Akira Natsuki

출생 : 1928-01-06, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan


Akira Natsuki was a Japanese actor.

참여 작품

The Wanderers
Follows the fluctuating fortunes of three ronin in feudal Japan who wander from castle to castle, selling their services to whichever lord will fill their rice bowls. Though they use the servants' entrance, they still feel themselves bound by the samurai code of Bushido; and this tension leads to tragedy.
The Genius and Delinquent
A talented man and a dull-witted one plan a big crime.
Live and Learn
Tetsuko (Eiko Yanami), a high school student, one day, forces Tsuneo, (Kei Wakakura), the brightest boy in her school, to make love to her after school is out and they are caught by the old school janitor. Tsuneo's mother, orders Tetsuko to pay for what she did to her son but Tetsuko blackmails her instead, saying that she is ready to inform a news company of what has happened to Tsuneo and receives one million yen hush money. Expelled from school, she comes to Tokyo, intending to take a round-the-world trip. But Sankichi (Yoshihiko Aoyama), a jack-of-all-trades, cheats her. So, she makes up her mind to catch him and get back her money.
High School Affair
Blood End
BLOOD END is one of the great unknown films from Japan's golden era of the late 1960's. Starring NAKADAI Tatsuya in one of his best roles, this is the story of the Mito Tengu Group who attempted to overthrow the Shogunate at the beginning of the Bakumatsu Period. Their political aspirations led to countless assassinations, as well as senseless killing of innocent people who got in their way. Sentaro (NAKADAI), a farmer who's been severely beaten for his outspoken defiance of the government and the high taxes during a time of famine is befriended by one of the group's leaders, KADA Gentaro (KATO Go) and joins up. This is the masterpiece of director YAMAMOTO Satsuo (who is best known for the first film in the NINJA, BAND OF ASSASSINS series) the erstwhile 'Leftist' director, who used his films to make his political points. Stunning fight choreography, and ultra-violence make this one of the bloodiest films of that era. A powerful film Rare classic!
Sleepy Eyes of Death 13: The Full Moon Swordsman
Inspector General Kanjuro Sano conspires with the future shogun twin brother. They replace Ieyoshi Tokugawa with his twin, but it becomes a problem when suspicion arises and Nemuri Kyoshiro gets involved.
The Woman Gambler's Tenth Game
The Woman Gambler's Supplication
Eleventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
Woman Gambler and the Nun
Eighth film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
The Woman Dicer
Seventh film in the long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin.
The Pit of Death
Horror film directed by Koji Shima.
가메라 4 - 가메라 대 우주괴물 비라스
Doctor 3
날아다니는 거북이 가메라는 사악한 외계인의 마법에 걸리지만, 두 명의 아이들이 가메라를 풀어주고 가메라는 외계인의 괴물 비라스와 싸우기 위해 돌아온다.
The Silent Gun
A series of murders has been committed by someone with a new model gun, a Mord-Gessel X 38. Indeed, Daisuke himself is almost killed while investigating the case. This occurred while he was with Ritsuko, daughter of a company president. Detective Kimura thinks that the president himself, returned to Japan after an absence of fifteen years, might be the killer, or at least the man who supplied the gun. Ritsuko's father limps and though she explains this as the result of a traffic accident, Kimura remembers a narcotics smuggler named Suginami who shot himself in the ankle and then escaped from the hospital. He believes that the company president and the drug peddler are the same.
가메라 3 - 가메라 대 가오스
Self-Defense Force General
후지화산대가 활발한 활동을 보이던 중, 드디어 후지산이 분화. 그 열에너지에 이끌려 가메라가 나타난다. 동시에, 깊은 잠에 빠져 있던 다른 한마리의 괴수도 출현한다. 그것은 날개로 하늘을 날고 초음파메스를 발산하는 식인괴수 갸오스였다. 산중에서 최초의 전투가 시작된다. 가메라는 초음파 메스에 고전하면서도 갸오스에게 붙잡힌 소년을 구출. 그러나 깊은 상처를 입은 가메라는 그대로 모습을 감춰버리고 만다. 자위대는 빛을 싫어하는 갸오스의 습성을 이용하여, 빛을 쬐어서 둥지에 묶어두는 작전을 시도하지만, 실패. 갸오스는 둥지를 뛰쳐나와서, 나고야 시내를 파괴한다. 그곳에 상처를 치료한 가메라가 출현. 가메라는 갸오스의 다리를 붙들고 일출 때의 햇빛을 받게 하려고 꾀하지만, 갸오스는 자기의 다리를 절단하고 둥지로 도망쳐버린다. 다음으로 제시된 것은 회전작전. 인공혈액으로 갸오스를 꾀어내서, 회전 라운지에 묶어두는 것이다. 그리고 라운지를 고속회전시켜서 정신없게 만든 다음에 햇빛으로 결정타를 가한다는 작전. 그러나 발전소의 오버로드 때문에 이 작전도 실패하고 만다. 마지막으로, 산불작전이 개시된다. 둥지 주변에 미사일을 발사하여 불꽃이 피어오르자, 갸오스는 황색의 소화액을 토해내어 불을 끄려 한다. 그러나 차례로 엄습해 오는 미사일. 바로 그곳에 가메라가 나타난다.
A Woman's Gamble
Onna no Toba, is the first film in long-running series Daiei Studio's Woman Gambler with Kyoko Enami starring where she plays the woman gambler Ogin. The series gets cited on lists of action yakuza films or woman avenger films, but once the films are actually viewed, it is quickly obvious they are not generally about action except in the nominal sense of acts of gambling. And while Ogin is in fact sometimes motivated by revenge, she is not as a rule a martial artist or a killer, & this series tends to place its female hero as far away from the "action babe" method as she can get. Ogin is an honest dealer in the criminal underworld of yakuza-run gambling. She is samurai-like in that she sets out to become Japan's number one dealer, much as a samurai might go on his "warrior's pilgrimage" to become Japan's number one swordsman.
The Great White Tower
The story contrasts the life of two doctors, former classmates and now both assistant professors at Naniwa University Hospital in Osaka. The brilliant and ambitious surgeon Goro Zaizen stops at nothing to rise to a position of eminence and authority, while the friendly Shuji Satomi busies himself with his patients and research.
나카노 스파이 학교
스파이 육성을 위해 만들어진 나카노 학교에는 이름과 호적, 가족이나 연인도 지워버린 채 밤낮으로 치열한 훈련을 계속하는 젊은이들이 있다. 스파이 후보생 지로는 졸업 시험인 영국군의 암호 코드 탈취에 성공하지만 약혼녀 유키코가 영국 군대의 스파이라는 사실이 밝혀지며 선택의 기로에 선다.
Gamera vs. Barugon
Ichiro Hirata
Gamera escapes from his rocket enclosure and makes his way back to Earth as a giant opal from New Guinea is brought back to Japan. The opal is discovered to have been an egg that births a new monster called Barugon. The creature attacks the city of Osaka by emitting a destructive rainbow ray from his back, along with a freezing spray capable of incapacitating Gamera.
Fangs of Vengeance
군대 야쿠자
A young intellectual conscientious objector is forced to serve with the Japanese army in Manchuria. He joins with a dim-witted former gangster in an effort to desert by stealing a train.
The Black Trademark
Ide of the Kokusai Rayon Company visits a supermarket and finds cheap shirts being passed off as his company's products. But a closer look reveals that the last letter of "Kokusai" has been changed to "n" and reads "Kokusan." The buyers, however, are all under the impression that they are buying Kokusai shirts. Ide begins an investigation to find out where the shirts are being made, but before he is able to uncover anything, he is killed on a train and his little black book, filled with secret data, is stolen. Sugino then starts a one-man search for both the killer and the factory turning out the cheap shirts.
Girls Born in August
나는 두 살
Doctor at Hospital
아기 이름은 3200명 중에서 선발된 스즈키 히로오. 단지에 사는 젊은 부부에게 기다리던 남자 아기가 태어났다. 부모는 물론이고 할머니까지 난리가 났다.
The Midday Trap
Detective Oki
검정 테스트 카
Two car manufacturers spy on each other to try to find out details and prices of a new sports car each is about to launch.
아내는 고백한다
등산 중이던 세 사람은 사고로 절벽의 한 로프에 매달리게 된다. 모두 죽을 수 밖에 없는 위기에서 아내는 남편이 매달린 로프를 끊어 자신과 다른 남자를 살린다. 아내는 살인죄로 법정에 서게 되고 그녀의 고백이 시작된다. 속도감 있게 과거와 현재를 넘나드는 교차 구성이 훌륭한 영화로 와카오 아야코를 일본영화사의 큰 배우로 이끈 작품이다.
검은 10인의 여자
아내가 있으면서도 9명의 여자와 사귀고 있는 TV프로듀서 가제 마츠키치. 그 때문에 여자들 사이에서는 싸움이 끊이지 않는데, 결국 여자들의 공모에 의해 가제는 사살당한다. 그러나 이는 가제와 그의 아내가 꾸민 연극이었는데...
Set in 1926 when Japanese tradition was much stronger, this drama looks at the inner workings of a small family, especially the relationship between a sister and brother.
The Beloved Image
Ko Tanomura, who was ordered to study abroad in the United States for two years as a youth executive at Haneda Airport and a royal industry, was looking for the appearance of Sako Ozegawa from a large number of see-offs. --Kou's father, Cheongju, is an authority on religious studies, and Orie is his third wife. Eiko, who is a distant relative of Orie, came to Tokyo to care for her sick. Two months ago, Ko, who first met Eiko, was deeply moved...
A Woman's Testament
The first story concerns an attractive young woman who works in a Tokyo nightclub. Her plan for a solid financial future has a double whammy. In the second story, a beautiful young woman is employed by an unscrupulous real estate agent to convince male clients to invest in worthless property. The last story is about a widowed geisha who has no real financial worries and who falls in love with a forger.
Across the Darkness
A journalist decides to do his own investigation after a series of strange murders are committed during a local election campaign.
1945년 패전 말기의 필리핀 레이테 섬. 타무라 일등병은 부대와 병원에서 쫓겨나 소속 없는 군인이 되어 버린다. 밀림을 헤매던 그는 집결지를 향해 가는 병사의 무리를 만나지만, 이들은 살인을 하고 인육을 먹는 극한 상황에 빠지게 된다. 전쟁의 참혹함과 기아에 몰린 군인을 그린 이 영화는 스산한 공기와 신체의 움직임마저 느끼게 하는 아쿠타가와 야스시의 음악이 적막함을 실감나게 전하고 있다.
The Lowest Man
A young offender who is already guilty of many crimes is sentenced again for rape. Upon his release from prison, a year later, the victim waits to kill him.
거인과 완구
밝게 웃는 얼굴과 건강함이 매력인 시마 교코. 엉뚱한 사건을 계기로 제과회사의 마스코트로 선택된 교코는 곧 스타덤에 오른다. 거대한 현대 소비사회에 희롱당하고 부딪치면서도 강한 의지를 관철하는 남녀를 그린 마스무라 야스조의 초기 대표작.
The Precipice
Kosaka drops to death while ice climbing with his friend Uozu to see the sunrise on the New Year’s Day. The investigators try to find the cause of the death, then discover that the cut rope was made in the factory for which Uozu’s brother works.
Advance Patrol
In 1905, Japan was seriously threatened in the Russo-Japanese War. Japan determined a decisive attack on Russia to end the war. A reconnaissance troop was organized to penetrate into the supreme headquarter of Russia in Tieling Mountain of China to find out the enemy's situation...
Kodokan Under a Morning Moon
The picture tells of a tremendous conflict between ju-jitsu, an aggressive art practiced by vicious hoodlums led by Takamatsu, and judo, which is used only for self-defense and championed by Sugawara. All of which, comes to a mighty match between Sugawara and Takamatsu. It's loaded with dynamite, so to speak, and lasts five minutes on the screen, Sugawara, wins. Takamatsu, a poor loser, and his four ju-jitsu hoodlum companions later ambush Sugawara in the woods. This turns out to be a mortal combat. You'd like to learn the outcome, wouldn't you?
우주인 도쿄에 나타나다
Large star shaped aliens travel to earth in hopes of warning them about an oncoming catastrophe. To prevent panic about their appearance, one alien takes the form of a popular singer.
당나라의 현종황제는 깊게 사랑하던 처 무혜비를 잃고 실의의 나날을 보내고 있다. 측근들은 황제의 마음을 사로잡을만한 여인을 열심히 찾지만 어느 누구도 그의 마음에 들지는 않는다. 정치적 야심을 갖고 있던 안록산은 어느 날 양씨 집안의 부엌에서 양옥환이란 아가씨를 발견하고 그녀를 황제에게 추천한다. 현종은 전의 황후와 많이 닮은 그녀에게 관심을 가지기 시작한다. 미조구치 최초의 컬러 영화로 호화로운 궁정을 무대로 한 역사물이다. 현종이 양귀비를 너무 사랑한 나머지 결국 당제국을 멸망의 길로 접어들게 했다는 역사적 사실을 배경으로 하면서도 미조구치는 남녀 간의 슬픈 사랑에 초점을 맞춘다. 정감 넘치는 대작이다.