Samantha Sims
The true story of a small town, working class father who embarks on a solo walk across the U.S. to crusade against bullying after his son is tormented in high school for being gay.
Wes Clayton is a lawman and a bishop in a Mormon community called Brigham. The town is shaken when a woman from California is found murdered. Clayton and his young deputy work with an FBI agent sent to investigate. As a civil and spiritual leader in the frightened town, Clayton must uncover the town's deepest secrets, find the murderer and keep Brigham from ripping itself apart.
Snack Shop Clerk
어느날 호주 푸에르토리코의 아레시보에 위치한 거대한 전파기지에 외계로부터 발신된 메시지가 도착한다. 메시지는 두가지인데, 첫번째는 오염물질을 배출하지 않으면서 메탄을 대체 에너지로 변화시킬 수 있는 획기적인 방법에 대한 정보였고, 두 번째는 외계 생물의 DNA를 합성할 수 있는 공식이었다. 메시지가 우호적이라 판단된 미국 정부는 DNA합성에 관한 메시지를 가지고 비밀리에 실험에 착수한다. 그 결과 반인간 반외계인인 아기가 탄생하고, 실(Sil)이란 코드네임을 부여받는다. 그러나 뭔가 씰 자신이 능력을 보이지 않고 있는 낌새에다가 비정상적으로 급속한 세포 증식의 속도 등 위험 요소가 다분하다고 느낀 실험진에서는 씰(Young "Sil": 미쉘 윌리암스 분)을 완전히 제거하려 한다. 그러나 예상과 달리 소녀는 가스에 의해 죽기는 커녕 힘이 엄청나게 세져서 방탄 벽을 뚫고 달아나게 된다. 그에 따라 씰을 추적하기 위해 연방의 특수추적 전문가 프레스 팰리(Preston Lennox: 마이클 매드슨 분)와 심령술사, 분자생물학자 등으로 이루어진 팀을 구성, 실을 제거하기 위한 추적에 나선다. 성숙한 여인("Sil": 나타샤 헨스트리지 분)이 된 씰은 어느날 그녀 앞에 나타난 임신한 여자를 보고 자신도 임신하기를 원한다. 특수요원들이 자신을 추적하고 있음을 감지하면서도 씰은 남자를 찾아 다니며 마음에 안드는 사람은 모두 잔인하게 살해한다. 마침내 추적팀의 한 대원과 관계를 맺은 씰은 지하로 숨어들어 부화를 하게 되고 추적팀은 그들을 막기 위해 하수구로 들어가게 된다. 씰은 결국 기름 구덩이에 빠져 죽게 되지만 씰의 몸에서 떨어져나간 신체 일부가 추적팀이 사리진 뒤 쥐와 합성되어 새로운 쥐가 나타나게 된다.
Building Supervisor
Jack Hart lives with his lawyer wife and yound daughter and enjoys a wonderful life. Jack's old girlfriend, Lisa, comes into town and they have an affair. Lisa kills her current boyfriend in self-defense and Jack witnesses the whole thing. Lisa goes on trial for murder with Jack's wife as her lawyer. As the movie progresses Lisa's devious side becomes known and make for an interesting conclusion
Dinah (voice)
Jesus uses a series of short stories, parables, to help us learn about the Kingdom of Heaven and about how to live each day. Eternal life, faith, judgment, obedience and preparedness are the principles explored in this video. The Kingdom of Heaven begins with Jesus in the clouds and angels in the background. There are people from different times and different races looking into the clouds and seeing Jesus. Jesus begins to speak to the people about the Kingdom of Heaven and how the treatment of others is the same as actions toward Him. Slowly, Jesus' shining garment is traded for an earthly robe and He is preaching to a gathering of people. Two Pharisees watch and listen. Boaz, one of the Pharisees, is angered by what he hears Jesus saying and the other Jeremiah is intrigued. David and Sarah, brother and sister, listen also. Boaz says that all Jesus does is tell silly stories. Jeremiah tries to explain that perhaps Jesus wants everyone to discover the meaning from the stories...
Hanna (voice)
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
Mary Magdalene (voice)
He is Risen is the story of the greatest miracle of all, the resurrection and ascension of Jesus. Sorrow and despair at the Lord’s crucifixion become complete joy and love as the disciples behold their resurrected Master three days later. The events of the real story of Easter teach of the atonement and resurrection, providing hope to Christians around the world.
Other Mother in Store
Little Billy witnesses his parents being brutally murdered by Santa. Years later, when he has to fill in for an absent in-store Santa Claus, his childhood trauma materializes once again.
Mrs. Jensen
Based on the book by John D. Fitzgerald, this movie stars Jimmy Osmond as a mischievous boy out to swindle his whole town for everything they're worth...and who occasionally puts his smarts to use for a good cause.