모두가 한 번쯤은 살고 싶어 하는 북유럽의 아름다운 나라, 스웨덴. 하지만 그곳에도 문제는 있다. 요셉과 마리아는 기회의 땅이라고 불리는 쇠데르텔리에를 찾아 여정을 떠나지만, 실제로 마주한 그곳은 상상한 것과 너무나 다른 모습이다. 난민을 어떻게 받아 들여야 하는가? 여성과 남성은 평등한가? 여러 종교가 공존하는 이곳에서 그들 사이의 갈등을 해결할 방법은? 욜로족을 꿈꾸는 중년의 부부는 정말 행복할까? 나라 간의 장벽을 세우는 게 옳은 방법일까?
The working class girl from Landala, Gothenburg, through the fine art of theatre and all the way to Hollywood.
북구의 어느 도시에서 기이한 사건들이 계속 발생한다. 종업원이 부당하게 해고되고, 복잡한 시내에서 길잃은 이민자가 심하게 폭행당한다. 그리고 마술사는 공연 도중에 실수를 저지른다. 이런 혼란한 상황에서 칼은 보험금을 타 내기 위해 자신의 가구점을 불태우기로 결심한다. 이 도시 사람들에게 이 날 밤 잠드는 것은 쉽지 않을 것 같다. 다음 날 도시 지도자들이 광기에 휩싸이고 도시는 끔찍한 교통란에 시달리면서 혼란의 징후들이 나타나기 시작한다. 새로운 세기를 앞두고 사람들이 정신적 혼란을 겪고 있는 가운데 칼은 서서히 세상의 기이함을 깨닫고 인간답게 산다는 것이 얼마나 힘든가를 알아 가기 시작한다.
A lot of hell and very little heaven heaven among homeless and damaged characters in Stockholm. The young heroin addict couple, the slippery pimp, a mentally ill poet, are some of the personalities we are being served.
Gavlings torped
A homosexual police officer's double life is paid by Becks archenemy, Gavling. A man who runs Stockholm's underworld. In return have the homosexual police, been serving Gavling with secret information from the archive of the police authorities. Written
Asker is always aftemoney and everybody knows he doesn't have any scruples. He gets accused of stealing a lottery ticket from the mentally-handicapped Musse. Simultaneously he meets a man at a café named Claes Douglas who promises to pay Asker if he does a favour for him.
"The Reef" - Paula, is in an acute crisis after her child died in sudden infant death. She takes the boat to the archipelago island where her husband Simon and Benjamin, her brother in law, are. Paula and Benjamin have previously had a relationship, Simon does not know this. It is a tensed situation between the three.
"The Reef" - Paula, is in an acute crisis after her child died in sudden infant death. She takes the boat to the archipelago island where her husband Simon and Benjamin, her brother in law, are. Paula and Benjamin have previously had a relationship, Simon does not know this. It is a tensed situation between the three.
Hans Zetterberg
When the war breaks out, Annika lives with her parents in Värmland, close to the border to Norway. Her cousin Harald is a dealer in the black market but has to escape from the police to Norway. Annika moves to Stockholm and gets a job as a waitress. She meets the happy-go-lucky Berit and together they have a wonderful time. She also meets a young man, Bengt, whom she marries. But almost immediately she discovers that her husband is different from the man who was courting her. Plot by Mattias Thuresson.