Philippe Kress

참여 작품

러빙 어덜츠
Director of Photography
남편의 불륜 사실을 알게 된 아내. 사랑이 처절한 증오로 바뀐 순간, 부부는 자신이 원하는 것을 얻기 위해 극단적인 방법을 선택한다.
1940: 최강의 독일 전차부대
Director of Photography
제2차 세계대전이 한창이던 1940년 4월 9일.독일군은 이른 아침 덴마크의 국경을 넘어 침공을 시작한다. 유럽 최강의 무력을 자랑하는 독일 부대에 비교도 되지 않는 열악한 환경의 덴마크 병사들. 그러나 그들은 사랑하는 가족들을 지키기 위해 목숨을 걸고 전쟁에 나선다. 무참히 생명을 짓밟는 독일 전차부대에 맞선 덴마크 남부 자전거 보병무대의 전설적 신화. 이제 그 서막이 오른다.
At long last, one of the most important novels in Norwegian history will be made into a film. Beatles relates the story of four Oslo boys born in 1951 and hooked on The Beatles, from the time they as seventh graders find themselves on the threshold of the adult world. The film is all about boyish pranks, hopes, disappointments, and of course about pretty girls, hopeless infatuations, drunkenness and parties. The world is changing, and so is the friendship between the boys. But the conclusion is, true friendship endures all - and no band in the world is better than The Beatles.
All for Two
Director of Photography
This sequel to the box office hit All for One finds the previously tight-knit trio dispersed: Nikolai is on parole, while brothers Ralf and Timo are planning a heist involving the unlikely combination of unsalted butter, a strict diet and a helicopter. When their seemingly impossible heist succeeds, Nikolai asks to borrow some money to start over. The brothers reject him, but when all three of them are tricked by a fish-loving banking executive, they are forced to team up again.
Move On
Camera Supervisor
Move On is a road movie like no other, because it is inspired by film fans from all over Europe! This breath-taking movie directed by Asger Leth features Mads Mikkelsen on a secret mission in 8 episodes, each taking place in a different European country.
잠자는 에디를 조심하세요
Director of Photography
한 때 잘나가던 젊은 예술가 라스는 슬럼프를 잊기 위해 한 시골마을 미술교사로 들어가는데, 그만 뜻하지 않게 덩치만 큰 자폐아 에디를 떠맡게 된다. 하지만 순해 보이기만 한 에디는 사실 위험한 몽유병에 걸려있는데, 그것은 잠들면 사람 먹는 살인마가 되는 것이다.
로사 모레나
Director of Photography
Thomas, a Danish gay man, is unable to adopt in his home country. He visits a friend in Brazil to explore the possibility of bringing home a child. Eventually he meets Maria, a poor woman who is willing to give away the child she is carrying in exchange for money. As he waits for the child, Thomas takes care of Maria, and their relationship develops in a way he did not expect
Anders and Puk move into their dream house which is still in a state of refurbishment. To be able to afford the expense, they decide to rent the basement out to family therapist Ulrik. Very soon, Ulrik has put their marriage to a severe test.
글래디에이터 - 템플 기사단
Camera Operator
어린 시절부터 수도원에서 엄격하게 교육 받으면서 자라온 '아른'. 그는 마침내 템플 기사단의 단원이 되어 고향의 가족들에게로 돌아가게 된다. 아른은 고향에서 벌어진 영토 분쟁을 해결하기 위해 결투에 참가해 승리한다. 그리고 아름다운 '세실리아'를 만나 한눈에 사랑에 빠진다. 하지만 행복도 잠시, 두 사람을 둘러싼 거짓된 증언 때문에 아른과 세실리아는 교회에서 파문 당하고 강제로 헤어지게 된다. 결국 세실리아는 수도원에서 괴로운 감금 생활을 하게 되고, 십자군으로 차출된 아른은 전쟁터를 떠돌게 되는데...
Jørgen manages the lotto club at the factory where he works. If you ask him, he would say he is a good person, even better than most. Then one day, he has to share a three million kroner jackpot with his friends, and his high morals are put to the test.
The Big Day
Director of Photography
Anne has started a wedding planning biz with happily flaming designer Lars and grumpy accountant Jesper. Hoping to make a big public splash, they land upcoming event that will marry TV chat hosts Anders and Signe. Instant attraction between Anne and Anders is complicated even further by her planned nuptials with boring b.f. Simon.
Night Dancing
Director of Photography
A short film about love, obsession and delusion, with a strong contemporary dance element.