Irena Pavlásková

Irena Pavlásková

출생 : 1960-01-28,

프로필 사진

Irena Pavlásková
Irena Pavlásková

참여 작품

Vánoční příběh
The Prague Orgy
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
The Prague Orgy
In 1976 a famous American writer Nathan Zuckerman is challenged by Czech immigrant Sisovsky who implores him to retrieve valuable manuscripts from communist Czechoslovakia. The writer accepts this dangerous mission, where his every step is observed by secret police. Once in Prague, he meets Sisovsky‘s flamboyant and wild ex-wife Olga who is in possession of the manuscripts. The evolving relationship between the hot-headed Olga and Nathan is a confrontation between two worlds - the repressed East and free West. But, Olga won‘t give up the manuscripts to Nathan so easily…
체코를 대표하는 사진작가 ‘얀 사우덱’의 작품세계와 그 이면에 숨겨졌던 그의 충격적인 이야기를 스크린에 옮긴 작품. 유태인이라는 이유로 나치 점령 하에서는 아버지와함께 큰 고난을 겪으며 성장한 얀 사우덱. 유태인 수용소에 수감되어 자신의 눈 앞에서 가족들이 죽어 가는 모습을 목격해야 했다. 나치 패망 후 가까스로 고등학교를 졸업한 그는 인쇄소 사진사의 조수로 취직하게 되면서 사진의 세계에 빠져들게 된다. 그 후 모델을 구할 돈이 없자 타고난 입담으로 직업모델이 아닌 주변 사람들을 설득해 무보수로 카메라 앞에 세운 그는 도발적이고 전위적인 누드사진을 연이어 발표하면서 보수적인 체코인들에게 ‘포토그래퍼’가 아닌 ‘포르노그래퍼’로 불리기도 하였다. 영화는 그의 기인과도 같은 기이한 행적들을 따라가며, 놀라운 작품세계와 숨겨졌던 충격적인 일화들을 소개한다.
체코를 대표하는 사진작가 ‘얀 사우덱’의 작품세계와 그 이면에 숨겨졌던 그의 충격적인 이야기를 스크린에 옮긴 작품. 유태인이라는 이유로 나치 점령 하에서는 아버지와함께 큰 고난을 겪으며 성장한 얀 사우덱. 유태인 수용소에 수감되어 자신의 눈 앞에서 가족들이 죽어 가는 모습을 목격해야 했다. 나치 패망 후 가까스로 고등학교를 졸업한 그는 인쇄소 사진사의 조수로 취직하게 되면서 사진의 세계에 빠져들게 된다. 그 후 모델을 구할 돈이 없자 타고난 입담으로 직업모델이 아닌 주변 사람들을 설득해 무보수로 카메라 앞에 세운 그는 도발적이고 전위적인 누드사진을 연이어 발표하면서 보수적인 체코인들에게 ‘포토그래퍼’가 아닌 ‘포르노그래퍼’로 불리기도 하였다. 영화는 그의 기인과도 같은 기이한 행적들을 따라가며, 놀라운 작품세계와 숨겨졌던 충격적인 일화들을 소개한다.
An Earthly Paradise for the Eyes
Adolescence is always a difficult time; it is doubly so for Gábina. For one thing, she is growing up in the normalization years of the 1970s, and then she also has to face the reality that her father is a well-known actor disavowed by the regime. Although he abandoned the family years before, his existence casts an ominous shadow over the lives of not only Gábina, but also her older sister and mother, who are trying to find a civilized way through the social mire of the times.
Unexpected Encounters
An expedition arrives on planet Arkha, which appears desolate and uninhabited and yet suitable for a planned mass exodus from polluted Earth. One day seemingly from nowhere and quite unexpectedly a young boy wanders into their ship and then runs off.
Unexpected Encounters
An expedition arrives on planet Arkha, which appears desolate and uninhabited and yet suitable for a planned mass exodus from polluted Earth. One day seemingly from nowhere and quite unexpectedly a young boy wanders into their ship and then runs off.
Corpus delicti
Corpus delicti
Corpus delicti
The Elementary School
The time is 1945-46. 10 year old Eda and his friend Tonda live in a small village outside Prague. In school, their class is so wild and indisciplined that their teacher quits and is replaced by the militant Igor Hnidzo. He is very strict - but also very just. His weakness is his interest in young women. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.
Time of the Servants
Dana is young medical student with no self esteem, she can't deal with life, people and even not with herself. After her boyfriend leaves her, she changes to selfish woman, manipulating people and making them to serve her. She plays with her husband, neighbors and friends - for her own good and for fun.
Time of the Servants
Dana is young medical student with no self esteem, she can't deal with life, people and even not with herself. After her boyfriend leaves her, she changes to selfish woman, manipulating people and making them to serve her. She plays with her husband, neighbors and friends - for her own good and for fun.
Time of the Servants
Dana is young medical student with no self esteem, she can't deal with life, people and even not with herself. After her boyfriend leaves her, she changes to selfish woman, manipulating people and making them to serve her. She plays with her husband, neighbors and friends - for her own good and for fun.