Chigusa Takayama

출생 : 1931-03-06, Japan


Japanese actress.

참여 작품

Older, wiser but still a wandering loner, the blind, peace-loving masseur Ichi seeks a peaceful life in a rural village. When he's caught in the middle of a power struggle between two rival Yakuza clans, his reputation as a deadly defender of the innocent is put to the ultimate test in a series of sword-slashing showdowns.
Inspired by Arthur Schnitzler's novel, "La Ronde", many people are having sex in a variety of ways. A girl and her boyfriend go to a pool bar where she is served a free cocktail drink courtesy of a man who wants to date her. Another guy challenges her boyfriend to a game with the girlfriend being the prize. Three men are fighting over the young woman and a winner takes the girl. It ends up as four guys and the woman in a hotel room.
Luminous Woman
A hulking man from the country pursues his beloved to the underworld of Tokyo nightclubs, where he finds work as a sideshow wrestler and becomes involved with a faded opera singer.
바다와 독약
Two interns and a nurse are interrogated by American MPs for their involvement in an atrocity during the war: the vivisections of a downed American air crew.
눈의 노래
고아인 이오리는 어느 부잣집의 양녀로 입양되지만 실은 노예처럼 취급당하는 중이다. 우연히 이 사실을 알게 된 유이치와 다이스케는 이오리를 데려다 자신의 딸처럼 키운다. 그리고 10년 후, 17살이 된 이오리는 아직 떨쳐내지 못한 자신의 어두운 과거와 함께 새로운 미래를 고민하기 시작한다. 1987년 키네마준보 어워드 신인여우상(사이토 유키) 수상.
Moment of Demon
Filled with guilt over his forbidden desires, a young man leaves home and his studies. He finds a new smaller place to stay, a low-paying but satisfying job and a girlfriend. Then his mother, unable to fight her forbidden desires, shows up.
Gemini Woman
Middle-aged woman
Roman Porno from 1984.
단 오니로쿠 - 밧줄 지옥의 수녀
단 오니로쿠의 원작 - 타카코는 연인의 아내가 그들을 현장에서 붙잡은 후 수녀원에 들어간다. 그녀는 수녀들과 성공한 작가가 퇴폐적인 S&M에 관여하기 위해 공모했다는 것을 곧 알게 된다.
Ken-chan no oneesan
Office Girl
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Our Wedding
On her wedding day, Makiko is stabbed by a woman in wedding dress. The wound isn't serious but the attacker blows herself up and can't be identified. The attacker is thought to be an ex-girlfriend of Tsutomu, the groom. He gives two names to the police but these two are still alive. But there is still one woman in Tsutomu's mind...
Seiko's Juicy Thighs: Public Bath Beauty
Woman at Cigar Store
Shi no dangai
Rolling on the Road
George is a washed-up middle-aged rocker, who divorces his wife and lives with his girlfriend, a soap massage parlor worker.
Dangerous Liaisons
Roman Porno from 1978. Director Toshiya Fujita and screenwriter Kaneto Shindo adapted Pierre Choderlos de Laclos' 18th-century epistolary novel 'Les Liaisons dangereuses' to a contemporary setting. An abominable and burning jealousy and an evil relationship between a man and a woman unfold in the nature of a game. Eventually, jealousy's ripples deeply hurt the true love of a chaste married woman.
College Girl: One Summer Experience
Apartment House Manager
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Koichiro Uno's Yummy and Meaty
Middle-aged Woman
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
청춘의 살인자
준은 22세로 부모로부터 물려받은 바를 경영한지 3개월이 되었다. 가게를 도와 주고 있는 것은 어렸을 적부터 친구인 케이코이다. 하지만 어머니는 그에게 "케이코와 함께 하는 것은 너에게 좋지 않은 일"이라고 말한다. 아버지는 준에게 케이코가 강간 당해 귀가 먹었다고 이야기하자 준은 아버지를 죽인다. 돌아온 어머니는 자수하겠다는 준을 말리는데...
Fully Opened: Sisters Exposed
A sister live with her two other sisters that work as strippers.
Newlywed Hell
The young and beautiful Yuki decides to leave her husband. She goes back to the place where she grew up. There she is initiated to S&M & bondage. But is it really the perfect cure to forget all about her past and regain happiness?
Great Edo: Secret Story of a Female Doctor in Trouble
Roman Porno from 1975.
Red Light Tobita Brothel
Roman Porno from 1975.
전원에 죽다
낯선 카니발풍의 마을을 배경으로 한 어린 소년들의 성년 이야기는 감독이 20년 후에 가지고 있는 추억의 재창조가 된다.
Evening Primrose
The Taisho era was a time of turbulence in Japan. From new marks of modernity to full-blown riots, a sense of revolution filled the air. The Dam Dam Group is a small anarchist organization lead by Daijiro, a silver tongued "Benshi", a performer who provides narratives for silent films, playing multiple roles. In other words, he was a master at the art of deception, a handy talent when it came to 'doing jobs' for his group. His revolutionary ideals attracted many to his squadron, but among them was a young girl who was oblivious to his group's activities. Her name was Shino.
The Four Roughnecks
Gimme gimme gimme! Yusaku Matsuda and his gang are on the hunt for women, money and more money! The late legendary actor, Yusaku Matsuda, stars in this explosive motion picture about the hedonistic lifestyles of four roughnecks directed by Yukihiro Sawada. Takeo Natsuki (Yusaku Matsuda) was just released from prison. He was the leader of three rascals; all they did was cause trouble. When they meet a girl whose father is resisting a forced eviction to make way for a construction site, they come up with their own plans to solve the problem.
희생된 부인
A wife charges her husband with sexual battery. He escapes from the police and goes into hiding. In three years, she divorces him and tries to put the pieces of her life back in order, when suddenly he returns. Obsessed with rage and hatred, he kidnaps her and brings her to a house in a remote wooded area. There he disciplines her vehemently, subjecting her to increasingly shocking forms of sexual torture, tetherings, suspensions and humiliations. Astonishingly, through the rage and lust, the pair develops a relationship that pushes the boundaries of lurid passions and perverse obsessions.
Shinta is a sixth grader in Kawasaki City a troublemaker that dreams to become a soccer player. Yoshiko, a classmate who moved to Kawasaki from Iwate Prefecture two years ago, is a gloomy girl who suffers from asthma due to the polluted air in Kawasaki and is ostracized by her class. Shinta is placed next to Yoshiko in class and their stories will take a turn.
Stolen Pleasures
Roman Porno from 1974.
The End of One Night Wives
Roman Porno from 1974.
The Key
A college professor wants to bring the joys of sex to his frigid wife. He convinces his son in law to sleep with her because the idea arouses him, while also making him insanely jealous. The professor keeps a journal of his fantasies in a locked cupboard and hopes that his wife will find the key and read it.
A Modern Day Schoolma'am
Woman at a hotel
Roman Porno from 1973.
Sanctuary in the Night
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Maruhi anaba joho: Hinba no toiki
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Delinquent Girl: Alley Cat In Heat
Hatoko's mother
A teenage runaway (Yuko Katagiri) goes to Tokyo.
방황하는 연인들
일본 각지를 떠돌아다니던 가츠는 5년 만에 고향으로 돌아온다. 다시 한 번 새로운 삶을 살아보려는 가츠는 자신의 과거를 드러내지 않으려 한다. 어느 날, 그는 옛 동창 미츠오의 정사 장면을 목격하지만 모른 채 지나친다. 미츠오의 애인 요코는 그런 가츠에게 흥미가 생긴다. 구마시로의 최고걸작으로 꼽히는 와 함께 중요한 작품으로 여겨지며, 구마시로가 위선적인 일본의 검열제도를 비판하려 했다는 평을 듣기도 한다. 일본영화잡지 「키네마 준보」에서 1999년 선정한 ‘20세기 일본영화 베스트’에 선정되기도 했다. (2014년 영화의 전당 - 세계영화사의 위대한 유산 - 월드시네마 XI)
Lusty Sisters
Fujie Ōtsuki
Three sisters live alienated existences in modern day Tokyo. One works as a secretary, one is a prostitute, and one is a criminal. The secretary is cynically unhappy with the sexist business world which limits her opportunities for advancement and makes her a target for her lecherous boss. The prostitute lives an aimless life, drifting between men, and often the target of either police or jealous wives. The criminal, who lives by disrupting the society which oppresses her two sisters, is the only happy one of the three.
The Now Girl
Woman Next Door
For a girl who works in a 3rd rate bar, Ayuko is full of vanity. Nomura, her patron, is besotted by her and it is their habit that they cannot reach a climax unless they peek at a couple, across the way, making love. Intent on climbing up in the world, Ayuko uses all her wiles to get her patron, who is putty in her hands, to move her from her grubby apartment house to a dreamboat of a place. She then tries to find a place to work more befitting her new home but all the elite night clubs will have nothing to do with her and with time heavy on her hands, the devil finds mischief for idle hands to do.
Secret Chronicle: Prostitution Market
Sold into prostitution by her "uncle", a young girl is so innocent and naive that she doesn't know what she has to do.
The Last Laugh
Roman Porno film depicting the great uproar that the children cause in the division of their property, even before their parents are dead, as they claw at their greed.
Onna tengoku: Kodane moraimasu
Pinku from 1972.
Wet Lips
Roman Porno from 1972.
Coed Report: Blooming Yuko
Miss Receptionist(受付の女)
Roman Porno from 1971. Sequel to Coed Report: Yuko's White Breasts (1971).
Outlaw: Heartless
Goro Fujikawa (Tetsuya Watari) was indebted to Mitsugimoto. Sawada, a low rank yakuza with a gambling problem owed Mitsugimoto three million yen. This equation can only lead to one answer. Mitsugimoto needs to pay and Goro's coming to collect.
A Colt Is My Passport
A gang lord hires Kamimura, a hit man, to take out a rival boss who's gotten greedy.
A Chain of Islands
When a US army sergeant is found drowned in Tokyo Bay, an investigation is launched to determine how and why he lost his life. The investigation uncovers a black market scheme involving counterfeit money, murder, and conspiracy.
붉은 살의
사다코는 소심한 남편과 시어머니에게 부주의하다며 매번 꾸중을 듣는다. 그녀는 남편이 출장간 사이에 집에 침입한 히라오카라는 남자에게 강간을 당한다. 이에 사다코는 자살을 시도하지만 아들 때문에 감히 죽지 못한다. 이틀 후 히라오카는 다시 돌아와 사다코를 범하며 그 후로 사다코에게 강박적인 애정을 추구한다. 사다코는 히라오카를 떼어내기 위해 돈을 줘보기도 하지만 히라오카는 거절한다. 후지하라의 원작을 하세베 게이지와 이마무라 감독이 함께 각색해서 만든 작품. 이마무라 감독의 작품들, 예컨데 등에 등장하는 여성들은 사회적인 약자로 남성에게 강간을 당하거나 모진 수난을 겪기 일수다. 하지만 어떤 어려움 속에서도 좌절하지 않고 당당하고 강한 모습으로 거듭나는 것으로 그려져 이마무라 감독의 일관된 작품관과 여성관을 엿볼 수 있게 한다.
Black Sun
Grocery store proprietress
Akira, a young, jazz-obsessed drifter, returns to his squat, a ruined church, and finds Gill, a wounded African-American GI, on the run after the death of a white GI. Despite terrible misunderstandings and culture clash, Akira agrees to help Gill escape towards the sea, dodging military police along the way.
The Long Death
On January 26, 1948, a robbery of the Teigin bank took place in Tokyo - the criminal poisoned the bank employees and fled the scene with a large amount of money. In parallel with the investigation conducted by the Japanese police, journalists are also trying to find the culprit. Based on a true incident.
붉은 손수건
미카미는 대학 교육을 받고 사격선수로도 활동한 촉망받는 경찰이다. 그는 동료인 이시즈카와 함께 마약거래를 단속하던 중 중간책인 히라오카 영감을 붙잡는다. 미카미는 히라오카의 마음씨 착한 딸 레코에게 연정을 느끼지만 이송 도중 도주를 시도한 히라오카 영감을 사살하고 만다. 그리고 과잉 대처로 징계를 받아 경찰을 그만두게 된다.
The Gambling Monk
One summer day, the chief monk of the Hojuin Temple dies. Harumichi rushes back to town hearing about his brother's death and requests for a grand funeral. He had been unwilling to take over the family business and had chosen a life as a middle school teacher far away from home, but considering the circumstances, he changes his mind. As the new chief of Hojuin, Harumichi scrambles around day after day for donations. He has kept strictly to the straight and narrow, until he passes a bicycle race track where the sounds of cheering fans induce him into a new way of life...
광열의 계절
Yuki's mother
A juvenile delinquent gets out of the pen and immediately embarks on a rampage of untethered anger, most of it directed at the girlfriend of the journalist who helped send him up.
Smashing the 0-Line
Katiri is a reporter so ambitiously amoral that he’ll sell out anyone—including his partner and the drug dealer he’s sleeping with—to get a scoop. But what happens when an even more ruthless female gang boss kidnaps his sister?
시대는 막부. 시나가와 유곽에 위세 좋게 뛰어든 사베이지는 사실은 한 푼없는 가난뱅이다. 일해서 빚을 갚으려고 여관에 남은 사베이지는 요령 좋게 일하는 척을 한다. 친한 손님을 둘러싼 유녀들끼리의 싸움이나 밀린 돈을 받아내는 일 등, 끊임없이 일어나는 귀찮은 일들을 차례차례 해결하여 모두의 보배로, 유녀 오소메와 코하루는 완전히 마음을 빼앗기고 말았다. 장기 숙박을 하고 있는 쵸슈(長州)의 무사 다카스기 신사쿠 일당이 영국 영사관을 불태울 계획을 세우는 것을 알고 사베이지는 출입하는 목수에게 도면을 만들게 한다. 슬슬 철수하려고 여행 준비를 하는 사베이지 앞에 행방불명의 코하루를 찾는 억만장자 노인이 나타난다. 코하루는 죽었다고 거짓말을 하고 엉터리 묘지로 안내 하지만, 묘비에 새겨진 글자를 잠깐 보아도 이는 아이의 이름. 속았다고 화를 내는 노인을 무시하고 사베이지는 동해의 소나무 가로수 길을 가볍게 뛰어서 사라진다.