인도네시아에는 2억 6,500만 명의 인구가 17,000여 개의 섬에 흩어져 살고 있다. 모녀는 플로레스 해의 외딴섬에서 평생을 의료 서비스에 헌신해 온 한 가족의 이야기를 통해 세계에서 가장 큰 군도 국가가 국민에게 적절한 의료 서비스를 제공하는 데 직면한 어려움을 탐구한다. 미미는 최근까지 도시에 있는 학교에 첫 아이를 맡기고 섬에서 막내 아이를 돌보며 일해온 어머니다. 라비아는 간호사이자 어머니로서 은퇴를 준비하며, 섬 주민들에 대한 전적인 책임을 딸 미미에게 물려줄 준비를 하고 있다. 미미는 얼마나 오랫동안 어린 자녀와 남편을 떠나 마음을 굳게 먹고 일할 수 있을까. 또 라비아는 언제까지 섬의 부름으로부터 거리를 둘 수 있을까.
Gede Robi, vocalist of Navicula, Tiza Mafira, lawyer from Jakarta & Prigi Arisandi, biologist & river guard from East Java in tracing plastic waste whose tracks have infiltrated the food chain & its impact on human health.
Line Producer
A musical, visual journey. Recorded and filmed on location, it resurrects ancient and forgotten folk music from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, India and Myanmar. The experience is brought to life for a contemporary audience through a minimalist orchestration of modern electronic waves and flows, thereby preserving the integrity of the music. The musicians come primarily from the coastal communities, towns and villages practically wiped of the world map by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004. It's beauty lies in it's purity and simplicity, a non-judgmental point of view. For the international team who came together, Laya Project is a personal and collective tribute to the resilience of the human spirit.
A musical, visual journey. Recorded and filmed on location, it resurrects ancient and forgotten folk music from Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, India and Myanmar. The experience is brought to life for a contemporary audience through a minimalist orchestration of modern electronic waves and flows, thereby preserving the integrity of the music. The musicians come primarily from the coastal communities, towns and villages practically wiped of the world map by the Tsunami of December 26, 2004. It's beauty lies in it's purity and simplicity, a non-judgmental point of view. For the international team who came together, Laya Project is a personal and collective tribute to the resilience of the human spirit.
Still Photographer
For the first time, traditional Burmese singers Khing Zin Shwe and Shwe Shwe Khaing are recording an album that introduces people around the world to the Maha Gita (Great Songs), which have been sung in South Asia for 700 years. They also introduce viewers to life in Myanmar, a Buddhist country of great beauty.
For the first time, traditional Burmese singers Khing Zin Shwe and Shwe Shwe Khaing are recording an album that introduces people around the world to the Maha Gita (Great Songs), which have been sung in South Asia for 700 years. They also introduce viewers to life in Myanmar, a Buddhist country of great beauty.