Catherine Alric

Catherine Alric

출생 : 1954-03-23, Neuilly sur Seine, France


Catherine Alric est née à Neuilly-sur-Seine d'une famille venant des quatre coins de la France, Auvergne (où elle a créé avec des amis un refuge, la SPA le 15, dont elle est vice-présidente),Hautes-Alpes, Normandie et Bretagne. Après son baccalauréat philo, elle fait deux ans de préparation aux Beaux-Artsde Paris. Parallèlement à son entrée dans cette grande école, elle estmannequin au sein d'agences de Paris :Models Internationals puis Catherine Harlé. Demandée par des marques pour des publicités, elle délaisse petit à petit la peinture pour suivre des cours de comédie. Élève du Cours René Simon puis du Cours Viriot. C'est dans cette période, qu'elle rencontre le metteur en scène Philippe de Broca  qui lui ouvre les portes du septième art avec un premier rôle dans "L'Incorrigible" aux côtés de Jean-Paul Belmondo. Après ce début rapide, elle enchaîne plusieurs films, tournant notamment sous la direction de : Jean Yanne, Gérard Lauzier, François Leterrier… Elle tourne également pour la télévision. Elle vient d'ailleurs de terminer récemment un tournage pour TF1. Elle travailla beaucoup à l'étranger tout particulièrement en Italie et en Grande-Bretagne. Elle a participé à l'écriture du livre Rêves d'étoiles aux Éditions Alphée en 2009 avec l'ancien spationaute Jean-Loup Chrétien. Elle a aussi écrit des livres avec des versions K7 pour les enfants aux Éditions Nathan.Boulette et Marcel à l'opéra en 1990, Boulette et Marcel dans la rivière sacrée en 1991. Elle a également réalisé et édité un album Le grand cirque au chapiteau doré (Ciral Éditions) et écrit Leur toute première fois aux Éditions du Rocher en 1988. Elle a participé à l'écriture de plusieurs scénarios et vient d'en terminer un dont le titre provisoire est Vivre ensemble. Elle est chevalier de la Légion d'honneur.

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Catherine Alric

참여 작품

Marié(s) ou presque
Coustaud and Milka have to organize a memorable party to bury the boy life of their friend Tom. They go into their usual cafe, where all the guests that night give their opinion of the marriage, its setbacks and its amenities.
Qu'elle est belle la quarantaine
La présidente
A 40-year-old widower and a 38-year-old divorcee, both single parents who both work in the same company but he as an executive and she as a waitress have nothing in common except for solitude and two friends somehow come together.
Double Face
Liberté, égalité, choucroute
A parody of the French Revolution, on Arabian Nights background. Bagdad Calif is in Paris in 1789, where he decides to visit the Executionner equipment exhibition.
Drôle de samedi
Véronique's friend
Slices of Life
La belle partouzeuse
A series of humorous sketches on life: "A Night to Remember", "Summit Showdown", and "A Book? That's personal!"
A woman revisits long-suppressed nightmares as she is being chased through an abandoned warehouse by a strange man.
Non Stop Trouble with Spies
Herbie Melbourne is a poor schlemiel who is inadvertently caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea in this German farce about a cab driver assigned to bring a "comrade" back to the East German side of the Berlin wall, a passenger who is dead to the world, permanently, when he arrives. Herbie the cabbie is recruited by the KGB and East German Intelligence to help them discover who murdered the man in his back seat. After arriving on the West German side of the divide, Herbie is then recruited by the CIA and West German Intelligence to become a counterspy, for double what the other side is paying him. As Herbie seems to have no viable way out of this mess, he goes to a therapist for help. Reaching into her bag of tricks, she gives Herbie a small bottle he can sniff when in need of self-confidence, an act guaranteed to put him on top of any situation. Now Herbie is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer -- and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.
T'empêches tout le monde de dormir
A homeless street musician meets an attractive woman by chance and keeps following her until he persuades her to let him stay in her place.
La Revanche
Sylvie Noec
Jeanne Jouvert, a crime writer, has won the Quai des Orfèvres prize. Her publisher devises a clever publicity ploy that results in her husband, Alfred, head of the anti-gang squad, being honored in her place. The policeman finds himself quite comfortable as a best-selling author and takes advantage of the situation. Tired of having been submissive for too long, Jeanne plans her revenge. She asks for help from her friend Anne Beaufort, herself disappointed by her husband, who pretends to help Third World countries by selling them weapons. The two of them will prove what they are capable of by organizing a hold-up of the central post office in Paris.
La Puce et le Privé
Val Brosse, a private detective, receives Françoise, who confesses to him that she murdered her husband. The story is false, but Val, intrigued, decides to investigate.
Pétrole ! Pétrole !
Liza Bérian
Le PDG d'une importante société pétrolière voit ses manoeuvres illicites déjouées par un jeune concurrent dont la femme n'est autre que la fille de son fournisseur arabe.
Más allá de la aventura
A French reporter travels to Iguazú Falls, where a local has found an object that may or may not be a fragment of a UFO.
Jupiter's Thigh
Agnès Pochet
Antoine, a professor of Greek, and Lise, a police inspector, honeymoon in Greece. There they meet a young couple, Charles, an archaeologist, and Agnes, a dishy flirt. Charles unearths the lovely buttocks of a classical statue and is determined to donate it to the Louvre. Agnes wants to sell it and gets a handsome local sailor to take it for an appraisal. When the sailor is murdered, the police suspect Charles and arrest Antoine as his accomplice. Lise swings into action, but before she can clear the men, Agnes springs them from jail, and now Lise must help them elude the police, find the real murderer, and recover the statue fragment. More art goes missing. What is the statue's secret?
The Associate
Alice Duphorin
An unemployed investor creates a fictious business partner to attempt to improve business. Eventually, his creation gets out of control as his business becomes successful and his wife announces that she is in love with the partner and his son wishes the partner was his father -- although no one has ever seen him. To regain control, the man decides to "kill" his imaginary partner and is arrested for the murder.
We'll Grow Thin Together
Victor is a screenwriter whose last work about the Marechal Pétain is refused by his producer. To add insult to injury, he tells Victor he is paunchy. The unfortunate man becomes obsessed by his weight. He goes out of his way to lose pounds, abetted by his wife, Corinne, who puts him on a reducing diet. He must also go to a health center where he takes exercise. Nothing really works. And one day, in a brewery, he cannot withstand his diet anymore and he has a gastronomic meal. Desperate, he tries his luck at a weight watchers reunion.
바람둥이 피아니스트
Muriel Picoche
A discontented concert pianist causes all sorts of heartbreak with his egotistical and womanizing antics, and all the people in his life attempt to force him to grow up in this French comedy/drama.
Les marloupins
La mort amoureuse
A young woman, elegant, cold and inhuman, who is none other than Death, reigns over a universe dominated by electronics, the firm Thanatos Unlimited Corporation. A file in a computer and life stops. But death is also capable of knowing love. Thus she keeps Robert, a worker in eternal youth and forces him to love her until he falls in love with Marie, a barmaid. But can we defy Death with impunity?
귀여운 여형사
Christine Vallier
어머니와 이모와 함께 귀여운 딸아이를 키우며 사는 이혼녀 리즈는 여자 경찰이다. 평범한 여자로서의 삶을 살려고는 하나 가방 속엔 언제나 총과 수갑을 넣고 다니며, 많은 남자 경찰들의 보스로서 살아가야 하는 리즈의 삶은 평범하지만은 않다. 20대에 기대감과 모험심으로 탐정 소설의 주인공 인생을 꿈꾸며 선택한 경찰이란 직업. 그러나 정작 그녀가 지금에 와서 하는 일은 경범죄 단속, 자동차 도둑 잡기 등 자질구레한 일 뿐이다. 그러던 어느날, 리즈의 차가 지나가던 자전거와 부딪치는 사고가 난다. 그 자전거를 타고 있던 사람은 다름 아닌 대학 동창 앙뜨완느. 그는 소르본느 대학에서 그리스어 교수로 재직 중이다. 그러한 앙뜨완느에게 리즈는 자신의 직업을 밝히지 못한다. 앙뜨완느는 리즈에게 열렬한 구애를 보내고 리즈도 조금씩 호감을 느끼게 된다. 한편, 리즈가 근무하는 관할구역에서 살인사건이 발생하게 되고 그녀는 사건을 수사하는 중책을 맡게된다. 이때부터 리즈는 앙뜨완느와의 사랑과 범인을 잡으려는 수사 사이에서 고민하게 된다. 사건은 점점 미궁으로 빠져들고 앙뜨완느와의 사이도 점차 멀어져만 간다.
Julie pot-de-colle
Julie asks Jean-Luc Farlot, authorized signatory of a big European bank to help her disguise a murder as an accident.
Victor Vautier is incorrigible: he's in constant motion, working several cons at once, using different names and changing disguises. He's charming and outrageous, incapable of uttering a sentence that isn't embellished or an outright lie. His life goal is to make enough money to build a sea wall to protect Mont-Saint-Michel. Charlotte, a parole officer, shows up: she's young and seems taken in by Victor. He discovers she lives above the Senlus Museum, where her parents are the curators. With two pals he decides to steal a priceless El Greco triptych and then ransom it back to the cultural ministry. What will Charlotte do when she realizes he's used her to make a fortune?