Hideyuki Umezu
출생 : 1955-07-24, Nagoya - Japan
Hideyuki Umezu (梅津秀行, Umezu Hideyuki born July 24, 1955) is a Japanese voice actor. Some of his more notable anime and video games roles include Battle Rock and Growvine from Machine Robo: Revenge of Cronos, Barry the Chopper from Full Metal Alchemist, Vindel Mauser from the Super Robot Wars franchise and the narrator from Death Note. He's also voiced characters in almost a dozen different installments of theSuper Sentai franchise.
Principal (voice)
하늘과 땅이 맞닿은 두 개의 세계… 봉인되었던 비밀의 문이 열린다!
멀지 않은 미래. 끝없이 이어진 터널로 가득한 지하세계에 살고 있는 ‘파테마’는 족장의 딸이자 호기심 많은 14살 소녀이다. 보지 못했던 세계를 경험하고 싶은 ‘파테마’는 어느 날 접근금지지역을 탐사하던 중 공중에 떠다니는 작은 물체들과 이상한 빛으로 가득 차 있는 공간을 발견한다. 그 곳을 살피던 ‘파테마’는 천정에 서 있는 누군가에 놀라 터널 아래로 떨어지면서 중력이 반대로 되어 있는 또 다른 지상세계로 나오게 된다. ‘파테마’는 지상세계에 살고 있던 소년 ‘에이지’와 마주치게 되고, 묘한 공감을 느끼면서 곧 친해진다. 한편, ‘에이지’가 살고 있는 지상세계를 독재하고 있는 ‘이자무라’의 일당은 지하세계에서 온 ‘파테마’를 쫓고, ‘파테마’와 ‘에이지’는 그를 피해 달아나던 중 두 개의 세계에 얽힌 놀라운 비밀과 맞닥뜨리게 되는데…
Aboji (voice)
외딴 산골에서 할아버지에게 사냥을 배워 솜씨 좋은 사냥꾼으로 성장하고 있는 소녀 하마지.
무사가 되겠다면서 일찌감치 산골을 떠나 수도인 에도에서 살고 있는 오빠 도세츠.
할아버지마저 돌아가신 뒤 혼자가 된 여동생의 소식을 전해 듣고, 자기가 보살펴줄 테니 에도로 오라고 편지를 보낸다. 도세츠의 집을 찾아 에도를 헤매던 중, 하마지는 죽은 개의 목이 즐비하게 놓여져 있는 광경에 충격을 받는다. 에도의 군주가 현상금을 걸어 인간(人)과 개(犬)의 혈통을 이어받은 '후세(伏)'를 사냥하게 한 뒤, 전리품으로 전시해 놓은 것이었다. 우연히 거리에서 만난 백발소년 시노의 도움으로 오빠를 무사히 만나게 된 하마지는 사냥꾼의 본능으로 후세를 쫓는다.
그리고 마침내 시노가 마지막 남은 후세라는 사실을 알게 되는데...
Newscaster (voice)
마법소녀의 충격적인 진실이 드러나고, 설상가상 최강의 마녀 ‘발프르기스의 밤’이 강림하려 한다. ‘큐베’와 ‘마도카’의 계약을 그토록 막았던 ‘호무라’의 놀라운 비밀, ‘큐베’의 숨겨진 정체, 그리고 마침내 마법소녀가 된 ‘마도카’. 싸움과 죽음의 운명을 받아들이면서까지 이루고 싶은 소원은 무엇일까?
Peter Soyuz
어느 날, 교도소가 폭파되는 사고가 발생하자 ‘에드’와 ‘알’ 형제는 그 곳으로 향하게 되고 거기서 ‘멜빈’이라는 탈옥수와 대치하게 된다. ‘멜빈’이 사용한 미지의 연금술로 인해 ‘에드’와 ‘알’은 그를 놓치게 되고, 신비로운 연금술의 비밀을 풀기 위해 이를 조사하던 중 ‘멜빈’에 대한 단서를 얻게 된다. 그러던 중 ‘멜빈’이 얼마 전 ‘아메스트리’라는 나라에 밀입국하려다 체포된 크레타인 ‘줄리아’와 관련이 있다는 사실을 알게 되자 그녀를 찾기 위해 ‘크레타’라는 나라와 국경을 접하고 있는 ‘테이블 시티’로 떠나게 되는데...
Ian Vashti
지구연방 신정부의 유화정책에 의해 점차 평화를 되찾아가는 세계. 거기에 CB의 모습은 보이지 않았다. 목성에서 돌연 나타나 지구를 향하는 지구 외 변이성 금속체 ELS의 대군, 그리고 아직 외계 종족과의 대화의 준비를 갖추지 못한 인류. 대화에 앞서 생존을 위해, 그리고 어쩌면 가능할지도 모르는 대화를 위해 CB와 건담 마이스터들은 다시금 싸움터로 향한다.
Second Break Blade movie. The narration begins by revealing Athens invaded the Krisna Kingdom for allowing the Orlando Empire to cross into their land to attack Athens during their power struggle over Assam but the true purpose of the invasion is to take over the Krisna Quartz mines as Athens is suffering a shortage of Quartz. In the Athens capital of Ilios, Secretary of War Loquis has received news that his brother Zess has successfully reach Binonten. Meanwhile, Rygart manages to get a ceasefire between the Athens invaders and Krisna defenders and speaks with Zess.
In the continent of Cruzon, an impending war between the Kingdom of Krisna and the nation of Athens is brimming. The people of this land are able to use quartz for whatever purpose they desire. Yet one person, Rygart Arrow, is not. He is an "un-sorcerer," a person unable to use quartz. But this characteristic will enable him to pilot an ancient Golem, one strong enough to put up a fight against the invading army of Athens.
Endo (voice)
The third film in Shin-Ei's series of annual WWII themed anime television movies for children "Sensou Douwa"
Golgo 13, Japan's most celebrated and notorious assassin, meets his match in Queen Bee, the leader of a South American liberation army, whom he must kill before she can assassinate a popular presidential candidate. However, once Golgo 13 penetrates the Queen's hive, he realizes that the machinations behind the planned assassination are more complex than he could have imagined.
Wanted Man (voice)
누베 학생중 한 명인 얌전하고 소심한 이지마 쿠미코가 지명수배의 남자를 발견하여 경찰에 신고한다.
남자는 도망치다가 텐구즈카에 격돌하여 중상을 입고 체포되었다.
그 이후 검정 망토의 남자가 쿠미코가 달고 있던 빨간 리본을 표적으로 이니셜 K·I의 소녀를 습격하는 사건이 계속된다...
검은 망토에 숨겨진 그 정체는!?
누베의 왼손에 봉인된 도깨비의 손은 학생들을 지킬수 있을까!?
Gakison (voice)
Akito Kobayashi has always had an interest in the occult, and when he learns to control demons though the help of a computer program he created and magnetite, the essence of human life, he plans to unleash hell on earth. The only hinderance may lie within his old friend Kojiro Soma, who has the ability to stop the destruction, if he can find it within himself to do so.
Steampunk (voice)
Prince Bulldont abducts several children and forces them to act in his deadly realistic film, leaving Ohranger to save the day. Takes place between episodes 8 & 9.
In 2086, Earth's axis tilted 90 degrees and after three years span, approximately ten billion people died. One million colonists who had moved to the moon prior to the disaster escaped what later became known as "The Great Fall". At the moon, they established the Panhuman World Government and organized the recolonization of the world. Seven locations were chosen for cities as starting points for this massive project.
Takayashi (voice)
A young Japanese actress remembers her war childhood in Korea. Her father goes to fight, her baby sister Miko dies of typhoid, her beloved Korean maid Ohana is fired due to a mistake which could cost Chiko her life... By and by Chiko realizes that the country is being ruled by the Japanese and the Koreans are persecuted. When the war ends, the Koreans chase the Japanese rule and the roles change. Now Chiko's family is unwanted. But then the Russians come and this is the end. They have to burn all the pictures to avoid all suspicions... even Miko's picture. But when the Russians come to their house, they decide to flee over the 38th Parallel towards freedom. A group of men, women, children struggles along the mountains, led by the light of the Northern Star. Along the way they meet a Korean man, who is willing to help them to escape the Russian soldiers although his family was killed by the Japanese.
Yukinojyo (voice)
A few days after Kagato is defeated everything returns to normal. Ryouko finds Mihoshi and Sasami reading shoujo manga, which Sasami mistakes as guides on how to win a boy's heart... Earth style. So Ryouko decides to try out the ideas from the manga to win over Tenchi. But Aeka finds out what her rival Ryouko is doing and tries to take advantage of the same method. Naturally, the results are less than satisfactory for all involved...
Hazakura Yakuza (voice)
Jin is a twenty-two year old stud, with good looks. He's challenged by sexy Ai Mizushima to make her orgasm - it's a wager he can't refuse especially when the prize is a brand new sports car.
Mr. Sakisaka (voice)
Graduating senior Sakisaka Saki is secretly in love with her older sister Noriko's boyfriend, Kazame Kaname, unaware that Noriko and Kaname have broken up. Saki hopes to escape her dilemma when she goes to college, but she ends up attending the same college as Kaname. During orientation, she is recruited to Kaname's video club. He wants to film her, but so does another boy, Tachibana Daichi, who is secretly in love with her. Can the knots be untangled and true love find its true course?
Mariko, codenamed "Rose Marie", is a leader of an anti-terrorism group, CAT (Counter Attack Terrorism). She lost her husband and son in a terrorist bomb attack at an airport. Also suffering injuries in the blast, she was left with a scar that looked like a rose flower on her chest. A secret summit conference is due to be held in Switzerland, with Marie's team deployed as security. However, it becomes clear terrorists have already made a move to sabotage the meeting...
Boomer-kun (voice)
Take the characters from a number of sci-fi based animes, a stage not unlike "Wacky Races," super deformed madness, and general insanity and what you get is Scramble Wars. While Scramble Wars does include characters from the original Bubblegum Crisis, Gall Force and Genesis Survivor Gaiarth, it also has a few other characters from other animes such as AD Police and Riding Bean.
Student (voice)
Lecherous high school boy Hanappe is visited by two demons who step from his TV and immediately fall in lust with his mother and sister. The demons turn Hanappe's home into a meeting ground for their demonic friends and grant Hanappe the power of the Hanappe Bazooka. Now his index finger is capable of both a deadly blast and the ability to drive women in a lustful frenzy, but Hanappe isn't very good at controlling it and winds up in serious trouble.
Tsuyoshi Toyama (voice)
On the trail of a missing husband, private investigator Goro crosses paths with a deranged killer.
Teacher (voice)
"시로"는 가족을 매우 사랑하는 검은 고양이입니다. 그녀는 그들을 너무 사랑해서 힘들고 어려울 때 그들을 돕고 싶어하지만, 그녀가 단지 고양이일 뿐이라면 이것을 하는 것은 어렵습니다. 그래서 어느 날 밤, 그녀는 달에서 그녀를 도울 수 있기를 바라며, 다음 날, 그녀는 인간 소녀로 변했습니다.
Yoshida (voice) / Shao Bai Lung (voice)
A hilarious mockumentary featuring an animated tale of an average person who slowly becomes an otaku (obsessive fanatic) and eventually becomes the "Otaking"! Between story segments, live action interviews with fictional die-hard otakus take place.
Mr. Hunter
The crew of the pirate ship Sol Bianca are out to steal some of the most valuable substance in the universe--Pasha. Small problem: they're not the only space pirates after the stuff. But, no big deal--they'll just burgle the burglars. That works out fine, except that the captain of the other ship doesn't take his defeat lightly and manages to infect the Sol Bianca with some machine-eating worms before getting arrested. Now they're stuck in jumpspace, and worse yet for the five, June is as sick as the ship and they don't even know what's wrong with her. By the time the crew figures out why nothing works, the police have shown up and the only plan they manage to come up with is to have Feb and April surrender and wait for the ship to recover. There's also a mysterious fellow who is not only trying to corner the market on Pasha, but seems to know all about the Sol Bianca and her crew--and he wants the captured pair transferred into his custody immediately.
The first OVA of the Ganbare Goemon series.
Ichirō Edajima (voice)
In the city of Oedo 2808a.d., three Cyber criminals are given two choices, to either rot in jail or to join a special force of the Cyber Police to get possibly one more chance at freedom ever again. For each criminal apprehended, and for each successful mission done, the state will agree to reduce their sentences. Lead by Hasegawa, the new recruits: Sengoku, Gogul, and Benton will bring some hard justice to Oedo and possibly taste freedom again.
Clerk (voice)
Guy is a Japanese street-brawler in New York who chooses to train under the famed boxer, Roman, with the hopes that he can raise enough money as a heavyweight to fund a life-saving operation for his father.
Takasato (voice)
Sho and his friend Tetsurou stumble upon an odd alien artifact while walking through the woods. Then, the alien artifact breaks free of its metallic bonds and enters Sho's body, turning him into the Guyver. With this new power, Sho must do battle with the evil Chronos corporation and their genetically enhanced Zoanoids, who seek to get the Guyver back into their labs. No one close to Sho is safe from Chronos. He must fight.
Zulten (voice)
The Turboranger must prevent a Boma from unsealing his father in order to utilize his hellfire to burn the Earth.
Toyokura (voice)
When the school Karate club's star fighter quits and decides to go pro, he unwittingly fulfills an ancient interdimensional prophecy and becomes demon king of his dimension. Soon his high school becomes a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement, and even his own traitorous demon minions. Well animated fight scenes ensue.
Colleague / Man B (voice)
거장 스탭이 모여 로봇이라는 큰 테마 아래 자신의 역량을 펼친 옴니버스 애니메이션
Soldier (voice)
A spaceship is lost near the forbidden planet of Inferno II. Some years later, a second ship with a crew of nine gets there and encounters a monster that rapidly makes mince meat of most of them. The sole survivor, Makuro Kitazato, must destroy the monster before it can surprise a third ship that is already en route.
Pen-Pen, the hat-and-tie-wearing prince of Penguin Land, turns up unexpectedly on little Mika's doorstep. and invites himself and his zany friends to stay.
Pilot A
The Dirty Pair are traveling to the planet of Ookbar in search of a missing girl. Kei and Yuri have traced Missinie to the forest of Nolandia, but their investigations have stalled thanks to the less than helpful Chief of Security. But the Dirty Pair have never let a little bureaucracy stand in their way. It's the unicorns and UFOs, not to mention the rampaging killer robot, that are going to be the problem as the Dirty Pair tackle their toughest case yet in Affair of Nolandia.
Mr. Ōbayashi (voice)
Michael is a cat - with a difference. He lives with a cartoonist and his wife and does his best to keep his cool amid the trials of everyday life in suburbia, like fussing human girls, the local tough cat Nyazilla - just like big grey lizard, a foe too fearsome to take risks with - and the females of his own species.