Junpei Suzuki

참여 작품

Out of the Blue
Always dressed in his plump satin jacket, Takuro hangs around with his no less plump buddies, but is essentially a good-natured and polite young man who quickly makes friends with strangers. Only when it comes to love does he seem to have no luck: He doesn't want to know anything about his admirer Hiroko and is constantly on the lookout for great love. In urban Tokyo, day in and day out, he meets a wide variety of, sometimes bizarre, characters. He is not lacking in variety, but he just seems to be treading on the spot in his life. But maybe true love isn't as far away as Takuro thinks...
Just Like a Mother
Naomi sacrificed her own youth to raise her daughter Yuriko. After Yuriko graduated from school Naomi moves out into the world to catch up on her own youth. Some time later Yuriko receives a message telling her that something happenend to her mother. She goes on the search for Naomi only to find her in the hands of a gang of rapists.
Socratic Love
Hiro, an unpopular comedian, lives with his girlfriend Kano, an editor. Hiro starts to distance himself from Kano with fewer live appearances and Satoyama, a seasoned comedian, drags him around. Kano is given a picture book during an interview with an author, Kaminuma. The tragedy of a princess' death in the book illustrate the troubled marriage between Kaminuma and his wife, Mizu. After reading the book, Kano imagines a happy ending by pretending Hiro as the King and herself as the princess. Fate changes when the picture book and reality collide... A love story for the new century.
A Letter from Elsewhere
Yoshinaga, a real-estate agent, has a young female customer one day. She asks him to take her to the apartment where she used to live. When he plays a videotape left in that cavant room which shows some signs of its ex-resident, Yoshinaga gets lost in another fantastic world. After a while, Yoshinaga and the girl come back to their respective daily lives... A pop, colorful, yet at times a heartaching road movie, which leads to elsewhere.
Noboru Sakamoto
Nine former members of a high school baseball team reunite for the first time in seven years, invited to meet again by an unknown figure. The friends begin to reminisce about times gone by, but soon realize that there are discrepancies among their memories. When they decide to open an old time capsule to dig up the truth, they find that the box they buried now has ten keyholes instead of nine; a mystery that only a tenth person could have the answer to.
칠석의 여름
(as Junpei)
2003년 오랜만에 재개된 부산-시모노세키간 친선 육상경기대회의 스텝으로 참가한 이쿠코(미즈타니 유리 분)는 높이뛰기 선수로 이 대회에 참가했던 1977년의 시절을 회상한다. 그 해 여름, 이쿠코는 친구인 마리(우에노 주리분), 도모에(가쓰라 아사미분), 레이코(미무라 다카요분)와 함께 부산에서 열리는 육상대회에 참가하여 같은 높이뛰기 선수인 안대호를 알게 된다. 대호의 귀띔("Five centimeter back" : 5센티미터 뒤로)으로 좋은 기록을 얻게 된 이쿠코는 숙소까지 찾아와 더듬거리는 일본어로 좋아한다고 고백하는 대호에게 호감을 가진다. 그들은 다음 해의 대회에 다시 만날 것을 약속하면서 펜팔을 시작한다.