George Malko

참여 작품

왓 쉬 세드: 디 아트 오브 폴린 케일
Pauline Kael (1919–2001) was undoubtedly one of the greatest names in film criticism. A Californian native, she wrote her first review in 1953 and joined ‘The New Yorker’ in 1968. Praised for her highly opinionated and feisty writing style and criticised for her subjective and sometimes ruthless reviews, Kael’s writing was refreshingly and intensely rooted in her experience of watching a film as a member of the audience. Loved and hated in equal measure – loved by other critics for whom she was immensely influential, and hated by filmmakers whose films she trashed - Kael destroyed films that have since become classics such as The Sound of Music and raved about others such as Bonnie and Clyde. She was also aware of the perennial difficulties for women working in the movies and in film criticism, and fiercely fought sexism, both in her reviews and in her media appearances.
아웃 콜드
Sunny is married to the butcher, Ernie, and their marriage is about to end as both of them have affairs. Thus Sunny hires Lester Atlas as private investigator in order to collect proof for the divorce. One evening drunken Ernie and his partner Dave have a fight in the butcher shop with Ernie getting knocked out in the fridge where he dies during the night. But it was not Dave's fault but intentional murder by Sunny. Only Lester has proof so Sunny kills him, too. Thus she only has to kill Dave to get rid of all witnesses, but he can free himself out of the fridge and wants to take revenge.
특수요원으로 많은 전쟁과 내전에 투입되었던 샤논(크리스토퍼 월큰 분)은 사랑했던 여인 제시와도 이혼하고 혼자서 외롭게 살아간다. 현재 그는 사건을 의뢰 받고 정보를 알아 오거나 일을 처리해주는 해결사. 그가 새롭게 의뢰 받은 일은 바로 장가로에 가서 새로운 킴바 정권에 대해 알아오는 것이다. 그는 새를 연구하는 자연학자로 위장하고 장가로로 향한다. 무력적이고 강압적인 독재와 끊임없는 쿠데타가 일어나는 그곳에서 샤논은 킴바 대통령의 요새를 촬영하고 조사하는 중 가브리엘이라는 여인의 안내를 받게 된다. 그러나 그 여인은 킴바의 여자였고 그는 이 일로 인해 감옥에 갇혀 심한 고문을 받는다. 그곳에서 대통령 후보였던 오코에 박사를 만난 샤논은 그가 진정한 민중의 대통령이 될 것이라 느낀다. 호텔에서 만났던 기자 노스의 도움으로 감옥을 빠져 나오지만 샤논은 추방당한다. 미국으로 돌아와 자신의 의뢰인에게 그곳의 상황을 전하자 그는 샤논에게 새로운 제안을 하는데 바로 장가로로 다시 가서 독재자 킴바를 제거하는 것. 바로 새로운 대통령을 꿈꾸는 제3의 인물, 새코우 보비의 음모이다. 그는 옛 동지들을 하나 둘씩 모아 팀을 짜고 무기와 서류 등 완벽한 준비를 마친다. 배를 타고 은밀히 그곳으로 향하고 장가라에 잠입한 그는 무장을 하고 킴바의 요새로 가는데...
The Courage of Kavik, the Wolf Dog
The story of a champion Eskimo sled dog named Kavik who survives a plane crash in the wilds of Alaska and is found and cared for by a young boy named Andy Evans. But the dog's owner finds Kavik and takes him back to his home in Colorado where the dog escapes and embarks on a 2,000-mile odyssey in search of Andy.
Return to Earth
The story of Buzz Aldrin, the second astronaut to walk on the moon, and the problems he had after his return to Earth, including the breakup of his marriage, a nervous breakdown and his hospitalization for psychiatric problems.
Alien Thunder
The true story of Canadian Mountie Dan Candy's pursuit of a Native American that killed his partner.
In the Mouth of the Wolf
Associate Producer
This documentary offers an incomparable glimpse into the Golden Age of opera, as the nervous stars—opera greats Margherita Roberti, Renato Cioni, and Piero Cappuccilli—prepare their new production of Verdi’s Luisa Miller for Parma’s notoriously demanding audience.