Valeri Solovyev

Valeri Solovyev

출생 : 1962-02-15,

프로필 사진

Valeri Solovyev

참여 작품

Down by the Water
In a forest river, hunters find the body of a young singer named Yanka Diaghilev. From that moment on, a confusing chronicle of the last day in the girl's life begins, during which she will travel a long way - from the city to the dacha, and then into the thicket to the river. On this day, Yanka will have time to see and talk with many people, real and imaginary, even with those who are no longer alive. It seems that Yankee's next step is about to shed light on the circumstances of her mysterious death: hopeless love, arguments with loved ones, disagreements with herself, strange meetings with strangers in the forest.
몬스터 하우스2: 인비져블 피닉스
쉿! 우리 집에 보이지 않는 누군가 있어! 사람에게는 보이지 않지만 집을 돌보고 유지하는 집 요정 ‘핀’ 열심히 집을 지키는 핀들과 다르게 아웃사이더인 ‘피닉’은 사람들을 싫어한다. 사람은 그저 시끄럽고 자신을 괴롭히는 존재일 뿐! 이사 오는 모든 사람들을 괴롭히며 내쫓기 바쁜 ‘피닉’의 집에 범상치 않은 소녀 ‘크리스틴’ 가족이 이사를 오게 되고 설상가상으로 ‘크리스틴’에게 정체까지 들켜버린다. 한편, 마을에 미스터리한 소동이 일어나 평화가 깨져버리고 뜻하지 않은 위험에 처한 ‘핀’과 ‘크리스틴’!
Horse Julius on the throne and Three Heroes
Dobrynya Nikitich (voice)
As always, our beloved horse, Julius, is steeped in history. And at the same time he helped the Prince - they accidentally exchanged bodies, of course, not without the help of an old acquaintance - Baba Yaga and a little witchcraft. Now Julius is sitting in the palace and landscaping Kiev, and the Prince plows the field. These are the games of thrones. But this cannot go on for long, the fatherland is in danger! And as always, three heroes get down to business.
오즈의 마법사: 요술구두와 말하는 책
‘도로시’의 집에 놀러 온 ‘팀’은 ‘도로시’의 요술구두를 구경하다 그만 에메랄드 시티로 빠져버린다. ‘팀’을 찾기 위해 다시 한번 마법의 세계로 떠나는 ‘도로시’! 한편, 교활한 악당 ‘어핀’은 시티의 왕이 되기 위해 사악한 계획을 준비하고… 과연 ‘도로시’와 친구들은 무사히 ‘팀’을 찾고 에메랄드 시티를 구할 수 있을까…?!
Three Heroes and the Princess of Egypt
Dobrynya Nikitich (voice)
The new adventures of the three heroes and, of course, the horse Yuliya!!!!. Where will the fate of the fairy tale heroes, who have fallen in love with them still go, what challenges do they have to overcome, that will help them defeat the dark forces? We will find out about this very soon.
오즈: 신기한 마법가루
어느 날, 몰래 들어간 할머니의 방에서 마법 구두를 발견한 ‘도로시’! 구두를 세 번 부딪히자 동화 속 ‘에메랄드 시티’에 불시착하는데…! 한편, 그곳에는 사악한 목수 ‘어핀’이 생명을 불어넣는 마법가루로 에메랄드 시티 정복을 꿈꾸고 있는데… ‘도로시’와 현명해진 ‘허수아비’, 따뜻한 마음을 갖게 된 ‘양철나무꾼’, 용감해진 ‘사자’는 과연 에메랄드 시티를 무사히 지켜낼 수 있을까?
Three Heroes and the King of the Sea
Dobrynya Nikitich (voice)
There is family trouble for the knights. To get out of trouble’s way, they decide to whizz off to China for a dragon tooth, the symbol of wisdom and power. At that time the Prince of Kiev is on a journey with his horse Julius; he is after the treasures of the Sea tsar to fill his coffers and “patch up the budget”. And the Sea tsar has decided to marry – and therefore drown Kiev. What is to be done? What will help our heroes? Friendship, boldness and, of course, love.
The Fortress: By Shield and Sword
In the war-torn countryside, an orphan and his young friend use all their skills to defend their home and people from opposing forces.
Three Heroes and Julius Caesar
The court horse Gaius Julius Caesar to his misfortune overhears boyars and learns about a conspiracy against the prince. What to do? Protect a prince no one! Heroes away - catch a robber Potanyu, Dragon on vacation, the army on maneuvers ... But if the bad guys are going to take over the world, to someone it is necessary to save him? Who is he, a hero who will come to the rescue? Of course, the horse Julius! This Strategy and the "grand strategist". He would save all, but if you do not save, then at least try. Most importantly, to the rescue of the world did not turn a complete disaster.
Three Heroes on Distant Shores
This time, Alyosha Popovich Dobrinya and Ilya Muromets, thanks insidious wiles of Baba Yaga, are the seven seas on the island where the natives live and terrible Gomuma. In their absence, the merchant Kolyvan decide together with Baba-Yaga take the kingdom, and the power to take away from the prince of Kiev. To help the hapless governor comes horse Julius and wife heroes and their extended family. In short, the heroes and the audience for adventures on distant shores, ordinary and extraordinary.
천하무적 키코리키
평화로운 마을 키코리키의 사이 좋은 동물 친구들 우연히 발견한 TV 속 세상에 빠지게 된 친구들은 환상의 도시를 꿈꾸며 여행을 떠난다. 폭풍우가 몰아치는 바다를 건너 우여곡절 끝에 마침내 도시에 도착하지만, 고슴도치 친구 치코가 행방불명 된다. 각종 위험이 도사리는 낯선 도시에 남겨진 키코리키 친구들은 잃어버린 친구를 찾고 무사히 집으로 돌아갈 수 있을까…?
영웅: 샐러멘더의 비밀
동남아시아의 비밀 연구시설에서 러시아인 과학자의 소식이 두절되자 구출을 위해 페디아를 비롯한 러시아 특수부대 정예 팀이 론마이 섬으로 날아간다. 그곳에서 그들을 기다리는 것은 거대 제약회사 사장 헌트와 미국 용병 릭이 만들어놓은 가공할만한 함정이었다. 그것은 세포의 재생기능을 원활히 하는 불로장생의 신약으로 그 연구 과정에서 인간을 미치게 만드는 ‘자살 바이러스’가 만들어진 것이었다. 인류가 멸망할지도 모르는 위기를 덮어버리고 신약의 이권을 독점하려는 헌트의 욕망... 과연 그 음모를 저지할 수 있을 것인가? 정글 깊은 곳에서 사나이들의 뜨거운 전투가 시작된다!
Three Heroes and the Shamakhan Queen
Dobrynya (voice)
A bogatyr is an epic warrior from ancient Kievan Rus. Most are directed in the traditional bylinas, traditional Russian epic poems, as being endowed with enormous strength and cunning, although often not completely immune to human weaknesses. Here, our three heroes gather together once more to rescue the ruler of the land from the attempts of an evil foreign queen. She plans to make him fall in love with her so her youth and beauty can be renewed, but in exchange will destroy his kingdom.
Kings Can Do Everything
On a visit to Russia, a young princess escapes her handlers for an adventure in the city.
Ilya and the Robber
Ilya Muromets (voice)
Ilya Muromets has to rescue his trusty horse Burushka and Kiev treasury from the greedy hands of the famous bandit, Solovey-Razboynik.
Short breath
He is young, but behind his back is already a great life experience: first, the divorce of his parents, then the Chechen war, where he ended up of his own free will. After a serious wound, he returns to the peaceful life of a big city. His beloved girl accuses him of male insolvency, and a severe mental trauma received in the war leads the hero to an attempted suicide. A native father comes to the rescue, who introduces his son to an experienced, mature woman with a dubious past. It is she who returns the guy self-confidence and interest in life. Initially, it was assumed that this connection would be temporary, but unexpectedly for all, a deep feeling arises between the characters ...
Nikitich and The Dragon
Dobrynya Nikitich (voice)
Dobrinya Nikitich goes on a quest to save the royal niece and finds out whether his old friend Zmey Gorinich is loyal to him. During the adventures, he is accompanied by the royal messenger who's in love with the royal niece.
Your Own Alien Life
Director Andrey Kalistratov is making a multi-part television film about the literary life of Petrograd after the Civil War, about the House of Arts, which was created by the Bolsheviks to control the creative intelligentsia. Modern Petersburg and Petrograd of 1921 are intricately intertwined in the director's mind. The cruel, bloody, but romantic world of the first years of the revolution and the artistic and everyday environment of modern cinema coexist in one space. The main characters of the film that Kalistratov is shooting - the poet and former officer Pyotr Versilov, his girlfriend Olga, the French documentary cameraman Etienne Faberge and his wife Francoise - are as real to the director as the people around him-the film's producer Semyon Mikhailovich, the film crew, actors, friends, acquaintances, relatives. Despite the demands of the producer to be "simpler" and "more economical", Kalistratov wants to make a real historical film, not a standard TV series "soap".