A "Goze" is a blind entertainer who travels to various places singing stories while playing the shamisen (Japanese three-stringed lute). Becoming a goze due to her blindness at seven-years-old, Haru was strictly trained with a parent's affection by her once kind mother, Tome.
Kazuko Tanaka
만화가가 꿈이었던 료타. 꿈을 이어가던 중 현실과 마주하게 되고 우연히 동물원에서 아르바이트를 시작한다. 많은 일을 배우며 동물들과 교감하고, 동물원에서 운좋게 만화도 그리면서 좋은 기회를 얻는다. 하지만 료타가 맡았던 기니피그가 죽게 되고, 료타는 허탈함과 정말감에 빠진다. 료타와 동물원 사람들은 동물원을 지키기 위해 많은 노력을 하는데...
할머니의 유품인 나쓰메 소세키 전집에서 작가의 친필 사인을 발견한 다이스케. 진위를 확인하기 위해 가격표에 적혀 있던 비블리아 고서당을 찾아간다. 책 속에 둘러싸여 있던 고서당 주인 시오리코는 책을 건네받자마자 할머니가 간직해두었던 50년 전 이야기를 추적하기 시작하고 두 사람은 그 끝에서 한 연인을 만난다. 한편, 백수로 지내던 다이스케는 뜻밖의 제안으로 고서당에 취업하고 시오리코가 다자이 오사무의 한 마니아로부터 위협을 받고 있다는 것을 알게 되는데… 나쓰메 소세키 ‘그 후’, 다자이 오사무 ‘만년’ 세상에 알려지지 않은 또 다른 이야기가 펼쳐진다.
Yukiko Ogawa
출판사 편집자로 일하는 노리코(가와이 아오바)는 우울한 날이면 상복을 입고 늦은 밤 심야식당을 찾아간다. 노리코에겐 스트레스를 푸는 작은 의식이다. 하지만 불행은 꼭 한꺼번에 몰려온다. 회사의 주요 프로젝트에서 제외된 일을 시작으로 연인, 가족 관계에서 문제가 잇따르자 노리코는 도쿄를 훌쩍 떠나버린다. 사연 있는 사람들이 이어서 심야식당을 방문한다. 메밀국숫집 아들이지만 우동을 더 좋아하는 세이타와 가업을 이끄는 엄마 세이코, 연락이 닿지 않는 아들을 기다리며 도쿄에 머무는 유키코 할머니와 그런 그녀에게 따뜻한 쉴 곳을 마련해주는 미치루(다베 미카코)다.
Some Karashima
Ayane is the daughter of a karaage (fried food) store owner, but she never liked karaage. Eventually, she left home, only to return 5 years later. Her family lives in the city of Usa in Oita Prefecture, Japan. She brings with her a young girl named Shirley, who is her step-daughter from her ex-husband.
1995년, 전혀 존재감이 없는 출판사의 뒷방 부서인 ‘사전편집부’에 공석이 생겼다! 지루하고 재미없는 편찬일을 떠맡고 싶지 않은 쾌남 ‘마사시’(오다기리 죠)는 세상과는 단절되어 보이는 영업부의 왕따 ‘마지메’(마츠다 류헤이)를 전격 스카우트해온다. 얼떨결에 사전편집부에 합류한 ‘마지메’는 새로운 사전 만들기 프로젝트인 [대도해]에 매력을 느끼고, 단어들을 수집하며 차츰 사람들과 언어로 소통하는 즐거움을 배워나간다. 그러던 중 찾아온 뜻밖의 사랑! 10년 동안 묵고 있는 하숙집 할머니의 손녀 ‘카구야’(미야자키 아오이)를 보고 한눈에 반한 ‘마지메’. ‘마지메’의 사랑을 도와주려는 편집부 식구들은 그에게 [사랑] 목록의 풀이를 맡기고, ‘마지메’는 ‘카구야’에게 어설프지만 진심을 다해 구애를 펼치며 단어 풀이를 해나간다. 2009년, 십여 년이 넘는 세월 동안 수작업으로 단어 하나 하나를 모아 총 3000만개의 단어풀이를 완성한중년의 ‘마지메’는 [대도해]의 출간을 앞둔 어느 날, 실수로 누락된 단어 한 개를 발견한다.
과연 ‘마지메’의 사랑과, 위기를 맞은 [대도해]의 출간은 이루어질 수 있을까?
Aya Sakamoto
홋카이도 츠키우라, 아름다운 도야코 호수. 이곳에 도시 생활을 접은 젊은 부부, 리에(하라다 토모요)와 미즈시마(오이즈미 요)가 ‘카페 마니’를 오픈한다. 카페 마니는 곧, 유쾌한 이웃 주민들의 일상으로 채워져 간다. 소머즈보다 더 밝은 ‘지옥귀’를 가진 유리 공예가 요코, 리에에게 반해서 매일 같이 들르는 우체부 총각, 커다란 가죽 트렁크를 가지고 다니는 미스터리 아저씨 아베, 스트레스 받으면 술 대신 빵으로 푸는 훈남 토키오군은 카페 마니의 대표 단골 손님들! 그러던 어느 날, 외지고 외진 카페 마니에 새로운 손님들이 찾아오기 시작한다. 맛있는 빵과 요리를 통해 카페 마니의 손님들에게 ‘행복’을 전해주고 싶은 리에와 미즈시마. 손님들을 위한, 이웃들을 위한, 그리고 자신들을 위한 행복 레시피 만들기가 따뜻한 빵 굽는 소리와 향긋한 커피 내리는 향기와 함께 시작된다!
아오모리의 시골마을에서 할머니와 함께 사는 어린아이 같이 순수한 청년 요진. 할아버지가 남겨주신 농사법에 따라 농사를 짓지만 수확은 늘 신통치 않고, 밭에서 기르는 배추는 오늘도 벌레 때문에 여기저기 구멍투성이다. 그러던 어느 날 요진은 도쿄에서 온 유치원교사 마치코를 보고 난생 처음 사랑이란 것에 빠진다. 마치코를 향해 온몸을 던져 돌진하는 요진의 초특급 일편단심 첫사랑이 시작되는데… 과연 요진의 바람대로 그들은 서로 좋아하는 사이가 될 수 있을까.
조용한 시골에 살다 쇼핑을 하러 도쿄로 나선 노부부의 이야기
Shun is a young man, who sells his paintings on a city corner. Kasumi is a children's story writer, living alone in a mountain in Shinsyuu. One day, they happen to meet each other in the city crowd, and they immediately connect. However, they must first deal with Shun's childhood abuse which has left him unstable.
나를 위해 자신의 인생을 산, 어머니의 이야기. 좀처럼 정착하지 못하는 아버지를 떠나 홀몸으로 나(오다기리 죠)를 키운 엄마(키키 키린). 남들과 다를 바 없지만 어쩐지 조금 더 애틋한 모자지간이다. 갑자기 미술공부를 하겠다고 떠난 나에게 엄마는 지극한 응원을 보내지만, 처음의 원대한 꿈과는 달리 나는 빈둥거리다 졸업도 하지 못하고 빚만 쌓여간다. 나이가 들수록 나는 그렇게 싫어했던 지독하리만큼 책임감 없는 아버지와 점점 닮아가고 있었다. 4월, 눈 내리던 어느 벚꽃의 계절, 나의 첫사랑은 그렇게 떠나갔다. 돈이 없어 친구들은 모두 떠나고 집세가 밀려 이곳저곳을 전전하는 질 낮은 자유를 즐기던 나. 어느 날 날아온 엄마의 암 투병 소식은 나를 조금씩 변화시킨다. 일러스트레이터로서 자리가 잡히자, 나는 엄마와 도쿄에서 함께 살 결심을 하고, 친구들 북적이는 집에서 그들만의 소박한 행복이 시작된다. 하지만 엄마의 암이 재발되고 행복했던 그들의 일상에도 끝이 보이기 시작하는데….
Principal Makino
Based on a true story set in Matsumoto city, Nagano, during 1960s. A stray dog wanders into a high school's grounds. The dog, named Kuro, stays at the school and becomes a special friend to everyone.
Mrs. Yoshimura
Awkward and withdrawn, Masako kills her sister in an explosion of pent-up humiliation and rage that sends her tumbling into fugitive life.
Knowing that he has only a month to live, a pianist goes back to his beloved ocean. He meets a girl with a broken leg. She is the daughter of his dearest woman who died many years ago. The relationship between them becomes closer. They rescue a man who tries to commit suicide. When the pianist is nearing his end, that man finds love in the girl's heart...
A Choice between Loyalty or Duty of the Samurai! Can the heartlessness of society crush the honor of an individual? In the spring of the 18th year of Kanei, Hosokawa Tadatoshi, feudal lord of the Higo area, died. Although Tadatoshi forbade his vassals to follow him in death before he died, they still committed seppuku one after the other. The new feudal lord, Mitsunao, Tadatoshi's son, also gave the order forbidding seppuku. Abe Yaichiemon obeyed his former lord's last wish but is now being called a coward by his comrades and finally decided to follow Tadatoshi in death in order to save his family's honor. Mitsunao, upset by Yaichiemon actions, punished the Abe family unfairly. Objected to this, the Abe family shut themselves up in their manor as the lords troops moved in. This is the true story of what happened within the Hosokawa clan in early Edo era.
Narrator (voice)
An illustration of the tragic lives of geishas at a popular geisha house, Shinonomero. Shortly after being sold to a geisha house at age 5, Shizu is befriended by a fellow older geisha, Tsuru. After years of living and working together, Tsuru and Shizu manage to run the operations of Shinonomero as the proprietress and assistant. Despite vows to never to let their lovers come between them or Shinonomero, moments of weakness leave Tsuru and Shizu caught up in a web of betrayal and plunged into debt. With the guilt of losing Shinonomero to Udo, a yakuza who loaned them money, it is now up to young Shizu to redeem Tsuru’s honor and restore Shinonomero as their own.
Kimiko Yoshioka
Two soon-to-be kamikaze pilots stop by a local school near their base to play the piano one last time, leaving a deep impression on a teacher. Years later, she seeks out the relatives of the pilots when the piano is old and about to be discarded.
A suspense drama based on Osamu Takahashi's original work starring Shinobu Otake. The shooting location of Gunkanjima is a famous tourist attraction. When Mansako returns to her husband's parents' house, she noticed a young man named Shinji playing drums at a village festival. Shinji who felt her gaze also looked back at Mansako. Masako invites Shinji to her house to welcome her husband together, and is witnessed by a housewife who came to inform her husband of the accidental death while helping him change clothes. She is stigmatized for infidelity. They are separated, but they vow to meet again 12 years later.
Tugumi's mother
야마모토가 여관에서 주인공 츠구미와 친구인 마이아의 관점으로 바라보는 청춘영화. 소녀에서 여자로 탈바꿈하는 시기에 세 주인공, 츠구미와 요코와 마리아가 바닷가 마을에서 함께 보내는 마지막 여름. 거기에서 타카하시 교이치라는 남자를 만난 츠구미는 사랑에 빠진다.
Sadako Takeda
An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.
Rennyo was the key figure responsible for the restoration of Shin Buddhism in Japan, in particular the Honganji lineage that had a slump in its fortunes during the Middle Ages. According to the legend, his motivation was a pivotal childhood incident at the age of six when his mother summoned him and told him about his destiny to revive the fortunes of the Honganji school to which he was the next in line. She then mysteriously disappeared from the temple. Taking her words to heart, from a background of great poverty and hardship, at the age of 16 he set out to spread the word across the land.
Harue Matsubara
Fictionalized account of 20-year-old Noriko Tsuji, a real-life victim of a severe birth defect which afflicted 8,000 Japanese, children whose mothers took the sedative thalidomide during pregnancy. Tsuji has stunted flipper-like arms amputated at the behest of a father who deserted her soon after her birth. Nonetheless, the resourceful Noriko uses her feet to accomplish most of the tasks others would do with their hands.
Harue Bessho - Chi'e's Mother
긴다이치 코스케가 주인공으로 등장하는 두 번째 탐정 영화. 산골마을 집으로 돌아온 소녀 치에를 기다리는 것은 몇 년 동안 풀리지 않는, 그녀의 가족에 대한 미스터리와 살인 사건의 기억이다. 하지만 끔찍한 공포는 아직 끝나지 않았다. 그녀의 친구들이 하나씩 살해되고 다음 희생자는 치에 자신일 것이라는 징표가 나타난다. 친구인 사토코의 희생으로 간신히 목숨을 건진 치에. 사실 사토코는 범인의 정체를 알고 있었다. 이제 사건 해결을 위해 고용된 탐정 긴다이치는 미스터리를 하나씩 풀기 시작하는데…
A beautifully told story of a woman hardened by marriage to a man she doesn't love, after giving herself to another. She dedicates herself to her work, designing and creating plaited cords for kimono.
In post-war Japan, a publisher goes to visit her former teacher for help on a modern translation of a legend about a mummified Buddhist monk who was revived and who, centuries later, turned into a sex demon who terrorized a village in pre-modern Japan.
Woman of the story
A survivor of the tragic mass suicides on Tokashiki Island in 1945 falls in love with a near-mute motorcycle engineer.
Yukiko Takayama
하나오카 세이슈는 전신마취술을 연구하는 의사로, 그의 아내와 어머니는 세이슈를 사랑한 나머지 서로 실험대상이 되려고 경쟁한다. 세이슈는 두 사람의 경쟁관계를 교묘히 이용하여 실험에 성공한다.
Three tales of women that resided in the Shogun's harem (o-oku) during the Edo period.
Sawaki is released from prison after serving eight years for murdering a rival gang leader in order to obtain the land rights to a landfill for the Kotaki clan and he discovers that the world has changed significantly in that time. The police have forced the disbanding of all yakuza groups in and around Tokyo and most of the former yakuza have moved on to legitimate jobs. Sawaki is disgusted that his yakuza brothers have abandoned their codes of honor and are abusing their newfound power in the legitimate business world to exploit the poor. Sawaki feels partly responsible for making them so powerful and enabling their corruption, so he decides to follow his traditional code of honor to save the residents of a small town where his former lover lives.
Years of warfare end in a Japan unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, and samurai spy Sasuke Sarutobi, tired of conflict, longs for peace. When a high-ranking spy named Tatewaki Koriyama defects from the shogun to a rival clan, however, the world of swordsmen is thrown into turmoil. After Sasuke is unwittingly drawn into the conflict, he tracks Tatewaki, while a mysterious, white-hooded figure seems to hunt them both. By tale’s end, no one is who they seemed to be, and the truth is far more personal than anyone suspected. Director Masahiro Shinoda’s Samurai Spy, filled with clan intrigue, ninja spies, and multiple double crosses, marks a bold stylistic departure from swordplay film convention.
Three stories revolve around independence, a man searching for his wife, and a poor craftsman trying to make money.
Fumiko Ôki
When the man who seduced the famous painter Otoko as a teenager--and then wrote a bestselling novel about it--reappears in her life, her pupil--and lesbian lover--hatches a plot to destroy the man and his family.
Second Wife (segment "Kurokami")
고이즈미 야쿠모의 괴기담 중에서 4편의 에피소드를 영상으로 옮긴 옴니버스 영화. 출세를 위해 아내를 버리고 떠났던 무사(‘흑발’), 눈보라 속에서 설녀를 만나 목숨을 건진 청년(‘설녀’), 귀신을 피하기 위해 불경을 몸에 써넣는 맹인 악사(‘귀 없는 호이치’), 찻잔 속에서 기묘한 얼굴을 본 무사(‘찻잔 속’)의 이야기가 오싹한 공포와 함께 펼쳐진다. 환상적인 색채와 표현적인 세트를 이용한 뛰어난 미술과 촬영이 돋보이며, 다케미쓰 도루의 실험적인 음악 또한 탁월하다. 에 이어 두 번째로 칸영화제 심사위원특별상을 수상했다.
Moriya Tomoko, a young girl working for a publishing company, is told by a woman art dealer that her real father did not die, as everyone believes, during the revolution in Cuba, but is now living in Japan. Tomoko's mother has remarried a strict, narrow-minded university professor, whose only worry is protecting his family name from the slightest blemish.
In this exciting sequel to the popular samurai-ninja movie Ukyunosuke On Patrol, his mission to avenge his father's death continues. His discovery of a mysterious note written by his father, Inspector Sena, held a clue to the inspector's murder 18 years ago. As Ukyunosuke continues further with his investigation into the conspiracy to uncover the truth behind his father's death, he must confront those eager to take his life. The great Okawa Hashizo shines in one of his signature roles bringing the ultimate conclusion of this epic tale of murder and revenge!
Three Iga ninja are on a hunt for Chidoken, a Takeda ninja sent out to assasinate Lord Nobunaga.
Osaka in the early 1600s, aftermath of the historical Battle of Sekigahara; a group of orphan children are wandering through the battlefield scavenging for armour when they encounter a young boy named Sasuke with magical powers he says came from a meteor that crashed onto the Earth…
One summer day, the chief monk of the Hojuin Temple dies. Harumichi rushes back to town hearing about his brother's death and requests for a grand funeral. He had been unwilling to take over the family business and had chosen a life as a middle school teacher far away from home, but considering the circumstances, he changes his mind. As the new chief of Hojuin, Harumichi scrambles around day after day for donations. He has kept strictly to the straight and narrow, until he passes a bicycle race track where the sounds of cheering fans induce him into a new way of life...
Asako Shiraishi
A youth drama directed by Kiyoshi Horiike, who was adapted from "Young Tokyo no Yane" by Akira Saiga from "Oka wa Hanazakari" based on Yojiro Ishizaka. Miwako Kazuki left the English literature department and joined Toyo Critics. She was attracted by Noro, the editor-in-chief, whose wife died a few years ago and was now living with her two orphans and her old mother....
Yasu, Sajiemon's wife
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
Kumiko Takeshita
동반자살로 보이는 사건으로 남자와 여자가 사망한다. 이 중 남자는 성실한 경찰관 다케시타. 그러나 이를 단순 자살로 보지 않는 미즈노 조는 사건의 진실을 캐내기 위해 야쿠자 조직 중 하나인 노모토파로 쳐들어간다. 과감한 색채의 사용과 거울 등을 적극적으로 사용한 독특한 미장센이 인상적인 탐정 스릴러.
The supply of sea bream to the fish market has decreased, and the price has increased to a whopping 1 ryo, and unable to face his customers openly anymore, Tasuke closes the shop and goes on a trip to celebrate the first wedding anniversary with his wife Onaka. Staying at the inn, Tasuke sees that dishes from magnificent sea bream are served here, which is very cheap. Tasuke goes to a fishing village and finds out here that a rich merchant is stopping the shipment of fish...
Nanae Igami
아기 이름은 3200명 중에서 선발된 스즈키 히로오. 단지에 사는 젊은 부부에게 기다리던 남자 아기가 태어났다. 부모는 물론이고 할머니까지 난리가 났다.
as Mie Kaneko
Kawara's wife Rie
죽음을 앞둔 한 사업가는 2억엔의 유산을 자신의 세 자식들에게 물려줄 계획이다. 그러나 이 계획을 알게 된 그의 동료는 자신이 유산을 차지하기 위해 계획을 세운다.
Shima Kajimoto
A detective sets out on a manhunt to catch a murderer before the crime's statue of limitations runs out.
1962 Japanese movie
Tomiko Haraguchi
A boxing melodrama. Two friends become boxers and begin training for the championship. These two boys eventually face each other in the ring.
Asada Keiko and Kurokawa Saburo are two young college students. When Keiko visits Saburo's house, she meets his father Kokichi and his mother Motoko. Motoko is a famous hair dresser, who openly flaunts her lover. When Kokichi and Motoko fight, which they do a lot, he routinely threatens to leave but never quite does. A relationship develops between Saburo and Keiko, but Saburo is shaken when his mother tells Keiko the truth about Saburo's past and the secret of his birth.
It's a story of the life of a man who advocated the necessity of sex education to children, which was unusual at the time, solely opposed to the amendment of the Peace Preservation Law, and was assassinated by a rightist prior to his opposition speech.
Shinobu Yamaki
Kohei Misugi works in a vegetable market, but his ambition is to be a photographer. He is given his first opportunity to demonstrate his talent by the Sakura Film Company which offers him an assignment to "Cover Tokyo" with a camera. But he is disillusioned when he is told he must work together with Miharu, a good looking girl in the film company's publicity department. Then the fun begins.
Two men perform a robbery on an airplane before parachuting to safety, and a newspaper reporter attempts to solve the crime.
Yûko Hamajima
일본 사회의 어두운 실상을 생생하게 드러내는 사회파 추리극. 교도소 간수인 다몬은 죄수들을 호송하는 임무를 담당하고 있다. 평소처럼 죄수들을 태운 버스를 타고 이동하던 중, 저격총을 든 무리들이 호송차를 습격해 죄수들이 사망하는 사건이 발생한다. 다몬은 다행히 목숨을 건지지만 6개월 정직을 당하고, 자신의 힘으로 이 사건을 조사하기로 한다.
Rambler Shinji arrives in town armed with nothing but a guitar. With assistance from an old gun-for-hire friend, he sets about to stop the mob from turning an honest ranch into a gambling resort.
Yoshiko Shiota
Based on the Seichō Matsumoto's story The Woman Who Took the Local Paper.
Minami Yasuo, a college student, lives with Yuriko who has become the mistress of a foreigner named Wilson. Whenever Wilson comes, Yasuo spends his time in the tea-shop "La Gana." Yasuo is asked by his brother Shigeru to teach French to Akiko, a young girl who is studying French songs. Yasuo then learns that he is the winner of an essay contest and will be offered a scholarship to study in France. Akiko, is now pregnant and Yasuo promises to break with Yuriko.
The monologue and mysterious death of a man who survived and returned from Iwo Jima. A newspaper reporter writes an article about "The Man from Iwo Jima" asking the people who were close to him about his character and the painful memories off all those involved.
Arriving in the town of Hakodate, a wandering musician, Shinji Taki, is soon recruited by the local gang as a hired hand. However, with the arrival of a sinister gunman, Taki's mysterious past catches up with him.
Sakiko, the Tanigawas' daughter-in-law
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
A youth lyrical painting depicting a sensitive young man with rich poetic feelings focused on the concerns and aspirations of a high school student.
Yoshikawa and Kaji are alumni - Yoshikawa leads a life loyal to his company Toho Corporation, whilst Kaji works in the underground world for Aoyama, a fixer trying to buy Toho out. One day, Yoshikawa is ordered to take a look into the information leakage which had resulted in a serious fall of the company stock price. Following his order, Yoshikawa reunites with Kaji but their relationship gets complicated through the presence of Akiko, the daughter of Kubo, chairman of Toho Corporation. There is an obvious financial conspiracy and several men are killed - Who is the true mastermind behind all the plots?
Fierce struggle between brothers and sisters in a lawless land where violence is the norm.
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
호리에 집안에 시집을 간 요코는 자신과 나이차가 별로 나지 않는 의붓아들 히로시 때문에 걱정이 많다. 그녀를 잘 따르는 듯 보이던 히로시는 곧 함부로 행동을 하기 시작하고, 엎친 데 덮친 격으로 요코는 7년 전 성폭행을 당했던 기억을 떠올리고 큰 충격을 받는다.
A family is slowly falling apart: the father is absent from the start, the mother a kept woman thanks to her children, the son is being cheated on by his wife, one daughter is forced to marry an older man against her will, while the other has retreated into smug moral superiority.
Yuriko Kawakami
The young Takako Kuramoto has come to Tokyo to study and starts working for the rich Tashiro family as tutor of the daughter, Kumiko, while she receives attention from her two older brothers, Yukichi and Shinji. Meanwhile, the exact parentage of Shinji comes to light.
Japanese drama film.
A woman who grew up in a prestigious household, begins to have an affair outside the marriage.
Junko Takeyama
Shokichi, the owner of the clothing store, lives with his daughter Hideko and plans to open an art gallery. One day, Hideko led a handsome art student, Shohei and a poor painter, Sohei. Sohei’s painting was praised by a great printer at the completion ceremony of the art gallery. Since he became successful as a painter, but he looked quite indifferent. Around the same time, Shohei’s sister brought Sohei’s pictures to the gallery and Shokichi noticed that she was a daughter of his first love.
Harsh film about a car dealer who gets into financial trouble.
A sophisticated comedy about love games between men and women that arise from an intentionally dropped train ticket.
Noriko Izumitani
A continuation of Hungry Soul, from the same year. Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
Noriko Izumitani
Reiko, who tolerates abuse in her marriage to a man 23 years her senior, is friends with Mayumi, a beautiful widow. Reiko meets her husband’s business rival, a young, capable businessman, and falls for him. Meanwhile, Mayumi enters into a relationship with Shimotsuma, a friend of her late husband.
The first postwar war movie depicting the tragedy of a special force that shook the world at the end of the Pacific War, with thrill and speed
A true semi-documentary drama depicting a record of a sheriff's challenge to the vivid evil of a sailor who embarked on a single underworld to uncover the crime of an inhumane international prostitution organization called "Japanese women's smuggling."
Motoko Sayama
A group of Okinawan high school girls are drafted as nurses during the American invasion of the island. As the enemy army advances further, the situation for the girls becomes increasingly desperate as food and shelter run out and the number of injured climbs, leading to the film's tragic finale.