Simon Sandquist

참여 작품

Park manager Fiona is tasked with taking care of some former friends who won an exclusive private sneak preview of Halloween at Liseberg - a whole night, all alone in the empty park. But cotton candy, lovely rides and lots of laughter soon turn into something completely different, as they realize they are not alone in the park. And the night of dreams quickly turns into a true nightmare.
24시간 동안의 전쟁
르망 24시에서의 포드와 페라리 간의 경쟁은 자동차 레이싱 역사상 가장 유명한 경쟁 구도 중 하나로 꼽힌다. 1963년에 시작된 이 경쟁 구도는 헨리 포드 2세가 포드 자동차를 글로벌 시장에 알리기 위한 방안으로 추진한 페라리 팀의 인수 제의에서 시작되었다. 그러나 당시 페라리는 세계에서 가장 성공적인 레이싱 팀이었고, 결국 협상은 결렬된다. 이로 인해 시작된 두 회사의 르망을 무대로 한 경쟁은 드라이버의 사망과 가족 왕조의 붕괴 위기, 그리고 레이싱의 역사를 완전히 바꾸게 될 신차 개발로 이어진다.
Laura, Lost
Cole and Brian's friendship is rocky at best and Cole needs his childhood friend to help find a girl he believes was abducted a few weeks ago.
위닝: 더 레이싱 라이프 오브 폴 뉴먼
The world knows Paul Newman as an Academy Award winning actor with a fifty-plus year career as one of the most prolific and revered actors in American Cinema. He was also well known for his philanthropy; Newman's Own has given more than four hundred and thirty million dollars to charities around the world. Yet few know the gasoline-fueled passion that became so important in this complex, multifaceted man's makeup. Newman’s deep-seated passion for racing was so intense it nearly sidelined his acting career. His racing career spanned thirty-five years; Newman won four national championships as a driver and eight championships as an owner. Not bad for a guy who didn't even start racing until he was forty-seven years old.
1994. Rasmus two best friends Frans and Ian talk him into crashing graduation parties in search of fun, booze and girls to get over Klara who just broke up with him. During the day his feelings for her is tested when he learns the truth about Klara's break-up. But is their love for real? And more importantly, can it survive the night?
1994. Rasmus two best friends Frans and Ian talk him into crashing graduation parties in search of fun, booze and girls to get over Klara who just broke up with him. During the day his feelings for her is tested when he learns the truth about Klara's break-up. But is their love for real? And more importantly, can it survive the night?
1994. Rasmus two best friends Frans and Ian talk him into crashing graduation parties in search of fun, booze and girls to get over Klara who just broke up with him. During the day his feelings for her is tested when he learns the truth about Klara's break-up. But is their love for real? And more importantly, can it survive the night?
포제션: 중독된 사랑
로맨틱한 조각가 남편 라이언과 더할 나위 없이 행복한 나날을 보내고 있는 유능한 변호사 제스. 그들의 일상에 출소한 시동생 로먼이 함께 지내게 되면서 제스의 불안함이 커진다. 폭행 범죄로 법정에 섰을 당시 로먼의 변호인이 바로 제스였던 것. 시동생의 폭력적 성향과 자신을 향한 이상한 관심을 느낀 제스는 남편에게 불편함을 토로하던 중, 라이언과 로먼이 동시에 교통사고를 당한다. 형보다 먼저 깨어난 로먼, 그는 자신이 라이언이라 주장하며 제스에게 사랑을 호소한다. 믿지 않던 제스는 로먼이 말하는 모든 것이 자신과 라이언의 과거와 일치하자 어렵사리 그를 받아들이고 행복한 결혼 생활을 이어간다. 로먼의 여자친구였던 케이시는 정말 라이언이 된 것처럼 180도 돌변한 로먼을 계속 의심하던 중 실종되는데…
The Invisible
A teenager is assaulted and killed, but returns as a ghost to find his killer.
The Invisible
A teenager is assaulted and killed, but returns as a ghost to find his killer.
The Invisible
A teenager is assaulted and killed, but returns as a ghost to find his killer.
Oscar nominated short film from 1998 about the boy Victor who is in the hospital and loves firetrucks and firemen over anything else. Someday he gets to meet real firemen.
Oscar nominated short film from 1998 about the boy Victor who is in the hospital and loves firetrucks and firemen over anything else. Someday he gets to meet real firemen.
The only thing we can be sure of in this world is that one day we shall die. In spite of that, we tend to live our lives as if it was never going to happen. Yet there are many among us who are deprived of the right to think that way. Victor (31) has a rare form of cancer in an advanced stage; moreover, his wife is about to divorce him. Trapped in the antechamber of death and with his family falling to pieces, he knows that perhaps the most important decisions of his life must be taken here and now.