C.E. Anderson

C.E. Anderson

출생 : 1882-10-27, Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

사망 : 1956-03-24

프로필 사진

C.E. Anderson

참여 작품

Street Loafer (uncredited)
서부의 유명한 총잡이인 지미 링고는 가는데마다 멋모르는 젊은이들 때문에 늘 싸움에 휘말린다. 그러던 중 에디라는 청년을 죽이게 되고, 그의 세 형에게 쫓긴다. 그는 사랑하는 여인인 페기와 아들이 있는 마을로 가지만 페기는 그를 만나주려 하지 않고 그녀를 기다리며 설득하는 동안 에디의 형들은 그를 쫓아 마을까지 온다. 가까스로 그 형들은 따돌렸지만 그 마을의 망나니인 헌트가 뒤에서 총을 쏘는 바람에 지미 링고는 죽게 된다. 그는 죽으며 헌트에게 벌을 내리는 대신 자신처럼 유명인으로서 쫓기며 살게 하라고 당부한다.
황야의 결투
Townsman (uncredited)
멕시코에서 사들인 수천 두의 소를 몰고 와이어트 어프는 세명의 동생과 함께 캘리포니아로 떠난다. 툼스톤 마을 부근에서 야영중 막내 동생에게 소떼를 맡기고 마을에 갔다와보니 동생이 살해되고 소떼도 흔적도 없이 사라지 만다. 어프는 이 도둑떼들이 부근의 악당 클랜턴 부자일거라고 생각하고 복수를 위해 보안관이 된다. 어프는 두 동생을 보조원으로 채용하고 이들을 쫒기 시작한다. 당시 툼스톤 마을은 무법천지였고 어프는 술집에서 홀리데이 박사와 교류하며 절친한 친구 사이가 된다. 어느날 어프는 박사의 정부인 치와와가 살해된 동생의 장식품으로 치장한 것을 발견하고 추궁한 결과 클랜턴의 아들 빌리가 주었다는 것을 알게 되지만 치와와는 빌리의 총에 죽고 만다. 어프의 동생 버질은 이 사실을 알게 되자 빌리를 사살하고 그의 아버지인 클랜턴이 등뒤에서 쏜 총에 맞아 죽는다. 어프는 남은 동생 모건과 홀리데이 박사와 함께 OK 목장에서 총격전을 벌이며 일당을 일망타진한다.
Action in the North Atlantic
Bearded Lieutenant Commander (uncredited)
Merchant Marine sailors Joe Rossi (Humphrey Bogart) and Steve Jarvis (Raymond Massey) are charged with getting a supply vessel to Russian allies as part of a sea convoy. When the group of ships comes under attack from a German U-boat, Rossi and Jarvis navigate through dangerous waters to evade Nazi naval forces. Though their mission across the Atlantic is extremely treacherous, they are motivated by the opportunity to strike back at the Germans, who sank one of their earlier ships.
옥스보우 인서던트
Posse Member (uncredited)
1885년, 네바다의 어느 작은 마을에 들어선 길과 아트는 술집에 들어가는데, 어쩐지 분위기가 심상치 않다. 가축 도둑들 때문에 신경이 곤두선 마을 사람들은 낯선 사내들인 길과 아트를 경계한다. 때마침, 목장주 킨케이드가 살해당했다는 소식이 들려오는데, 보안관이 없는 사이 무장대를 조직하는 건 불법이라는 판사의 만류에도 불구하고, 분노에 찬 마을 사람들은 무리를 지어 살인자들을 잡으러 나선다. 길과 아트 역시 의심받지 않기 위해 무장대에 합류한다. 발간 당시 ‘올해의 소설’로 선정되기도 했으며, 인간이 정의를 무시한 채 폭력을 선택하면 어떤 일이 일어날 수 있을지에 대한 냉정한 실험정신이 돋보인다는 평을 얻은 월터 반 틸버그 클락의 동명소설을 각색했다. 서부극 장르에서도 묵직한 주제를 다룰 수 있다는 새로운 가능성을 보여준 중요한 작품으로 평가된다.
Western Union
Old Timer
When Edward Creighton leads the construction of the Western Union to unite East with West, he hires a Western reformed outlaw and a tenderfoot Eastern surveyor.
위대한 서부인
Hezekiah Willever (uncredited)
미국의 시민 전쟁이 끝나자, 사람들은 자유로운 땅이 보장되어 있는 서부 텍사스 지역으로 몰린다. 텍사스의 페코스 마을에 정착한 로이 빈(Judge Roy Bean: 월터 브레넌 분)은 스스로를 판사라 부르면서 마을을 통치한다. 실제로는 소몰이꾼인 로이 빈은 멋대로 법을 시행하고 죄없는 시민들을 재판하여 마구 사형시킨다. 어느 날 이 마을에 소를 훔쳤다는 죄목으로 콜(Cole Hardin: 게리 쿠퍼 역)이라는 사람이 붙잡혀온다. 재판을 받은 콜은 사형에 처할 위기에 빠진다. 하지만 그는 로이 빈이 릴리 랭트리(Lily Langtry: 릴리언 본드 분)란 여배우를 병적으로 좋아한다는 사실을 눈치채고, 자신이 랭트리를 만난 적이 있으며 그녀의 머리카락을 갖고 있다고 거짓말을 하여 위기를 모면하고...
Queen of the Yukon
Old Timer
The owner of an Alaskan gambling boat and her business partner help thwart a crooked businessman who attempts to steal claims from local miners.
Northwest Passage
Based on the Kenneth Roberts novel of the same name, this film tells the story of two friends who join Rogers' Rangers, as the legendary elite force engages the enemy during the French and Indian War. The film focuses on their famous raid at Fort St. Francis and their marches before and after the battle.
The Fatal Hour
Cap Anderson
When a police officer is murdered, Captain Street looks to Mr. Wong to catch the killer. Prime Suspect: Frank Belden Jr., whose father is a businessman well known for both his success and dishonesty. Mr. Wong faces increasing danger and is nearly executed himself as the investigation develops in treachery and complexity. As Mr. Wong follows the trail of dead bodies, he uncovers a jewel smuggling ring on the San Francisco waterfront and a case much larger than the death of a police officer.
Let Freedom Ring
Sheriff Hicks
A Harvard man fights a railroad baron with a disguise and the power of the press.
굿바이 마이 라이프
Fisherman (uncredited)
한 소년이 뱃사람들과 바다에서 생활하는 경험을 통해서 우정의 소중함과 노동의 중요성을 알아가면서 성숙하는 과정을 그린 모험영화.
굽이도는 증기선
미국 남부 미시시피 강. 존은 여객선에서 위스키를 만병통치약으로 속여 파는 장사꾼이다. 어느 날 친구들과 합심하여 폐어선을 복구하여 선장이 되지만, 조카인 듀크가 플리티 벨을 구하려다가 살인을 저지르면서 일이 꼬인다. 존은 조카를 구하기 위해 동분서주하다가 본의 아니게 보트 경주에 참여한다.
일용할 양식
Schultz - the Butcher (uncredited)
대공황기, 존과 메리 역시 경제적 어려움에 처한다. 고민 끝에 둘은 시골로 가 자급자족하며 살기로 한다. 할 줄 아는 게 없던 두 사람이지만, 주변의 도움으로 농장 생활에 적응한다. 곧 비슷한 처지의 사람들이 모여 하나의 공동체를 이루어가는데, 극심한 가뭄에 작물이 쓰러지자 사람들은 힘을 모아 수로를 파기로 한다. 대공황기를 지나며 공동체적 유토피아를 꿈꾸는 사람들을 그린 작품으로, 의 속편으로 만들어졌다. 조셉 L. 맨케비츠가 참여해 대사를 썼다고 한다.
Pecos (as Cap Anderson)
Bob Merril, looking for the killer of Buddy's father, has found the secret entrance to Pecos' hideout. There he captures Indian Joe who confesses that Marsdan was the killer, But while Bob is off riding in the rodeo his witness escapes.
The Lariat Kid
Scar Hagerty
A lawman goes undercover to help his brother, a rancher, fight off horse thieves working for his greedy neighbor, who wants his ranch.
The California Mail
Butch McGraw
During the darkest hour of the American Civil War, the Union desperately needs gold to keep its armies in the field and its credit good. Federal Agent Bob Scott is therefore instructed to clean out the bandit gangs that have been stopping the vital California gold shipments.
Clearing the Trail
Don Talbot
A lawman and a rancher fight a gang of horse thieves.
Thunder Riders
Beaver Martin
As Betty arrives from the East Coast to take over the ranch and fortune left by her late father, the trip is interrupted by an Indian attack.
The Border Cavalier
Beaver Martin
American Western film directed by William Wyler and written by Basil Dickey and Gardner Bradford.
Spurs and Saddles
Mildred is traveling West in search of her long-lost father when she catches the roving eye of wicked dance-hall proprietor "Hawk" Kent. She turns him down flat and Kent has his henchman Blaze frame her in a crime. To keep herself out of jail, Mildred is compelled to work in Kent's dive, until the gallant Jack comes to her rescue.
The Rambling Ranger
Sam Bruce
Hank Kinney, a ranger, witnesses the accidental death of a man and the survival of a motherless infant. Kinney asks the county sheriff to process adoption papers and goes with the child to take up the mining claim left him by his father. Sam Bruce, the richest and most hated man in Copperville, tries to jump the claim and swears vengeance when Kinney kicks him off the property. Kinney strikes up a friendship with Ruth Buxley, daughter of the general store proprietor; and Bruce, who covets the girl, instigates a rumor that Hank is unfit to rear a child and sends the sheriff's posse to get the the baby.
The Eagle of the Sea
Eagle of the Sea is based on Charles Tenney Jackson's swashbuckling novel Captain Sazarac. Ricardo Cortez stars as Sazarac, a bold American pirate captain who proves to be putty in the hands of New Orleans belle Louise Lestron (Florence Vidor).
The Ridin' Rascal
Larrabie Keller, a homesteader, is accused of being a cattle rustler, and when Keller refuses to fight Phil Sanderson, whose sister, Phyllis, has struck his fancy, he is insulted by Bill Healy, to whom he administers a severe drubbing. Phyllis, finding Keller beside a branding fire, believes him guilty; and when he is wounded by Healy, she takes Keller to Yeager, another homesteader, who cares for him and to whom he reveals that he is a Texas Ranger.
The Terror
Blair Hatley
While Pop Morton, a rancher, is being sworn in as deputy sheriff, his daughter Molly, to escape the unwelcome attentions of usurer Blair Hatley (who holds the mortgage on their ranch), meets Art Downs. Art is mistaken by Steve Baird, one of Hatley's henchmen, for "The Terror," a notorious Arizona bandit, and uses this mistake as an excuse to invade their stronghold, where he finds Molly--kidnaped by the rustlers.
The Scrappin' Kid
Hank Prince
Bill Bradley, who owns a small house and a one-horse corral in the hills, saves the lives of Betty Brent and her brother Mike from a forest fire in which their mother has perished. He decides to take care of them. When word spreads that Betty is actually 18, a committee of citizens, headed by Cliff Barrowes, whose father holds a mortgage on Bill's property, calls to protest; the sheriff's wife offers the children a home; and soon after, Cliff begins to woo the girl. Bill, meanwhile, is forcibly held by a trio of outlaws about to flee across the border.
The Combat
Red McLaughlin
Blaze Burke, rough-and-ready lumberjack, is promised the job of camp boss if he eliminates a gang of lumber poachers. He is doublecrossed and the job goes to Milton Symmons, the employer's nephew.
The Huntress
Black Shand Frazer
Bela, reared by Indians, learns that she is a white orphan and runs away from the Indian village to avoid marrying a brave from the tribe. She determines to marry land prospector Sam Gladding, who resists her advances but later falls in love with Bela when an Indian sage gives him some advice.
A Northwest melodrama about a mining engineer who loses his money gambling in the Yukon.
The Fog
(as Charles Anderson)
Silent World War I (WWI) romantic melodrama (based on the novel by William Dudley Pelly) .
Catch My Smoke
When Bob Stratton returns from war in France, he soon discovers his ranch in the hands of a pretty girl, Mary Thorne, who explains that upon her father's death she became the sole owner. Thorne had been the executor of Stratton's will, and thinking that Bob had been killed, he had appropriated the place for himself.
The Love Gambler
Curt Evans
Drifter Dick Manners arrives at a ranch owned by Colonel Angus McClelland. When he wagers that he will be able to ride a wild bronco and kiss the ranchman's haughty daughter, Jean -- and wins -- he lands a job there. But Manners and Jean really fall in love and Colonel McClelland fires him. He then meets a woman who is dying, and she begs him to marry her so that her child will have a name. Manners obliges, and then Jean finds out about the situation.
Ovid Jenks
A society girl goes to live in the woods with her evil uncle and his wicked housekeeper.
The Night Horsemen
Jerry Strann (as Cap Anderson)
Whistling Dan (Tom Mix) is raised by the kindly rancher Old Joe Cumberland (Harry Lonsdale) after Dan is found wandering the desert as a youth. After he becomes a man, Dan wanders throughout the West, following the wild geese when they fly South every year. He finds trouble in a lawless town and wounds a rival gunman.
The Fox
Santa Fe, a tramp, is saved from a jeering mob in the desert town of Caliente by Annette, the sheriff's daughter; and after adopting Pard he gets a job as a porter in the bank. Santa Fe learns that the leading banker, Coulter, is in league with a band of outlaws, and when Coulter frames Dick Farwell, Annette's fiancé, Dick is suspected of robbery and is captured by the outlaws.
The Wallop
John Wesley Pringle, adventurer at large, returns home after making his strike and finds his old girl friend, Stella, engaged to Christopher Foy, who is running for sheriff. Pringle foils an attempt by incumbent sheriff Matt Lisner to kill Foy, but when Foy is accused of a murder, Pringle, in a clever ruse, captures Foy, holds the posse at gunpoint, and then releases him, explaining his motive.
Seven Years Bad Luck
A Jail Bird
After breaking a mirror in his home, superstitious Max tries to avoid situations which could bring bad luck, but in doing so causes himself the worst luck imaginable.
Hitchin' Posts
Captain of steamer
Jefferson Todd and Louis Castiga, brothers-in-law, come to blows on a Mississippi River steamer when Todd discovers Castiga's presence there with a woman.
Bullet Proof
Bandit (as Captain Anderson)
Pierre Winton promises to avenge his father's killing at the hands of McGuirk, the bandit. While hunting for McGuirk, Pierre comes upon Mary Brown who has been badly injured in a rock slide. They fall in love, but while attempting to rescue Mary, Pierre is trapped and rendered unconscious in another rock slide. Saved by Jim Boone's band of outlaws, Pierre joins the gang, and Boone's daughter Jackie falls in love with him, but, Pierre still loves Mary, from whom he has been separated.
Overland Red
Overland Red, a tramp prospector, and Collie, the boy he has befriended, stumble across an aged miner in the last stages of starvation, whose pockets reveal the map of a secret mine and a bag of gold dust.
Runnin' Straight
A young slum-reared fellow makes good with a man who befriends him and then sacrifices his good name to save the latter's son.
West Is Best
Josephine is called to her Western home from an Eastern college and brings a party of girls with her, accompanied by one man.
Cyclone Pete's Matrimony
An early silent short comedy directed by William Haddock.