Atsuo Kashiwagi, an enthusiastic member of the village council, decides to invent a mysterious beast to make his village famous. Against all objections of his relatives, he goes through with his plan and starts organizing the first "viewings". The plan initially works out well and brings in a lot of money, many people dropping by hoping to catch a glimpse of the Yeti-like beast. But then the commotion gets out of hand leaving the whole village is in chaos.
Kageko, a teacher in a small mountain village with a thriving Japanese paper industry, is visited by a former student, who proposes a plan to manufacture counterfeit money. She initially refuses, but eventually decides to join the project for the sake of the poor children in the village and her own mentally handicapped child.
항상 남루한 복장과 매일 같은 국수로 끼니를 때우는 마사루의 하루 생활은 구차하기 짝이 없지만 전기충격을 받으면 거대한 슈퍼 히어로로 변신, 악당을 물리치는 임무가 주어진다. 이런 슈퍼 히어로의 임무가 끝나면, 그는 바로 아무도 알아주지 않는 일상으로 다시 돌아간다.