wrong side of the law.
Night Realm
Taxi Dancers
Diamond Jim
This sleazy little drama offers a grim slice from the lives of those who work in a seedy LA dime-a-dance ballroom.
베스트 오브 더 베스트 2
알렉스, 토미, 트래비스는 가라데를 가르치는 무술인이다. 어느날 알렉스와 토미가 파티에 간 사이 트래비스는 알렉스의 아들 윌터를 데리고 브라커스가 운영하는 콜로세움에 가 브라커스에게 도전하나 죽음을 당하고 만다. 월터에게 이 사실을 듣게 된 알렉스와 토미는 콜로세움으로 가 브라커스에게 도전하나 역시 패해 도망나온다. 알렉스는 태권도를 하는 대한과 애인 수우의 도움에도 불구하고 죽음의 위기에 몰리자 토미, 윌터와 함께 토미의 할머니 집으로 피신한다. 그곳에서 브라커스에게 당한 적이 있는 제임스에게 여러가지 무술을 익히지만 그곳까지 따라온 일당에게 토미가 끌려가고 나머지는 간신히 살아남는다.
Maximum Force
Three renegade cops team up to take on the corrupt chief of police and a crime lords hatchet-man.
Chink Weber
프랭크 레노는 모범수로서 6개월만 있으면 오랜 교도소 생활을 마치고 사회로 나가게 되어있다. 그는 과거 교도소내의 생사여탈의 권한을 완전히 쥐고 있는 드럼굴 소장에게서 탈옥하여 그의 비행을 사회에 알림으로써 그를 벽지 교도소로 좌천시켰었다. 남은 형기를 모범수로 채우던 레오네가 출소를 6개월 앞두고 뜻밖에 제3의 교도소로 전출된다. 그 동안 벽지 교도소에서 복수의 칼을 갈던 드럼굴이 새로 소장으로 부임한 교도소였다. 온갖 가학으로 레오네를 괴롭히지만 꿋꿋이 견딘다. 그러나, 소장을 사주를 받은 한 수용수가 면회온 애인을 강간하겠다는 협박에 탈옥을 기도하는데, 모든 것은 소장의 계획이었다.
Billy Sole
더치와 특수부대 동료들은 CIA와 계약을 맺어 중앙 아메리카 정글에서 게릴라들에게 붙잡힌 조종사를 구하러 간다. 임무는 순조롭게 진행되었으나 그들은 귀환 도중 무언가로 부터 공격을 받는다. 보이지 않는 적은 정글 속에 숨어서 그들의 사체를 전리품으로 수집해간다. 이 외계 괴물은 더치의 동료들을 하나씩 죽이면서 유희를 벌이는데...
지옥의 투사
El Coyote
맥스(Max Donigan: 척 노리스 분)와 리오(Leo Porter: 루이스 고셋 주니어 분)는 친구 사이로서 수많은 모험을 즐기며 사는 젊은이들이다. 최근 중동의 사막지에서 구사일생으로 살아 돌아온 그들은 그런 생활을 관둘까 생각하고 있던 중에 패트리샤(Patricia Goodwin: 멜로디 앤더슨 분)라는 미모의 아가씨가 그들 앞에 나타나 한장의 보물 지도를 보여주며, 신비한 인디언 전설과 함께 엄청난 보물이 숨겨져 있다는 얘길한다. 그러면서 그녀는 둘에게 보물을 찾으면 50대 50으로 나누는 조건으로 함께 모험의 길을 떠날 것을 제의한다. 리오는 약간 내키지 않으나 맥스가 강권하여 둘은 승낙한다. 그러나 그 순간부터 세 사람은 인디언들의 표적이 되어 위험한 고비를 숱하게 넘기게 된다. 지도에 적힌 동굴에 도착한 일행은 황금대신 한 자루의 신비한 단검을 입수한다. 인디언 예언가 톨 이글(Tall Eagle: 윌 샘슨 분)의 도움으로 인디언들의 저주를 모면한 일행은 동굴에서 얻은 정보를 토대로 금을 찾아 산 미구엘로 간다. 그때부터, 불의 전사의 후예라는 엘 코요테(소니 랜담 분)의 끈질긴 추적을 받으며, 중남미의 불안한 사회환경 속에서 숱한 죽을 고비를 넘긴 끝에 마침내 사원에 도착하나 엘 코요테의 함정에 빠져 최대의 위기에 빠지나 모험으로 단련된 이들은 엘 코요테를 물리치고 엄청난 황금을 손에 넣는데...
An astronaut's ship passes through a strange magnetic field on its way back to Earth, and when he emerges from it after landing, he finds he has acquired superhuman powers and a super-genius IQ.
The Dirty Dozen: Next Mission
Sam Sixkiller
Major Reisman is "volunteered" to lead another mission using convicted army soldiers, sentenced to either death or long prison terms. This time their mission is to kill a Nazi general who plans to assassinate Hitler.
Calvin Duggai
A soldier who deserted because of spiritual beliefs was tried and evaluated by four psychiatrists, and they all concluded that he was unable to distinguish right from wrong, so he was sentenced to a mental hospital. One day, he escapes and kidnaps them and leaves them all in the middle of the desert.
Billy Bear
한 대의 픽업 트럭이 노역 중인 죄수들에게 다가와 죄수와 위장 싸움을 벌여 감시원들을 사살후 탈옥시킨다. 강력사건 전담 형사 잭(Jack Cates : 닉 놀테 분)은 형사들을 살해하고 달아난 일당을 잡기 위해 옛날 탈옥범 일당과 함께 일을 했던 레지 해먼드(Reggie Hammond : 에디 머피 분)를 48시간 동안 가석방시켜 그들을 쫓는다. 샐리(Sally : 데니스 크로비 분)라는 여인을 인질로 잡은 탈옥범을 발견한 잭이 쏘려고 하자 깽으로 오인받아 경찰에 잡히고 탈옥범은 도주한다. 48시간이 다 되어 교도소로 가야하는 레기를 위해 술을 사로 가다가 버려진 버스를 보고 탈옥범이 숨어있는 곳을 알아낸다. 그들과 숨막히는 추격전이 벌어진 후,탈옥범들은 잭과 레기의 총에 맞아 숨을 거두고 남은 복역기간 6개월을 채우러 교도소로 돌아가는 레기는 새 사람이 되어 정직하게 살기를 맹세하고 애인 신디의 전송을 받는다.
Pool Worker
두 아이와 부부가 살고 있는 평범한 한 가정에서 이상한 일이 발생한다. 갑자기 집에 있는 가구와 물건들이 저절로 움직이는 초자연 현상이 일어난 것이다. 가족들은 이런 현상이 TV와 교신하는 막내딸과 관계가 있음을 알아내고는 공포에 휩싸인다. 그러던 어느날 집앞의 나무가 움직이고 천둥이 치면서 집기류가 난동을 부리는 와중에 막내딸이 실종된다. 가족들은 초심리학자를 초대하여 막내딸을 찾지만 텔레비젼에서 도와달라는 소리만 들릴뿐 초심리학자도 원인을 찾아내지 못한다. 단지 그 집터가 원래 공동묘지엿다는 사실만 밝혀진다.
서던 콤포트
A squad of National Guards on an isolated weekend exercise in the Louisiana swamp must fight for their lives when they anger local Cajuns by stealing their canoes. Without live ammunition and in a strange country, their experience begins to mirror the Vietnam experience.
Riverside Drive Man #8
마피아의 회계담당인 잭은 FBI와 내통하고 조직의 돈을 빼돌리다, 결국 조직에 들통나 일가족 모두가 위험에 처한다. 이때 거래 장부를 아들 필에게 쥐어주고, 이웃에 사는 글로리아(Gloria Swenson: 지나 로랜스 분)라는 여인에게 보호를 요청하고 맡겨진다. 이후, 잭의 일가족은 들이닥친 마피아 조직원들에 의해 몰살당하고 만다. 글로리아는 마피아의 한 지역 중간 보스의 정부인데, 그녀는 부모를 잃은 철부지 아이를 떠안게 되어 어쩔 수 없이 마피아의 표적이 된 채 도피길에 오른다. 어느 곳이든 마피아 조직이 두 사람을 끈질기게 추적해 오고, 위험의 고비를 여러차례 넘기는데.
Policeman in Subway Station
뉴욕 전체를 아우르는 최강 갱단의 리더가 암살당했다! 억울하게 살해 세력으로 몰린 한 갱단. 덕분에 경찰에게 쫓기는 것은 물론 다른 조직들의 먹잇감이 되고 마는데. 다시 본거지로 돌아가기 위한 이들의 사투가 뉴욕 한복판에서 펼쳐진다.
The Ganja Express
First Yellow Toga Guy (uncredited)
Toni is a smart drug smuggler, living in a luxuriously home by the beach. The pot (ganja) producers pack it in crates, take it from Jamaica to a precise point of New England waters, and dump it in the sea. With no apparent connection with them, a couple of scuba-divers later retrieve the crates to their own boat, then take it in an old low-flying biplane to the continent. And then a third party will distribute to the consumers. The Narcotics Bureau has its informers, of course, but it seems the monthly Ganja Express can't be stopped. Eventually it will come ashore, in a mix of sex and violence, during an orgy at Toni's place.
Rita Lawrence, a serial bride and divorcée, throws a party for her most recent divorce -- lucky number thirteen. Watching the proceedings are an angel and a devil, who make a wager over whether lovely Rita’s next marriage will be for love or money. As Rita prowls for her next marital conquest, assisted by her wisecracking gal-pal Gloria Leonard, she must not only juggle three potential suitors, but avoid being assassinated by her vengeful ex-mother-in-law.
The Trouble with Young Stuff
Lane the Milkman
Alice is afraid that the visit from her cousin Matilda will rekindle their lust for each other. Matilda's young passion slowly spreads to Alice, her roommate, their boyfriends and girlfriend, the milkman and even the girlfriend's mother.
Big Thumbs
The reserved Andrea Dove becomes a nymphomaniac when she bumps her head while stuck in an elevator. She sets out on a quest to find the ultimate sexual satisfaction with a wealth of passing partners.
The Honey Cup
The golden juice brought sweetness to their lips.
Junkie #1
Sylvia is seemingly a quiet, reserved, saintly person living on a quiet, reserved well-manicured street in upper-middle class suburbia. However, Sylvia is hiding a secret - she has a multiple promiscuous personality disorder. However, one of her other persona's is about to cross the line.
Slippery When Wet
Dougie Knowles
Crystal Sync – a sly, charismatic, and assertive Southern girl – works as an erotic model who seduces a female artist and her friends with the help of her submissive quiet hunky brother.
Virgin Snow
A sexually explicit search of a woman to find the one man, that perfect union, that will give her the always near, and yet very elusive moment of total orgasm. From the busting city to the swinging ski resorts she fills her lust.
Blood Bath
The actors for a horror movie go out to dinner one evening with their director and tell horror stories to each other.
The Defiance of Good
Dr. Gabriels Patient
Under the influence of her "bad" friend, Cathy is caught experimenting with drugs by her religious mother. The parents feel the best thing for their wayward daughter is a little psychiatric observation. Little do they realize they are sending poor, innocent Cathy to a hell-hole of an institution, where she is repeatedly raped, abused, and is in danger of losing her mind. The only doctor who shows her understanding persuades her to be released under his supervision. Cathy soon finds herself traveling from the frying pan into the fire...
Abigail Leslie Is Back in Town
Abigail Leslie has been away for years but has now returned to the small town of Baypoint, where her sexual appetite made her infamous. Abigail is a woman who is serious about her carnal pursuits, and upon her return she immediately re-establishes her pursuit of the flesh of a lonely tomboy who has a longing for her brother, a repressed housewife who harbors a hidden love of the ladies, and a troubled husband and wife, Abigail having seduced the husband prior to her departure years earlier.
The Passions of Carol
Curt Reynolds
An X-Rated adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Carol Scrooge, the curmudgeonly owner of Biva Magazine (a sleazy skin publication), insists that her employees work on Christmas. However, on Christmas eve, Miss Scrooge is visited by three ghosts, each of whom shows her a different vision of Christmas, from Carol's lurid past of sexually manipulating her childhood friends to the meager Christmas celebrations of her present-day employee, Bob Hatchet and his wife, to a terrifying and sleazy vision of Christmas yet to come; each visit is infused with a barrel of laughs and a valuable lesson about the importance of giving and holiday spirit.
The Bite
Set in the early 1930's, 'The Big Con' (aka 'The Bite') is a colorful parody of 'The Sting' combining sex, comedy and monkey business. Three cons (Sweet Kate, The Toledo Kid and Johnny Memphis) get together during a sexual frolic and plan a terrific scam aimed at local banker Francis B. Dobbs. Dobbs is to be seduced into buying a 'house of ill repute.' For this purpose, the trio recruits beautiful women and other convincing characters who pose as call girls, governors, senators and successful businessmen performing sexual acrobatics to persuade Dobbs to make the purchase.
The Private Afternoons of Pamela Mann
Political Candidate
A housewife is tracked by a private investigator hired by her wealthy husband.
The Switch or How to Alter Your Ego
Huntington Van Huff
A shy, withdrawn female scientist invents a formula that turns her into a horny, oversexed nymphomaniac.
The story of those centerfold nymphets.
The Love Bus
Amos Johnson
Dr. Scheisekopf (Jamie Gillis) advises patient Jennifer Jordan (aka Sarah Nicholson) to get away for the weekend. When the bus she travels on crashes, passengers take refuge at crazy Sonny Landham’s country house where all manner of lewd hook-ups occur.
Happy Days
French Cook
A sexy salute to bobby sox, be-bop, falsies, and everything else that makes the 50's worth remembering. The first X-rated hardcore porn film to be marketed into theaters as a legitimate commercial film.
Come Fly with Us
A hard and penetrating look into the lives of gorgeous stewardesses.