Mujer en el Rent a Car
Manolo is an electrician, plumber, bricklayer ... a hard worker. To his friends Manolo strange fate that gives as much money wins. And when asked, he answers laconically Oh, if I told you! What counts is that Manolo has a daughter in one of the inner most expensive schools in Madrid, and that it believes that his father is a senior executive, as any parent of her companions. The problem begins when the school closed by economic crisis, and the girl has to come live with her father. But Manolo find the collaboration of his friends, who will make the eyes appear currante small as a great man of finance. Adaptation "Spanish" the American film "A Pocketful of Miracles".
David is married and has no children. However, outside of marriage, he has longstanding relationships with Susi and Laly, with whom he has had a child with each. He has promised both of then, separately of course, that when the divorce is permitted in Spain he will separate from his wife and regularize his situation with them. Divorce law is approved and conflicts begin. He cannot marry the two together.
(Créditée : Nadine Roche)
40대 초반에 세상을 떠난 베르트랑 모랑의 장례식이 거행된다. 장례식에는 베르트랑이 사랑했던 수많은 여인들이 참석한다. 놀라운 여성편력의 베르트랑은 어떤 여성을 만나든 그녀만의 매력을 찾아내고, 진심을 다해 사랑했다. 코믹한 터치의 현대판 카사노바 이야기.