Jun'ichi Haruta

Jun'ichi Haruta

출생 : 1955-03-17, Kitakyūshū, Fukuoka, Japan


Junichi Haruta (春田 純一, Haruta Jun'ichi?), nascido Misao Haruta (春田 三夫, Haruta Misao?) (Kitakyushu, Fukuoka, 17 de março de 1955-) é um consagrado ator, dublê ecoreógrafo japonês, tendo participado de várias séries do gênero tokusatsu nos anos 80, 90 e 2000. Entrou para o JAC (atual JAE) com apenas 16 anos e começou sua carreira como dublê do primeiro Kamen Rider, em 1971. Posteriormente, vestiu a roupa de diversos vilões em diversas séries até conseguir um papel como ator em 1982, interpretando Kanpei Kuroda/Goggle Black em Goggle V. Reprisou o personagem de cor negra no Sentai do ano seguinte, Dynaman, e no ano seguinte novamente, atuando como o vilão MacGaren da série Jaspion (papel que lhe concedeu fama e prestígio, principalmente no Brasil). Fez participações especiais como ator em diversas outras séries do gênero. Além disso, é famoso por sempre interpretar seus personagens sob a armadura, atuando como ator e dublê quando o personagem assim exige (como no caso dos integrantes de cor preta dos Sentais e MacGaren). Atualmente, entrou no ramo dos doramas, atuando muito emnovelas e minisséries japonesas. Porém, ocasionalmente aparece alguns tokusatsus, como em Kamen Rider Blade, interpretando o vilão Yoshito Hirose. Em junho de 2001 foi entrevistado pela edição 14 da revista "Henshin", em que revelou histórias da época de Jaspion. Relatou, também, a dureza do trabalho do dublê de ação, que precisa vestir as roupas e armaduras apertadas e muitas vezes mal consegue respirar dentro delas.

프로필 사진

Jun'ichi Haruta

참여 작품

Space Squad: Space Sheriff Gavan vs. Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger
Mad Galan (voice)
Space Sheriff Gavan vs Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger features the return of Yuma Ishigaki from 2012’s Space Sheriff Gavan: The Movie and the 2015 Space Sheriff Next Generation films. The first installment will join the two police themed heroes as they face a massive space crime organization.
Girls in Trouble: Space Squad Episode Zero
Mad Galan (voice)
Girls in Trouble: Space Squad Episode Zero is an installment in the Toei Company V-Cinema series. Space Squad serves as a crossover between the revival of the Metal Heroes' Space Sheriff series and the Super Sentai series Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger. A prologue to Gavan vs. Dekaranger, this movie focuses on the female characters of both series.
아름다운 별
매번 틀리기로 유명한 기상 캐스터 아빠 ‘화성인’ 주이치로 야심만 넘치는 알바생 아들 ‘수성인’ 카즈오 자신의 외모가 주목받는 걸 부담스러워하는 모태미녀 딸 ‘금성인’ 아키코 마음속 공허함을 느끼는 유일한 ‘지구인’ 엄마 이요코까지 어느 날 갑자기 우주를 접선한 '오스기 일가'는 자신들이 지구에 온 이유를 찾기 위해 고군분투하는데...
The Temptation Came at Stormy Night
Romantic fantasy about the ruckus that ensues after a mother and daughter switch bodies. Director Imaoka Shinji wrote the script for The Drudgery Train and has worked on numerous erotic films. Housewife Suda Sawako (Takaki Mio) is dissatisfied with her husband Kenzo (Haruta Junichi). Meanwhile, her daughter Yasuko (Ishikawa Yumi) is going out with Kitamura Mitsuru (Nagaoka Tasuku), a struggling musician. When Sawako visits Yasuko's apartment one day, her built-up frustrations explode and she gets into a physical altercation with her daughter.
The Rite of Loss
Inspector Souichi Habu 4 ~The Man Called Poisonous Habu~
Wakareta Nyoubou no Koibito
Naomi, who has been running an Onigiri shop by herself since her divorce, can't stop her heart from fluttering when a young customer, Sota, acts as if he has a crush on her. Then, she meets her ex-husband Masato (Junichi Haruta) by chance, and he urges her to start over again.
The Lover of My Ex
Romance about a woman who wavers between a younger man and her former husband, who wants to rekindle their relationship. Miyaguchi Naomi, a 39-year-old divorcee running a shop that sells rice balls, has been interested in Sota, a handsome young man who visits the shop on a daily basis to buy rice balls. He comes onto her, but one day Naomi happens to meet her former husband Masato. Sota sees her meeting with Masato…
검은 화집 - 풀 -
Ichiro Numata (Hiroaki Murakami) is the chief editor of a publishing company. He suddenly falls unconscious and is hospitalized, but various cases takes place at the hospital. Hospital Director Kenichiro Asashima and Chief Nurse Junko Amemiya goes missing. There are rumors that they were in a close relationship. Head of Drug Management, Yasuharu Horimura is found dead. Rumors were that he stalked Junko Amemiya. The investigation into his dead is carried out as a suicide case, but Detective Eiji Kirishima (Takanori Jinnai) suspects foul play. Ichiro Numata follows with his sharp eyes what transpires at the hospital and he also holds a secret.
Specialist 2
Tetsuya Kinugasa
A mysterious code written with letters and numbers is found on a street in Kyoto. Yoshito Takuma (Tsuyoshi Kusanagi) and Chinami Anekoji (Kaho Minami) begin to investigate. They discover that something happened at the place where the code was found on stickers and they also discover a dead body. A man known as "Writer" is suspected of being the culprit. To find the man known as "Writer," Yoshito Takuma infiltrates into Shiga central prison. --asianwiki
Tetsuya Kinugasa
Kusanagi plays a police detective who gets framed for a crime he didn't commit and had to spend the last 10 years in prison. However, he regains his job as a police officer and makes use of his specialized knowledge on criminal psychology to solve difficult cases.
가면라이더 W RETURNS 가면라이더 이터널
Doctor Prospect
유출된 시작품 가이아 메모리로 도펀트화한 시민이 폭주하는 사건을 해결한 가면라이더 W. 거기에 갑자기 수수께끼의 미녀가 나타났다. 그녀의 이름은 미나. W에 깊은 원한을 가지고 복수에 불타는 그녀는 초능력을 사용해 덤벼 들어 왔다! 그녀의 공격을 피해 제압한 더블. 왜 원한을 갖고 있는지 묻기 시작했는데 그녀로부터 뜻밖의 말이.... 놀랍게도 후토를 존망의 위기에 몰고 간 사상 최악의 범죄자 다이도 카츠미=가면라이더 이터널이 그녀를 지옥으로부터 구한 영웅이라고 한다! 미나로부터 말해지는 뜻밖의 사실. 테러리스트 집단 NEVER, 그리고 가면라이더 이터널 탄생의 비화. 영원이라는 이름의 악마의 진실이 지금 밝혀진다!
고카이저 고세이저 슈퍼 전대 199 히어로 대결전
Kanpei Kuroda
고카이저 고세이저 슈퍼 전대 199 히어로 대결전
SP 혁명편
After the attack on the Chief Cabinet Secretary, the next duty of the fourth office will be to guard the National Assembly building. In the midst of security, Ogata keeps Inoue away from the main conference hall and puts his well-thought-out plan into action, and the parliament building is controlled by SPs and terrorists who support the revolution. Inoue notices something strange and starts to fight against the terrorists to stop Ogata.
SP: The Motion Picture
Yuji Murofushi
At an event hall in Roppongi Hills, there is a charity event for landmine eradication. Kaoru does security with Security Police officers Soichiro Ogata, Eri Sasamoto, Takahumi Yamamoto and Mitsuo Ishida. Kaoru Inoue senses a threatening existence and starts to suffer a severe headache and becomes dizzy. When Kaoru was young, his parents were killed by terrorists and that incident has had an traumatic effect on Kaoru since.
300 Million
Katagiri, a highly ambitious young detective, teams up with older detective Takiguchi, who is about to retire, to investigate a murder that took place by Sumida River. Katagiri is annoyed by Takiguchi's pushiness, but is surprised to hear that the victim was a suspect in the 300 million yen robbery.
Rescue Wings
Masaki Tezuka‘s live-action adaptation of “Rescue Wings” deviates from the original by centering around a female rookie pilot played by 16-year-old actress (only 15 at the time of filming) Yuko Takayama. After her mother is saved, Haruka Kawashima joins an elite air rescue team and decides she wants to become the first female pilot of a UH-60J (Japanese version of the Black Hawk) rescue helicopter. She goes through harsh, rigorous training and must overcome her emotions for the serious job of saving lives. After several mistakes she’s bluntly told she’s not good enough to be a rescue pilot, but the conflict only makes her more determined. One day, an F-15J fighter plane goes missing from radar and Kawashima receives the distress call. On reserve fuel and the struggling against all odds, she must accomplish her mission at any cost.
Engine Sentai Go-onger: Boom Boom! Bang Bang! Movie BANG!
The Go-ongers intercept the Recycle Barbaric Machine Beast Army in their Engines, managing to scrap the 13. However, trio of mysterious warriors appear and their actions result with the Go-ongers losing the primary Engine Casts while being sucked into the Braneworld known as Samurai World, a dimension similar to Edo Japan where power is essential.
The year is 1578. It is a time of strife and civil wars. During violent struggles for power, there were special soldiers who stood beside samurais. They sacrificed themselves in the line of duty, always at the service of their samurai masters. They operated incognito, wearing camouflage at all times. These spies were called "SHINOBI". They had once been united, but were now divided into countless antagonistic factions. Jin's group is targeted by another group... Riku is Jin's subordinate and the new leader of his group.
허니와 클로버
친구하긴 좋지만 애인하기엔 미묘한 평범남 다케모토(사쿠라이 쇼)는 미술에 천재적인 재능을 가지고 있는 하구미(아오이 유우)를 만나는 순간, 한눈에 사랑에 빠지고 만다. 다케모토의 서툰 사랑이 시작된 사이, 친구 마야마(카세 료)는 연상의 건축디자이너에게 마음을 빼앗겨 있다. 그런 그를 바라보는 아유미(세키 메구미)의 외사랑을 마야마는 애써 외면한다. 그 해 여름, 그들은 그렇게 자기만의 사랑을 시작했다. “이루어지지 않는 사랑에도 의미가 있는 걸까…” 어느 날, 홀연히 어디론가 사라지는 자유분방한 성격 탓에 8년째 학교를 다니고 있지만 재능만은 천재적인 모리타(이세야 유스케)가 학교로 돌아온다. 하구미의 그림을 본 모리타는 그녀의 재능을 한눈에 알아보고, 두 사람은 작품을 통해 공감하며 끌리기 시작한다. 그렇게 다케모토의 가슴 아픈 짝사랑은 시작되는데….
남자들의 야마토
Hisao Koike
전함 야마토(大和)의 생존자와 유족을 상대로 한 방대한 취재에 기초해 쓴 헨미 준(邊見じゅん) 원작의 를 영화화한 작품. 1944년 2월 태평양 전쟁 말기, 카미오를 비롯한 소년병들이 야마토 호에 승선한다. 소년들은 야마토의 위용에 반하지만 곧바로 혹독한 훈련이 시작되고 그 속에서 소년들은 기총사수인 우치다 이병조와 취사반장인 모리와키를 존경하고 따르게 된다. 두 사람은 서로 배속된 곳이 다르지만 격렬한 유도시합으로 자신을 단련하는 인물들도 다른 하사관들과는 달랐다.같은 해 10월, 필리핀에서 벌어진 해전에 참전한 야마토 호는 미군기의 맹공을 받는다. 이 과정에서 우치다가 부상당하고 모리와키는 그를 치료실로 옮긴 뒤 당황한 소년병들을 격려하고 질책한다. 연합함대가 괴멸당한 이 전투에서 우치다는 중상을 입고 야마토를 떠난다. 1945년 3월, 출격을 앞두고 승조원들은 마지막 상륙을 허락받는다. 짧고 애절한 시간을 보내고 돌아온 그들 앞에는 군법을 어기면서까지 병원에서 도망쳐나온 우치다가 있었다. 그리고 4월 1일, 미군기가 오키나와를 공습하면서 야마토의 출격 명령이 떨어진다.
Under the Same Moon
When Tetsuya (Yosuke Kubozuka) was 10-years-old he met Emi (Meisa Kuroki), who suffered from a heart disease. In hopes to cure Emi's condition, Tetsuya decided to become a doctor. Following through on his dreams, Tetsuya is now a doctor and is about to marry Emi. One day though, Tetsuya hears about Don (Edison Chen). Tetsuya remembers the times he spent with Emi and Don as a child and also feels insecure about Don.
Tales of the Bizarre: 2003 Fall Special
Hosted by veteran comedian Tamori, "Bizarre Tales 2003 Fall Special" presents five tales. 1. *Kagi (The Key) - starring Eguchi Yosuke. 2. Perfect Couple - starring Yada Akiko. 3. Toosugita Otoko (The Man Who Was Too Far Away) - starring Nakamura Shido. 4. Meiro (The Maze)- starring Tanihara Shosuke. 5. Kage ga Omonaru Toki (When Shadows Accumulate) - starring Yashima Norito. * Adapted from a novel by Tsutsui Yasutaka.
The teenaged children of various wealthy businessmen are being kidnapped and extorted for huge sums of money. The police have no clues and things are getting desperate. Enter in the elite crime fighting unit "PG"(Private Government) or more affectionately called "Playgirl".
Round About Midnight
Koji, a jazz musician, takes a cigarette break in between sets at a Tokyo nightclub. He witnesses a murder and runs into a girl, Linda, who is being pursued by the killers. For the next two hours, Koji and Linda are running from both the hitmen and the police. Mistakenly identified as prime suspects, they have to solve the crime but time is running out: Koji has to be back to perform in his club by midnight, as a very special guest will be attending.
Scary Fairy Tales: The Ugly Duckling
Hotel Rose
Promise Ring-The Kashima Antlers Story
A story of dreams, efforts and passion based on the true stories of the people who supported Kashima Antlers, who won the J-League for the first time.
"Biotherapy" is a fairly nasty Japanese gorefest about a group of Japanese scientists stalked and viciously butchered by a creepy-looking alien.
Jaspion Especial
Kagaku Sentai Dynaman: The Movie
Ryuu Hoshikawa / DynaBlack
The Dynaman must prevent a powerful new gun invented by a friend of Doctor Yumeno from falling into the hands of the Jashinka.
Dai Sentai Goggle-V: The Movie
Kanpei Kuroda / GoggleBlack
Goggle V must prevent Deathdark from using their new laser weapon to destroy Tokyo. This movie takes place some time between episodes 8 and 14 of the Goggle-V TV series.
Soul of Chiba
5 God Strike B
This mid-1970s martial arts classic stars Sonny Chiba as Mu Yun Tek, a young man trained in the Thai fighting style since childhood to one day avenge his parents' death. When a fellow student kills their teacher, Mu Yun's thirst for vengeance grows. The brutal action never stops as Mu Yun teams up with an Interpol agent (Tadashi Yamashita) to find the culprit, who insists that their former master was a drug dealer who had to be destroyed.
The Street Fighter's Last Revenge
Riot Police Disguise
Terry Sugury is hired to recover one of two tapes containing a formula for making heroin for a price of 200 dollars a pound. But he gets double crossed. So he wants the tape back.
The Street Fighter
Kwok Gwai-Lung
Terry is a tough mercenary and a master of martial arts. When an important business magnate dies, leaving billions to his daughter, the Mafia and Yakuza try to hire Terry to kidnap the daughter. When they refuse to meet his exorbitant price, then try to kill him to conceal their secret plans, he promptly offers his services to protect her. Much ultra-violent martial-arts fighting action, as expected, ensues. This also includes a subplot of a family's blood-feud with Terry over a disputed debt.