In 1945, a German bomber crash-lands in Iceland during a blizzard. Puzzlingly, there are both German and American officers on board. Flash forward to the present. The U.S. Army is clandestinely trying to remove the wreck of an airplane from an Icelandic glacier. A young Icelander, Elías, inadvertently stumbles upon the excavation and then promptly disappears. But before he vanishes, he manages to contact his sister, Kristín. She embarks on a thrilling and perilous adventure, determined to discover the truth of her brother's fate
The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or the one about the delicate boy who carves moorland birds, or maybe the one of the open-air sexual affair that has explosive consequences.
The village is brimming with stories and if you listen closely it might tell you a few. Perhaps the one about the businessman who dreams in Latin, or the one about the delicate boy who carves moorland birds, or maybe the one of the open-air sexual affair that has explosive consequences.
A teenage boy, raised by a mother who considers herself psychic, takes a bullied kid into his group of violent misfits. As the group’s troubles escalate toward life-threatening situations, an inner voice awakens in the boy and, with the help of his mother and his new friend, he manages to find his own path.
The Rock
A soldier, which army, which era, unclear. What’s clear is the evil he’s done. Faced with his impending mortality, he fears being judged in the afterlife. Only immortality will do. He meets a talking rock who promises just that - but he’ll first have to face his fiendish deeds...
Neils Brongus
작은 마을에서 노래한다고 꿈마저 작으란 법이 있나. 두 명의 가수가 세계 최대 규모의 노래 대회에 출전해 불꽃 같은 경쟁에 뛰어든다.
Newly widowed Frank Fogle embarks on a journey to Ireland to scatter his late wife’s ashes. His estranged son, Sean, recently released from prison, agrees to join only when his father promises that they’ll never see each other again following the trip. After revelations surface about an old flame of Frank’s wife and a charming hitchhiker with plans of her own intervenes, father and son find themselves drawn together in unexpected ways.
결혼하고 처음으로 떠난 유럽 여행. 뉴욕 경찰 닉과 미용사인 그의 아내 오드리는 황당한 누명을 쓴다. 요트 안에서 억만장자를 살해했다니? 이대로는 억울해서 못 살아!
육지와 동떨어진 스코틀랜드의 작은 무인도. 이 섬의 등대를 관리하는 ‘토마스’, ‘제임스’, ‘도널드’는 난파된 보트에서 남자의 시신과 금괴가 든 나무상자를 발견한다. 시신을 없애고, 금괴를 나누어 가지기로 한 세 사람. 그러나 상자를 찾아 낯선 사람들이 섬에 나타나고, 사건은 예상치 못한 방향으로 흘러가는데…
Ragnar the Rock (voice)
영원한 친구 히컵과 투슬리스의 활약으로 사람과 드래곤이 공존하며 평화롭게 살아가는 버크섬. 새로운 드래곤 ‘라이트 퓨어리’를 쫓아간 투슬리스를 찾다가 히컵은 누구도 찾지 못했던 드래곤의 파라다이스 ‘히든월드’를 우연히 발견하게 된다. 하지만 평화도 잠시, 역대 최악의 드래곤 헌터 그리멜의 등장으로 드래곤들의 안전과 버크섬의 평화까지 위협받기 시작하는데…
마법 세계와 비마법 세계의 공존을 깨려고 했던 강력한 어둠의 마법사 겔러트 그린델왈드는 뉴트 스캐맨더와 미국 마법부 의회에 의해 붙잡혔지만, 유럽으로 이송하는 과정에서 탈출하고 만다. 그린델왈드의 탈출 목적은 프랑스 파리에 머무는 것으로 추정되는 크레덴스를 포섭해 자신의 수하로 삼는 것. 영국으로 돌아왔던 뉴트는 덤블도어 교수로부터 자신은 나설 수 없으니 그린델왈드에 맞서달라는 지령을 받고 역시 파리로 향한다. 뉴트의 친구들, 제이콥과 퀴니, 그리고 오러로 복귀한 티나도 순혈 마법사의 세력을 모아 마법을 사용하지 않는 사람들을 지배하려는 그린델왈드의 야욕을 막기 위해 파리로 향하는데...
Customer at the Beginning
평범한 가정에서 자란 15살 소녀 매그니아, 자유분방한 스텔라를 만나면서 그녀의 삶은 180도 바뀌기 시작한다. 어린 시절부터 시작되는 그들의 파란만장하면서도 처절한 삶이 과거와 현재를 오가면서 펼쳐진다. 실화를 바탕으로 한 작품.
The Wall
국제 해저 관측 프로그램으로 일환으로 심해를 탐사 중인 해저 탐험대는 정체 모를 거대 생물에게 공격을 당한다. 긴급 투입된 심해 구조 전문가 조나스(제이슨 스타뎀)는 그것이 200만년 전 멸종된 것으로 알려진 ‘메가로돈’임을 주장한다. 아무도 믿으려 하지 않지만, 조나스는 역사상 가장 위대하고 가장 거대한 포식자와 두 번째로 마주하는 것인데…
Finnish Backpacker
생일날 문자 이별 통보도 모자라 엿 같은 미션을 남기고 떠난 CIA 구남친 덕에 오드리와 절친 모건은 국제적인 범죄에 연루된다. 얼떨결에 스파이가 되어버린 이들이 유럽 전역을 누비는 가운데, 정체를 알 수 없는 영국 요원들이 접근하고 최정예 킬러까지 따라붙으며 두 절친의 입담과 액션이 터지기 시작하는데… 올여름, 이들의 근본 없는 액션이 당신을 깨운다!
28개 언어로 번역된 디스토피아 소설 원작의 SF 영화. 전체주의 국가에서 성장한 소년 드쟈타가 아버지를 찾아 나서면서 겪는 성장기로, 최근 세계적인 정치 흐름 때문인지 영화의 이야기가 더 현실적으로 다가온다. 데뷔작이라 믿기 힘든 수준급의 스토리 전개와 캐릭터 묘사가 돋보인다. (2017년 제21회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Alley Zombie (segment: "Undying Love")
이 영화는, 자신의 새 책을 위한 연구의 일환으로 스프링밸리 정신병원의 중증 정신 질환자와 위험한 환자 6명을 선별하여 인터뷰를 진행하는 유명한 정신과의사 마커스 박사를 중심으로 진행된다. 마커스 박사가 환자 하나 하나를 인터뷰하면서 그들이 저지른 공포가 하나씩 펼쳐지기 시작한다. 하지만, 마커스 박사는 곧 그들 모두를 묶는 한 명의 환자가 있다는 것을 알게 된다. 바로 제7의 환자이다.
A single father wants to fulfil his young daughter's wish to throw a slumber party for her friends, but it turns out to be more of a challenge than he thought due to the rules of modern society.
Maidmasher / Cook
모두가 잠든 밤, 런던의 고아원에 살고 있는 10살 소녀 소피는 우연히 인간 세상에 나온 한 거인을 보게 되고, 눈 깜짝할 사이 거인 나라로 납치된다. 무시무시한 거인들의 모습에 소피는 두려움을 느끼지만 자신을 납치해온 거인이 사실은 외톨이이며 꿈을 채집한다는 이야기에 호기심을 느끼며 특별한 우정을 쌓아간다. 그러나 소피는 다른 무자비한 거인들에게 발각될 위험에 처하고, 그들의 끔찍한 계획을 알게 된다. 이를 막기 위해 소피와 거인은 위험한 여정을 떠나게 되는데…
Hasidic Man
화려하게 평정했던 세계를 등지고 하루 아침에 사라진 전설의 톱 모델 '쥬랜더'(벤 스틸러)와 '헨젤'(오웬 윌슨) 어느 날 세상의 모든 아름다움이 사라질 위기에 놓이고, 비밀 에이전트 ‘발렌티나(페넬로페 크루즈)’는 그들을 소환한다. 화려한 패션과 아름다움으로 무장한 역대급 에이전트로 거듭난 '쥬랜더'와 '헨젤'! 그들은 과연 강력한 아름다움으로 세상을 구할 수 있을까? 올 여름, 대체불가 초특급 에이전트가 온다!
The lives of two sisters change forever one winter morning.
800년 전, 유럽 전역에 흑사병을 일으킨 마녀 '위치 퀸'과의 전쟁 중 영생불사의 저주를 받은 ‘코울더’. 그는 현재, 언젠가 다시 만날 '위치 퀸'을 기다리며 사람들 틈 속에서 숨어 최고의 마녀 사냥꾼으로 살아간다. 어느 날, 수상해진 마녀들의 움직임 속에 ‘위치 퀸’의 부활을 감지한 ‘코울더’. 멸망으로부터 인류를 보호하기 위한 유일한 방법은 ‘위치 퀸’의 심장을 손에 넣는 것! 과연, 최고의 마녀 사냥꾼 ‘코울더’는 '위치 퀸'을 제거할 단 한번의 기회를 잡을 수 있을 것인가?!
A film inspired by real events in the Icelandic underworld. A young man has a one night stand with the former girlfriend of a violent criminal and is kidnapped by said criminal and his gang in an effort to blackmail him. When that doesn't work they decide to bring him to the countryside to the home of an old friend. There they proceed to torture the poor man...
Jaffi's Father (voice)
A boy from a small town has never kissed a girl. One day he and his friends decide to go to the 'big city' to see if they have more luck there. In the city, the boys get much more than they bargained for.
Jonas Loogan
과거의 실수로 인해 가족도 없이 혼자 지내는 전직 형사 맷(리암 니슨)에게 어느 날, 한 남자가 찾아왔다. 살해당한 아내의 복수해달라는 의뢰를 거절하려던 맷은 납치범이 제시한 금액의 40%를 보내자 아내의 신체 중 40%만 돌려보냈다는 잔혹한 범행 행각을 전해 듣고 의뢰를 수락하고 만다. 사건을 조사하던 맷은 3개월 전 발생한 유사 범죄를 알게 되고 살해된 시신이 버려졌던 무덤 근처에서 수상한 남자 루건과 마주친다. 루건에게 의도적으로 접근한 맷은 연쇄납치살인사건의 희생자들의 긴밀한 공통점을 발견하고 사건을 둘러싼 충격적인 음모와 진실에 점차 가까워 지는데… 빈틈없는 연쇄살인마를 잡기 위한 치밀한 추격이 시작된다!
Helicopter Pilot
자신의 꿈은 접어둔 채 16년째 ‘라이프’ 잡지사에서 포토 에디터로 일하고 있는 월터 미티. 해본 것도, 가본 곳도, 특별한 일도 없는 월터의 유일한 취미는 바로 상상! 상상 속에서만큼은 ‘본 시리즈’보다 용감한 히어로, ‘벤자민 버튼’보다 로맨틱한 사랑의 주인공이 된다. 어느 날, ‘라이프’지의 폐간을 앞두고 전설의 사진작가가 보내 온 표지 사진이 사라지는 일이 벌어진다. 당장 사진을 찾아오지 못할 경우 직장에서 쫓겨날 위기에 처하게 된 월터는 사라진 사진의 미스터리를 풀기 위해 연락조자 닿지 않는 사진작가를 찾아 떠나는데… 지구 반대편 여행하기, 바다 한 가운데 헬기에서 뛰어내리기, 폭발직전 화산으로 돌진하기 등 한 번도 뉴욕을 벗어나 본 적 없는 월터는 전혀 예상치 못한 곳에서 상상과는 비교도 안 되는 수 많은 어드벤처를 겪으면서 생애 최고의 순간을 맞이하게 되는데… 당신이 망설이고 있는 그 순간, 월터의 상상은 현실이 된다!
Ex-family man, avid womanizer, heavy-drinking, parliamentarian, Leifur, is forced to go into rehab by his political rival, following a well publicized art exhibition brawl. Full of denial, Leifur throws a party before checking in, but when it´s time to leave – very few do, turning the night into an adventure exclusively for those old enough to vote.
Leifur Sigurðarson
Ex-family man, avid womanizer, heavy-drinking, parliamentarian, Leifur, is forced to go into rehab by his political rival, following a well publicized art exhibition brawl. Full of denial, Leifur throws a party before checking in, but when it´s time to leave – very few do, turning the night into an adventure exclusively for those old enough to vote.
The film follows the brave attempts of two men to be the first Icelander to swim the English Channel, the Mount Everest of swimmers, their failures and eventually the success of one of them. Interwoven with the story of the amazing endurance of these two men, is the history of swimming in Iceland and in particular the long and hard struggle to re-introduce the skill after it had been almost totally lost to this seafaring nation. By the 19th century it is reckoned that in the whole of Iceland no more than 6 individuals of a population of 50.000, knew how to swim. With references to the ancient Icelandic sages, we learn through staged scenes how a local hero took on and defeated the Norwegian kin in a bout of the popular Viking sport of sea wrestling and how a mother fled after her husband was viciously killed, swimming to land with her two children.
Based on an astonishing true incident that took place on the frigid seas off Iceland in 1984, The Deep fashions a modern-day everyman myth about the sole survivor of a shipwreck, whose superhuman will to survive made him both an inexplicable scientific phenomenon and a genuine national hero.
전직 프로 밀수팀 리더로 활약을 펼치다가 가족을 위해 손을 씻고 평범한 삶을 살아가고 있는 ‘크리스’(마크 월버그). 자신이 발 담고 있었던 범죄 세계를 완전히 벗어났다고 생각했지만 사랑하는 아내, ‘케이트’(케이트 베킨세일)의 하나뿐인 동생 ‘앤디’가 치명적인 실수로 불법 마약 밀수에 휘말리게 되면서 그의 가족은 무자비한 범죄 집단에게 위협당한다. 가족을 지키기 위해서라면 그 어떤 위험한 일도 불사하는 ‘크리스’는 ‘앤디’의 실수를 만회하기 위해 절친 ‘세바스찬’(벤 포스터)의 도움을 받아 최정예 팀을 구성, 목숨을 건 불법이송작전에 뛰어든다! 하지만 그를 기다리는 것은 바로 밀수입의 천국, 파나마시티의 1억 5천만 달러의 밀수품을 둘러싼 음모와 잔인한 범죄 조직! ‘크리스’는 그 누구도 예상치 못한 방법으로 거대한 음모에 맞서고, 동시에 가족들을 위협한 조직을 제거하기 위한 거침없는 반격을 준비하는데... 과연, 그의 마지막 작전은 성공할 것인가!
Alley Zombie
What lengths does a man go to hold on to love.
The tragicomic story of lone rebel Boddi Steingrimsson who lives in a small town in Northern Iceland. Boddi hates materialistic modern society in its entirety and on his blog-page he comically criticizes everything and everyone. Before long he has become an outlaw in his own hometown, just like his viking hero, Grettir. After a series of dramatic mishaps, he snaps and goes riding down south to the big city on his sturdy steed Nietzsche. He's got a gun in his pocket. He's ready for the revolution.
Erik likes to have a drink once in a while. The day after a good party, sitting with his girlfriend having a chat, he meets people he doesn't remember. Has he arrived at a crossroads? Is Erik in deeper trouble than usual?
Erik likes to have a drink once in a while. The day after a good party, sitting with his girlfriend having a chat, he meets people he doesn't remember. Has he arrived at a crossroads? Is Erik in deeper trouble than usual?
The crew on board the fishing vessel Undercurrent RE 29 has become uncomfortably numb with its never ending routine of week long tours at sea. Then, during one dark and dreary night this routine is shaken to its foundation when one of the most solid crew members commits suicide. To fill his gap, a young woman takes his place on the next tour and gradually the fragile balance is tipped, and personal issues that should be left on the mainland cause dangerous friction between the crew members
After 3 years abroad Junior returns to Iceland with his set of problems hoping that his father can sort them out but his homecoming isn't quite what he had expected.
Epic Fail is based on true events that happened in Reykjavik, Iceland not so long ago. It is a 14 minute short film about a guy that finds himself in extraordinary situations and has to take matters into his own hands and put his trust in strangers that under normal circumstances, he never would have met and for sure never talked to. But when people find themselves in a situation and have to ask strangers for help then interesting things happen and we see that we are not so different after all and we should not judge the book by its cover.
A former sailor who has served prison sentences for alcohol smuggling fights to keep his family afloat. He is offered pay for a last tour of cargo between Reykjavik and Rotterdam. He agrees, in the hope to get out of debt, but unexpected events occur.
Jon, a middle-aged professor is going to get married tomorrow, for the second time, to one of his ex-students half his age. But it's not all roses. First, there's his cranky mother-in-law-to-be who violently opposes the marriage and who demands repayment of Jon's loan before the wedding night. Second, his plans to build a golf course on the little island of Flatey where they live aren't going at all to plan. Third, his extremely drunk best man is on the loose without any shoes and lastly, the continual presence of his emotional first wife is haunting his every move. When the guests start flocking to the island, Jon starts getting cold feet. After a very long night of drinking and thinking, will Jon be able to make it to the church on time?
When Canadian director Sturla Gunnarsson set upon Iceland to film Beowulf & Grendel starring Gerard Butler and Stellan Skarsgard in 2004, they expected the usual complication involved in making a movie, but what they encountered made them wonder if the Norse gods were actually working against them.
The dentist Oscar has been married for five years and lives with his wife and adopted children. On the surface everything seems to be fine but Oscar is not a happy man. His wants a baby of his own flesh and blood but it's not working out. When he finds out that his wife has been deceiving him all these years he decides it's time for a change. Einar is a stockbroker who is very successful at work but not in his personal life. For the last couple of months Einar has been living at a hotel waiting for his wife to realize the terrible mistake she made by throwing him out. Katrin Rose returns from Sweden where she has lived for eight years. In Iceland Katrin has an eleven-year-old son, brought up by his grandmother and now Katrin wants him back. Katrin gets a job as a dentist's assistant intending to make a fresh start but her troubled past catches up with her.
Icelandic writer-director Ragnar Bragason's dark, brooding ensemble drama Börn (AKA Children) follows the entangled lives of a group of lower-rung citizens of Reykjavik as they struggle to just barely keep their heads above water, but all too often succeed in spiritually drowning, through a constant stream of poor decisions.
Pétur is an optometrist happily married to Ásta. They are expecting a child but already have a 10 year old boy named Örn. On coincidense Pétur finds out that he is not Örn's biological father.
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노르딕 왕국은 흉폭한 거인 트롤 그렌델의 잦은 침입으로 항상 고통을 당하고 있다. 왕 흐로스가는 데인의 영주이자 위대한 전사인 베오울프에게 도움을 청한다. 베오울프는 그렌델을 물리치기 위해 군대를 이끌고 바다를 건너 흐로스가 왕을 도우러 오지만, 트롤이 흉폭해진 책임이 흐로스가 왕에게도 있다는 것을 알게 되는데...
A short film about how everything that can go wrong goes so bad that going wrong takes on a new meaning.
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Thirty-year-old Hlynur still lives with his mother and spends his days drinking, watching porn and surfing the net while living off unemployment checks. A girl is interested in him, but he stands back from commitment. His mother's Spanish flamenco teacher, Lola, moves in with them for Christmas. On New Year's Eve, while his mother is away, Hlynur finds out Lola is a lesbian, but also ends up having sex with her. He soon finds out he and his mother are sharing more than a house. Eventually he must find out where he fits into the puzzle, and how to live life less selfishly.
Set in present-day Reykjavík, Fiasco draws a narrative circle of interconnecting stories in which three members of the Bardal household deal with the secret loves in their lives. Karl, an old age pensioner, is busy chasing after an amnesic old screen legend. Julia, Karl's granddaughter, is torn between a mediocre bank manager and a wild sailor, and tells them both she is pregnant. But is she really? Steingerdur, Julia's mother, has a wild crush on a preacher who has a serious drinking problem, and ends up with a dead stripper in his Jacuzzi. The characters cross each other as the film progresses, until the three interwoven strands of the story finally come together in an explosive and hilarious crescendo full of surprises.
A streetsweeper finds a unconscious woman while cleaning the streets and decides to help her out by bringing her to his home, but little does he know that the woman is lives a life of crime.
A band's and their crew's miscommunication leading them to being on the opposite sides of the country leads to comic consequences.
Lisa wants to take a cruise, hubby Finnbogi schemes to make money. He buys a dilapidated bakery. They get lucky when Karolina, who bakes great cakes, offers to work for them. She's the mother of Marta, head of the area's largest bakery, and the two have quarreled. Marta can't abide mom's rebellion or the rival bakery's success, so she inveigles Finnbogi to invest in porn toys without telling Lisa. Where does he get the cash? From his son Bjartmar, who has promised Russian sailors he'll arrange the purchase of ten Landas. The Russians are coming to collect their cars, Finnbogi hasn't sold a single dildo, hard-bitten Marta plans one more nasty trick. How can Lisa get her cruise?
Camera Operator
The film tells the tale of a man named Kalli, a scruffy looking 30 year old, that lives in his brother’s garage. As he wakes up hung-over on the morning of his birthday. He finds to his surprise an over sized box in his living room. Inside the box is a very unusual birthday present from his brother Teitur. As Kalli opens the box, he discovers that the gift is a woman from East-Europe, that was mailed to him. As Kalli struggles to convince his brother that giving someone a mail-order bride on their birthday is not the right thing to do, he realizes what a sociopath his brother really is. And though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he too has some serious women issues and does not respect them as human beings. In the end the film shows how so many men treat women like objects. Although the film deals with serious issues it does so in a light and absurd way so the laughs are plenty and never far between.
The film tells the tale of a man named Kalli, a scruffy looking 30 year old, that lives in his brother’s garage. As he wakes up hung-over on the morning of his birthday. He finds to his surprise an over sized box in his living room. Inside the box is a very unusual birthday present from his brother Teitur. As Kalli opens the box, he discovers that the gift is a woman from East-Europe, that was mailed to him. As Kalli struggles to convince his brother that giving someone a mail-order bride on their birthday is not the right thing to do, he realizes what a sociopath his brother really is. And though he doesn’t want to admit it to himself, he too has some serious women issues and does not respect them as human beings. In the end the film shows how so many men treat women like objects. Although the film deals with serious issues it does so in a light and absurd way so the laughs are plenty and never far between.
Guti (35, Slovenian) and Sig (50, Icelander) wake up naked and handcuffed to one another on a riverbank near Ljubljana. Sig suffers from memory loss, while Guti recalls a fight with skinheads Sid drunkenly participated in and Guti tried peacefully to intervene in. Sig has no passport or any clue about his identity—the skinheads have taken everything he owned. Guti is trying to build a new home for himself on a river raft after losing his house to the bank and his life to his ex-wife. He introduces Sig to his friends—suburban misfits, who remind Sig of a legend of the hidden people.
Bavaria, 1812. A lovelorn young poet banished from society is forced to wander across mountains, ice and snow, on a dangerous journey which will either lead him to death or to a new life.