Lars Eidinger
출생 : 1976-01-21, Berlin, Germany
Lars Eidinger (born 21 January 1976) is a German stage, television and movie actor. In February 2016, he was named as one of the jury members for the main competition section of the 66th Berlin International Film Festival. He is a member of the ensemble of the Schaubühne theatre in Berlin, with leading roles in productions such as Hamlet and Richard III.
Arlo Shell
미국의 조용한 마을에 살고 있는 잭은 대학에서 히틀러를 연구하는 교수이다. 아내와 네 명의 자녀를 둔 그의 인생은 남들처럼 평범하기 그지없다. 어느날, 화학 폐기물을 실은 트럭이 열차와 충돌하는 사고가 발생하면서 마을 전체에 화학 폐기물이 퍼진다. 대피 명령이 내려지면서 평화로웠던 마을은 금세 아수라장이 되고, 사태의 위험성을 깨달은 잭은 가족들과 탈출 행렬에 합류하는데…
Lars Eidinger
Lars Eidinger is one of Germany’s most talented and versatile actors with his love of improvisation and physical acting style.
This documentary seeks to dispel some of the mystique surrounding this exceptional actor’s unique art and also provide an exciting insight into the world of theatre and filmmaking.
Tim Ardenne
Overwhelmed when a figure from her past reemerges, Joan Verra retreats to the countryside with her son Nathan. There she experiences fragmented recollections of her past romantic encounters.
Paul Muthesius
Dr. Franz Walter
The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute loyalty to the system and agrees to work for the GDR's foreign intelligence service until he can take up his new position. Together with his colleague Dirk, he is sent on foreign assignments to West Germany. Franz soon has to use blackmail to get innocent people to talk. But his superiors go even further: GDR refugees and their relatives are targeted to be psychologically destroyed, forged letters, medical diagnoses, surveillance and wiretapping are on the agenda. However, this is more than Franz can bear: he feels powerless and increasingly isolates himself. When he then decides to steal secret documents for a later defection to the West, this results in an unfortunate chain reaction leading to his arrest and ultimately to his execution...
Rechtsanwalt Biegler
The 78-year-old former architect Richard Gärtner (Matthias Habich) wants to put an end to his life. However, this should not be done abroad, but quite legally with the help of his family doctor. For Dr. Brandt (Anna Maria Mühe), out of personal conviction, it is out of the question to get her elderly but healthy patient a fatal preparation.
Berlin playwright Lisa follows her husband Martin to Switzerland, where he manages a private school. However, when her twin brother Sven’s leukaemia begins to wreak havoc on his health, she decides she must return to her roots, which has significant consequences for her relationship.
Klaus Koch
페르시아어를 배우기 원하는 독일군 장교 코흐. 살기 위해 페르시아인이라고 거짓말을 한 유대인 질. 질은 살아남기 위해 코흐에게 가짜 페르시아어를 가르치고 매일 밤 거짓으로 단어를 만드는데...
Thomas Akerman
유럽우주국 ‘프록시마’ 프로젝트의 대원으로 선발되어 평생의 소원이던 우주비행사가 된 사라. 우주비행은 남성이 적합하다는 고정관념도, 여성이므로 나약할 것이라는 편견도 이겨낼 수 있지만 아직은 엄마가 필요한 일곱살 딸, 스텔라만큼은 눈에 밟힌다.
Lars Eidinger
Three siblings have all reached a point of their life, at which they realize the need to quickly change some things before they step into the second half of their lifetime. In the midst of chaos, insufficiency and loss they are searching for the path that just might lead them to happiness.
Hans Brugelbecker
몸보다 훨씬 큰 귀를 가지고 태어나, 뒤뚱거리는 모습으로 서커스단의 웃음거리가 된 덤보. 어느 날 왕년의 서커스 스타 홀트와 그의 아이들, 밀리와 조가 덤보가 하늘을 날 수 있다는 것을 알게 되고, 유능한 사업가 반데비어가 덤보를 스타로 만들기 위해 접근한다. 매력적인 공중 곡예사 콜레트와 함께 하늘을 날게 된 덤보는 그의 친구들과 함께 환상적인 쇼를 둘러싼 어둠의 비밀을 발견하게 되는데…
베키, 토미 그리고 마이크는 3인 우파 테러 조직을 구성하여, 지하에 살며 전 국민의 이목을 끌 날을 꿈꾼다. 사랑, 증오 그리고 우정이 뒤얽힌 복잡한 관계 속에서, 파괴를 향한 이들의 계획은 잇따른 강력범죄로 나아가게 된다. 그 사이, 명예, 자존심 그리고 의리와 같은 명목적 가치들은 점점 의미를 잃어간다.
Set in a Medieval town, the film has a theatrical quality, as the behaviours and actions of the characters are exaggerated almost to the point of satire. Nevertheless, its relatively dark and heavy plot yields over-the-top expressions from the actors. There is little dialogue as the story opens: a mother is seen tending to her sick daughter, whom she is then told must be sacrificed to the forest. The viewers patiently but curiously watch the mother perform healing rituals with objects like egg shells, dried plants and twigs–also recurring in the installation–until the daughter mysteriously disappears.
A road movie about two very different brothers who have not seen each other for 20 years: city manager Christian and cabinetmaker Georg, who never left their hometown and took care of their father until his passing. After their fathers funeral, the brothers decide on a whim, and with some help from the alcohol, to fulfil their old dream: travel trough Germany together on their mopeds.
Jan Erik Sadler
연방 경찰국에서 검시관으로 일하는 폴 헤르츠펠드 교수는 한 여성의 시체에서 딸의 이름과 휴대전화 번호가 적힌 쪽지를 발견한다. 그는 단서를 쫓아 딸을 찾으려 하지만, 폭풍 때문에 다음 단서가 있는 헬골란트 섬으로 갈 수 있는 방법이 없다.
Exhibition Guide
1937년 드레스덴. 꼬마 쿠르트는 이모 엘리자베스가 심신미약자라는 오명을 받고 강제 이송되는 광경을 목격한다. 세월이 흘러 청년이 된 쿠르트는 미술학교에 진학할 기회를 잡지만, 소련 치하의 동독은 사회주의 리얼리즘에 입각한 화풍만을 요구할 뿐이다. 그러던 중 그는 패션 전공인 엘리를 만나 사랑에 빠지지만, 엘리의 아버지인 지반트 박사는 둘 사이를 탐탁지 않게 여기며 떼어 놓으려 한다. 예술과 사랑의 자유를 찾아 서독으로 도주하는 쿠르트와 엘리는 새로운 기회를 맞지만, 쿠르트의 작업이 계속되면서 두 사람 그리고 지반트 박사 사이를 묶어주던 불행한 과거가 그 모습을 드러낸다.
고립된 이 우주선에서는 모든 것이 인공적이며 인간의 욕망 또한 통제된다. 과거의 상처로 인해 아이에게 집착하는 의사는, 탑승객이자 지구에서 버려진 죄수들을 대상으로 인공 수정을 시도하고, 아이가 태어난다. 유일한 생존자로 남은 몬테는 어린 딸을 돌보며 버티어 낸다. 블랙홀의 회전 에너지를 확인하여 인류에 크게 기여하려던 임무는 완수하지 못했다. 소녀로 성장한 딸과 몬테는 더 이상 구조의 희망을 기다릴 수 없다. 두 사람은 블랙홀로의 여정을 시작한다.
Berthold Brecht
Following the phenomenal success of “The Threepenny Opera”, the film industry wants to win over the celebrated author. But Bertolt Brecht is not prepared to play by their rules. His concept of the “Threepenny Film” is radical, uncompromising, political, and incisive.
Ilan Kafman
A wannabe actress follows her dreams and moves to Paris.
Nicolas II
황실 발레단에 입단한 마틸다는 자신에게 첫눈에 반한 황태자, 니콜라이 2세와 사랑에 빠진다. 그러나 금빛 궁전에서 은밀하게 나누던 두 사람의 사랑은 극심한 반대에 부딪힌다. 갑자기 닥친 사고로 왕위 계승 문제가 대두되고, 황실에서는 대관식을 서두르며 약혼자인 알릭스와의 결혼을 종용하는 가운데, 마틸다를 위협하는 사고들이 연이어 벌어지는데…
Totila Blumen
An almost romantic comedy on the edge: Holocaust researcher Toto is having a major life crisis. Just when things at home and work could not get worse, he unwantedly gets a new assistent assigned to himself. Zazie is french, jewish, slightly germanophobe and supposed to help Toto to prepare a major congress. As the star of the congress suddenly wants to pull out, the problems are piling up and the two have to fix it.
프랑스 파리에서 퍼스널 쇼퍼로 일하는 미국 여자 모린. 영혼들과 대화할 수 있는 능력을 가진 그녀는 최근 쌍둥이 오빠의 죽음으로 힘겨운 시간을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날, 정체를 알 수 없는 존재로부터 의문의 메시지가 들어오는데… “난 널 알아, 너도 날 알고, 내 정체가 안 궁금한가?”
Verteidiger Herr Biegler
A hijacker threatens to bring down a passenger plane to a crowded football stadium. Fighter pilot Lars Koch decides to shoot down the machine. The court of Berlin should decide whether Lars Koch is a hero or a murderer. The viewers become jurors, and their decision determines the outcome of the film.
Dr. Erich Wagner
A French teacher makes a startling discovery while on a trip to Buchenwald.
On the 70th birthday of famous piano virtuoso Hannes Westhoff, a celebration is to take place at the patriarch's estate. For this occasion, his second wife Anne not only invited Westhoff's three sons Max, Fredrik and Gregor, but also their mother, Westhoff's ex-wife Renate. While Anne tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere, old conflicts resurface among the family. With tensions already high, things take a turn for the dramatic when son Max reveals shocking news.
Years after declaring her eternal virginity and opting to live life as a man in the mountains of Albania, Hana looks to return to living as a woman as she settles into a new existence in modern-day Milan.
What if the Surrealists were living today, in Berlin? Lexia, a Bosnian vagabond, comes to Berlin to become an artist. But she finds what she's never had. A family. Elixir is a story about love, art and fear.
After her mother decided that the eighteen-year-old mentally disabled Dora no longer has to take psychotherapeutic drugs, the young woman begins to blossom. The sedated teenager was never a problem for her surroundings – but new challenges arise when the pleasure-loving young woman discovers her sexuality. The family is threatened to fall apart.
Richard III.
Richard of Gloucester uses murder and manipulation to claim England's throne.
Klaus Diesterweg
연상의 상사인 ‘헬레나’를 유혹해 자살로 몰고 가는 젊고 매력적인 캐릭터 ‘시그리드’ 역으로 단숨에 세계적인 스타가 된 마리아 엔더스(줄리엣 비노쉬). 그로부터 20년 후 마리아는 자신을 톱 배우로 만들어 준 연극의 리메이크에 출연 제안을 받지만, 그녀에게 주어진 역할은 주인공이 아닌 나이 든 상사 ‘헬레나’다. 리허설을 위해 알프스의 외딴 지역인 실스마리아를 찾은 마리아는 관객들의 기억 속에 영원히 ‘시그리드’로 남고 싶다는 욕망에 사로잡히고, 잔인하고 이기적인 ‘시그리드’보다 솔직하고 인간적인 ‘헬레나’가 더 매력적이라 주장하는 매니저 발렌틴(크리스틴 스튜어트)과 끊임없이 충돌하는데... 급기야 ‘시그리드’ 역을 맡게 된 할리우드의 스캔들 메이커 조앤(클로이 모레츠)의 젊음을 동반한 아름다움마저 질투하기 시작한 마리아. 과연 그녀의 무대는 무사히 막을 올릴 수 있을까?
Jan-Josef Geissler
Siegfried Wagner
After the death of genius Richard Wagner his wife Cosima fights for his legacy even against the will of her children Sigmund and Sieglinde.
Thomas Weidmann
Once again, the "border crossing" is celebrated, as every seven years in the Upper Hessian town of Bergen. It is really turbulent at this folk festival, when the municipal boundaries are confirmed from old tradition and everything is upside down. For this occasion leaves Thomas Weidmann his girlfriend and flees because of his botched university career from the city of Berlin back to his native village. At the party, he meets Kerstin Werner, whose life has just come out of joint - her marriage is broken and her husband Jürgen on the jump to another, younger woman.
Peter (39) has slipped into the role of the houseman over the years, because his wife Elisabeth (42) is traveling a lot for work and he takes care of the children Robby (15) and Laura (8). Peter learns that Elisabeth wants to go to Africa with her family. Due to the death of his mother Hedi, the soul situation Peters gets more and more out of balance. When he also learns that Elisabeth has already given her boss half a promise to go to Africa for two years, Peter feels ignored and ignored. It begins a blessing of blame, in which he gets into an emotional dead end.
Amos Quadfrey
Goltzius and the Pelican Company tells the story of Hendrik Goltzius, a late 16th century Dutch printer and engraver of erotic prints. A contemporary of Rembrandt and, indeed, more celebrated during his life, Goltzius seduces the Margrave of Alsace into paying for a printing press to make and publish illustrated books. In return, he promises him an extraordinary book of pictures of illustrating the Old Testament’s biblical stories. Erotic tales of Lot and his daughters, David and Bathsheba, Samson and Deliah and John the Baptist and Salome. To tempt the Margrave further, Goltzius and his printing company will offer to perform dramatisations of these erotic stories for his court.
Marko Heidtmann
On the request of his mother Gitte, Marko, who has been living in Berlin for years, drives off to the countryside to visit his parents. His hopes of spending a quiet and relaxing time with his family fall short when Gitte surprises everyone by revealing that she has recovered after a long mental illness. Marko is the only one who respects her wish from now on to be treated as a full member of this family and, as a result, ends up tipping more than just the delicate balance of his parent’s seemingly harmonious relationship.
Philipp Hobrecht
Juliane's happiness seems perfect. She is head over heals in love and has just begun a new life with August. One morning, however, she wakes up to find that she has been unexplainable thrown back into her past - to the time before she met her new love. Is what seems at first glance a cruel setback in reality actually a second chance?
Marian, a middle aged nurse, devotes herself to her patients like a saint. Sometimes she even takes on the role of a redeemer, by helping the gravely ill to the soothing order of ultimate silence. When she gets linked to a neighbor in an act of common voyeurism, she becomes fascinated by him. Faced with the fragility of these newfound emotions, Marian surrenders to her human needs
2016년... 지금으로부터 3년 후, 대기 기온이 10도 상승했다!
모든 것을 태우는 뜨거운 태양을 피한 처절한 생존기! 때는 2016년. 지금으로부터 3년 후, 모든 생명의 근원이었던 태양의 흑점 폭발로 인해 지구 대기 기온이 10도 상승했고, 지금은 모든 죽음의 근원이 되어버렸다. 물과 식량은 모두 메말라 증발했고, 사회구조는 붕괴되어 소수의 인류만이 살아 남았다. 마리와 그녀의 동생 레오니, 그리고 남자친구 필립은 본능적으로 물을 찾는 새들의 움직임을 따라 산으로 이동하는데, 괴한의 습격을 받아 레오니가 납치당하고 만다. 레오니를 되찾기 위해 고군분투 하던 그들은 곧 충격적인 현실을 마주하게 된다. 모든 것을 태워버리는 막강한 자연 앞에 과연 인류는 살아 남을 수 있을 것인가?
Georg Trakl
The Austrian expressionist poet Georg Trakl was in love with her sister. And she loved him back. Their relationship became sexual and caused quite a stir in the local society. But when his sister asked him to flee with her to Australia where no one knew them and they could live as husband and wife, he refuse for he could not live without the beauty of the German language. Torn between his love for words and his love for Grete, Georg turned to drugs and entered a downward spiral.
A stage play by Jörg Buttgereit.
Daniel Baumann
A short film by Maren Ade, using re-cut material from 'Everyone Else'.
Two policemen are stationed on Amrum, a North Sea island on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany’ – an elder, and one who is several decades his junior. Life is easy, just that the junior can’t find a wife, because no young woman seems to be interested in the peaceful life on the island. All of a sudden, a wounded lady who turns out to be one of two bodyguard for a threatened witness who lives in hiding on Amrum, bursts into the police station and seeks help from the two officers. I missed some bits of the plot, but somehow, the second one of the bodyguards hiding the witness on the island has been killed already, and the second one, seeking help from the local police, was wounded in the incidence, and then she apparently succumbs, too.
While on a Mediterranean vacation, a seemingly happy boyfriend and girlfriend find their connection to one another tested as they bond with another couple.
After her mother's death, 15-year old Mia moves in with her aunt, the actress Cleo, who lives with her son Fritzi in a shared apartment in Berlin. Mia lingers for stability and attention but in between Cleo's rehearsals at the theatre and her relationally disturbed housemate Elisa, she finds herself in a world of adults who themselves seem to be unable to cope with life.
The relationship of the Dutch Roman and the German Hanna - who live together in Berlin - is deadlocked. Will their relationship survive Christmas?
Berlin in the 3rd millenium. Rather by chance Kai Starel gets into the newly founded CC Institute "Carl Celler Culture", where hip creative minds buzz around in bleak spaces and think about company logos with animals. This brings up art, campaigns or something inbetween - and a liaison between the designer queen Rena Yazka (Sabine Timoteo) and Kai, who becomes her model.
Jørgen Tesman - Associate Professor of Cultural History
Hedda and Jørgen Tesman come back from their honeymoon to their brand new house in the western part of the city. It is apparent from the start that the couple is a mismatch, and it becomes clear that Hedda will soon be bored to tears by her petit-bourgeois existence. Until she hears a man she loved a few years back is in town, the writer Eilert Løvborg.
Andreas Baader
Paris. The year is 1969. Andreas Baader on the run from the law in Germany hides out in the apartment of the political intellectual Régis Debray who at the same time is serving what is supposed to be a long prison term in Bolivia.
Father Paul
The massacre of the Levi family, of which only adopted twins Eva and Greta survive, pits priests Father Michel and Father Paul against the powers of evil, both convinced that the twins are diabolical.