Theo Abrams
화재 현장에서 동료를 잃고 6개월간 강제 휴직을 떠난 소방관 테오. 복직을 위해 정신과 상담을 받으며 신약을 복용하지만, PTSD(외상 후 스트레스 장애) 증상은 나날이 심해져만 간다. 그러던 어느 날, 거대 방산업체 ‘엠텍’의 비리를 파헤치던 아내 안젤라가 싸늘한 시신으로 발견되고, 테오는 하나뿐인 아들마저 빼앗긴 채 살인범으로 몰린다. 테오는 경찰의 추적을 피해 진실을 밝혀내려고 애쓰지만, 주변 동료들마저 무참히 살해당하는데…
Abie Pakkies
Based on true events, Ellen tells of the troubled relationship between a mother and her drug-addicted son - a relationship that will eventually drive her to the edge and lead to his murder. In 2007, the death of 20 year old Abie Pakkies created a stir in South Africa and the world. The most disturbing part of the case was that the murderer was his mother, Ellen. When advocate Adrian Samuels takes on the case, he is determined to prove that Ellen Pakkies had no choice. But what compelled her to stop seeking help? How does a mother become desperate enough to take her own son's life? Told across two timelines, Ellen is the harrowing account of a woman put through the penal system, tried for murder and driven by an unflinching love for her son. It delves into the inner psyche of a family ravaged by drugs in one of the most dangerous communities in South Africa. A scourge that extends beyond the Cape Flats and highlights a systematic failure to protect the poorest of the poor.
Kieren Junior
The past and present collide when a kid from the mean streets of Cape Town is inducted into the gravity defying world of flying trapeze.
The harrowing tale of a South African street-kid's search for love, based on Dickens' classic story. Growing up neglected in a rural orphanage, Twist escapes to the unpredictable freedom of Cape Town, where he falls in with Fagin's gang of street urchins. With a gritty honesty steeped in its vibrant characters, Boy called Twist superbly captures the contemporary equivalents of Dickens' seedy individuals as it shadows the timeless tale in its own inimitable style.