John Bryan

John Bryan

출생 : 1911-08-12, London, England, UK

사망 : 1969-06-10


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia John Bryan (12 August 1911 – 10 June 1969) was an art director and film producer. John Bryan was born in London, England. He won the Oscar for Best Art Direction for the film Great Expectations in 1946. He was nominated twice more, for Caesar and Cleopatra in 1947 and for Becket in 1964. Bryan also won a BAFTA for Becket. In 1959, he was a member of the jury at the 9th Berlin International Film Festival.

프로필 사진

John Bryan

참여 작품

Great Catherine
Production Design
When British Capt. Charles Edstaston arrives at the court of Catherine the Great in St. Petersburg, Russia, he is stunned by the palace's disorderly condition. The severely intoxicated Prince Potemkin concludes that the handsome Edstaston would be a suitable lover for Catherine, and he coerces the bewildered visitor into her bedchamber. Edstaston manages to escape, but he is repeatedly recaptured and delivered to the mischievous Catherine.
폭스를 잡아라
카이로에서 엄청난 양의 황금이 도난당하는 사건이 발생하자 국제 경찰은 ‘폭스’란 별명을 가진 사기꾼이자 도둑인 바누치가 이 사건에 연루됐을 거라고 생각하고 그를 주시한다. 바누치는 기발한 아이디어로 늘 사기에 성공하며 어떤 상황에서도 교묘하게 벗어나는 것으로 명성이 높은 국제적인 사기꾼인데, 감옥에 있다가 영화배우가 된 여동생이 정숙치 못한 생활을 한다고 오해하고 감옥에서 탈옥한다. 탈옥하자마자 집으로 간 바누치는 여동생을 감시하는 동시에 카이로의 황금을 훔친 자들의 제안을 받아들여 이탈리아에 황금을 밀반입하는 것을 돕기로 한다. 황금을 무사히 밀반입할 방법을 생각하던 바누치는 여동생의 영화 촬영 현장을 보다가 영화 촬영을 가장해 황금을 들여올 기발한 계획을 세운다. 영화감독으로 위장한 그는 유명한 배우인 토니를 캐스팅하고 이탈리아의 작은 해안 도시인 셀바리오를 촬영지로 정하는데 셀바리오 주민들은 바누치와 유명배우 토니를 신처럼 떠받들고 영화 촬영에 적극 동참한다. 하지만 바누치의 엄마를 감시하던 경찰은 바누치의 행방을 알게 되고 결국 바누치는 체포되어 재판을 받고 다시 감옥으로 향하게 되지만 특유의 재치를 발휘해 다시 탈옥한다.
Production Design
영국의 왕 헨리2세가 교회와 세금 문제로 싸움을 하는 도중 캔터베리의 대주교가 죽는다. 왕은 그 자리에 자신의 분신과도 같은 토마스 베켓을 캔터베리의 대주교로 임명한다. 헨리 2세와 토마스 베켓은 우호적인 관계를 지속한다. 그러던 어느 날 죄를 지은 성직자가 살해당하는 사건이 발생한다. 토마스 베켓은 성직자를 교회에서뿐만이 아니라 세속 법정에서도 재판 할 수 있도록 한 클라렌드 칙령을 거부한다. 이 사건으로 그는 프랑스로 추방된다. 토마스 베켓은 이 사실을 교황에게 상소하였지만 헨리 2세와 반목하기를 원치 않았던 교황은 이를 묵인한다. 토마스 베켓은 프랑스 국왕 루이 7세의 보호를 받는다. 그리고 그 덕분에 헨리 2세와 평화 협정을 맺고 영국으로 귀향한다. 그러나 그는 헨리2세의 기사들에 의해 캔터베리 대성당에서 살해당한다. 그 후 헨리 2세는 공적으로 참회하고 토마스 베켓을 순교자로 시성한다.
The Girl on the Boat
Norman Wisdom does to P.G. Wodehouse in Girl on the Boat what Jerry Lewis did to Gore Vidal in Visit to a Small Planet. The zany Wisdom, put in charge of his aunt's cottage during an English summer in the roaring twenties, decides to invite several of his friends to his posh new digs. Among the invitees is the title character, played by the delightful comedienne Millicent Martin. All sorts of slapstick chaos ensues, but Wisdom manages to save the day before things get hopelessly out of hand. Like Jerry Lewis, Norman Wisdom is an acquired taste, but he's worth sampling at least once. ...The Girl on the Boat
The Horse's Mouth
Gulley Jimson is a boorish aging artist recently released from prison. A swindler in search of his next art project, he hunkers down in the penthouse of would-be patrons the Beeders while they go on an extended vacation; he paints a mural on their wall, pawns their valuables and, along with the sculptor Abel, inadvertently smashes a large hole in their floor. Jimson's next project is an even larger wall in an abandoned church.
윈덤스 웨이
A doctor's sophisticated wife joins him at his remote Asian practice to try and patch up their marriage. Increasingly violent friction between local rubber plantation workers and the authorities force both parties to make decisions.
The Secret Place
British Melodrama and crime thriller that follows a group of jewel robbers after a major heist. The film makes extensive use of bombed out areas of London.
The Spanish Gardener
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
The Spanish Gardener
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
진홍의 평원
캐나다의 전투기 조종사 포레스터(Forrester: 그레고리 펙 분)는 두 명의 부하와 함께 비행기 고장으로 버마의 황무지에 불시착하게 된다. 세 사람은 살아남기 위해 힘을 합쳐 사방에 도사리고 있는 위험을 피해 황무지를 벗어나야 하는 상황이지만 부하들은 그들의 지휘관인 포레스터의 판단능력을 믿을 수가 없다. 그도 그럴 것이 지난 몇 달 동안 포레스터는 과거에 폭격당했던 충격 때문에 불안한 정신상태를 보여 왔고, 더구나 자살 비행도 서슴지 않고 감행하는 노이로제 환자였기 때문이다. 그러나 현지의 아가씨를 사랑하게 되면서 삶에 대한 희망을 되찾은 포레스터는 놀라운 투지를 발휘, 온갖 어려움에 맞서 싸우며 부하들과 함께 버마의 황무지를 탈출하게 되는데...
The Million Pound Note
An impoverished American sailor is fortunate enough to be passing the house of two rich gentlemen who have conceived the crazy idea of distributing a note worth one million pounds. The sailor finds that whenever he tries to use the note to buy something, people treat him like a king and let him have whatever he likes for free. Ultimately, the money proves to be more troublesome than it is worth when it almost costs him his dignity and the woman he loves.
매직 박스
Production Design
사진관 조수인 윌리는 사진과 영화에 대한 열정으로 가득하다. 욕심 많은 주인 밑에서 몰래 사진 작업을 하던 윌리는 헬레나오 만나게 된다. 헬레나와 결혼한 윌리는 직접 사진관을 운영하게 된다. 하지만 사실, 윌리의 관심은 오직 활동 사진의 발명 뿐이었다. 결국 가장으로서도 사업가로서도 실패한 윌리는 자기 연구실에서 묻혀 지낸다. 경제적으로도 파산하고 아내 헬레나는 병에 걸려 죽어가지만 윌리는 활동사진의 발명에만 몰두한다.
Production Design
스페인의 바닷가에서 어부들이 두 남녀의 시체를 발견한다. 사람들이 놀라는 가운데 한 노인만이 이들의 사연을 알고 있는 듯하다. 과거, 판도라는 모든 남자들이 연모했지만 정작 그녀는 어떤 남자도 사랑하지 않는다. 그때 신비에 싸인 선장 헨드릭이 마을에 등장하자 판도라는 마음이 흔들리는 걸 느낀다. 그러나 사실 헨드릭은 신의 저주를 안고 살아가는 남자였다.
Set Decoration
1857년, 글래스고의 한 저택에 살고 있는 부유한 상인의 딸 매들린은 아버지의 성화에 못 이겨 그가 원하는 결혼상대인 미노치와 약혼한다. 하지만 그녀는 밤이 되면 지하실에서 연인 에밀과 밀회를 나누곤 하는데, 약혼 사실을 알게 된 에밀이 질투심에 불타 자신을 가족들에게 소개하지 않으면 매들린이 보낸 러브레터를 그녀의 아버지에게 보이겠다며 협박하기 시작한다. 매들린은 에밀에게 함께 멀리 도망가 살자고 부탁하지만 거절당하고, 에밀의 협박이 시작된 지 얼마 지나지 않아 그는 비소 중독으로 사망한 채 발견된다. 그와 함께 발견된 매들린의 러브레터로 그녀는 살인죄로 체포되고 법정에 서게 되는데...
Golden Salamander
Production Design
An archaeologist stumbles into the territory of an evil crime syndicate and struggles to set things right.
정열적인 친구들
Set Designer
런던에 살고 있는 메리는 대학에서 강의하는 스티브에게 오랫동안 사랑해왔다고 고백한다. 그러나 그녀는 안정된 생활을 위해 돈 많은 남자와 사랑 없는 결혼을 앞두고 있다. 결혼하려는 남자는 다정하고 안정적인 사람이지만 스티브와의 관계처럼 불타는 사랑은 아니다. 메리와 스티브는 스위스에서의 행복한 시간을 보내고 그들에게 점점 이별의 시간이 다가오는데…
Blanche Fury
Production Design
Penniless governess Blanche Fullerton takes a job at the estate of her rich relations, the Fury family. To better her position in life, Blanche marries her dull cousin, Laurence Fury, with whom she has a daughter. But before long, boredom sets in, and Blanche begins a tempestuous romance with stableman Philip Thorn. Together, they hatch a murderous plan to gain control of the estate.
Take My Life
Production Design
When her husband is wrongly accused of murder, an opera singer sets out to find the real culprit.
위대한 유산
Production Design
핍(Young Pip: 안소니 와거 분)은 누나와 매형과 함께 살고 있는 소년이다. 매형은 대장장이이며 억척같은 누나는 핍을 구박하고 멸시한다. 그러던 어느 날 핍은 부모님 무덤가에서 한 죄수를 만나게 되고 그에게 음식과 철끈을 가져다준다. 죄수는 결국 잡히게 되지만 그 죄수는 아이에 대한 고마운 마음을 간직하게 된다. 그러던 어느 날 핍은 해비쉠(Miss Havisham: 마리타 헌트 분)이라는 유복하지만 늙은 노처녀의 집으로 초대를 받는다. 함께 놀아주는 대가로 일종의 보수를 받게 된 것이다. 여기서 핍은 아름다운 소녀 에스텔라(Young Estella: 진 시몬스 분)를 만나고 그녀를 사모하게 된다.
Art Direction
During the last half of the 19th century writer Richard Darrell saves Don Carlos from two robbers, and is entrusted by Don Carlos to take a valuable necklace to Spain. Richard leaves his fiancé, Oriana, and starts the trip. He meets Wycroft, a henchman for Sir Francis Castteldow, an aristocrat out to steal Oriana from Richard. The latter is assaulted, robbed and nearly killed and, as a result, loses his memory. He marries a gypsy girl, Rosal, while Oriana, thinking him dead marries the dastardly Sir Francis. Everybody will meet again. Complications will arise.
시저와 클레오파트라
Art Direction
The aging Caesar finds himself intrigued by the young Egyptian queen. Adapted by George Bernard Shaw from his own play.
사악한 여자
Art Direction
A married woman finds new thrills as a masked robber on the highways.
Love Story
Art Direction
After discovering that she has only a short time left to live, concert pianist Lissa travels to Cornwall for the final fling of her life. While there, she falls in love with young mineral prospector Kit, a man whose dark secret prevents him from fighting in the War. Unbeknownst to Lissa, however, Kit's affections are also much in demand from a rival of hers.
Two Thousand Women
Art Direction
During the Second World War, three downed English airmen hide out with women's internment camp in France.
Time Flies
Art Direction
The Professor (Felix Aylmer) is showing Susie (Evelyn Dall) around his time machine when it accidently takes off with Tommy (Tommy Handley) and Bill (George Moon) also on board. They are transported to Elizabethan England where they come across Walter Raleigh, William Shakespeare, Queen Elizabeth 1, Captain John Smith and Pocohontas. Will our time travellers return?
Fanny by Gaslight
Art Direction
Returning to 1870's London after finishing at boarding school, Fanny winesses the death of her father in a fight with Lord Manderstoke. She then finds that her family has for many years been running a bordello next door to their home. When her mother dies shortly after, she next discovers that her real father is in fact a well-respected politician. Meeting him and then falling in love with his young advisor Harry Somerford leads to a life of ups and downs and conflict between the classes. Periodically the scoundrel of a Lord crosses her path, always to tragic effect.
The Adventures of Tartu
Art Direction
British Captain Terence Stevenson (Robert Donat) accepts an assignment even more dangerous than his everyday job of defusing unexploded bombs. Fluent in Romanian and German and having studied chemical engineering, he is parachuted into Romania to assume the identity of Captain Jan Tartu, a member of the fascist Iron Guard. He makes his way to Czechoslovakia to steal the formula of a new Nazi poison gas and sabotage the factory where it is being manufactured.
Dear Octopus
Art Direction
Three generations of a family gather together to celebrate a golden wedding anniversary, while the family secretary has the unenviable task of smoothing out all the deep-set hostilities and jealousies.
Millions Like Us
Art Direction
Millions Like Us is a 1943 British propaganda film, showing life in a wartime aircraft factory in documentary detail. It stars Patricia Roc, Eric Portman, Megs Jenkins, and Anne Crawford, was written by Sidney Gilliat, and directed by Gilliat and Frank Launder. It was filmed at Gainsborough Studios. When Celia Crowson (Roc) is called up for war service, she hopes for a glamorous job in one of the services, but as a single girl she is directed into a factory making aircraft parts. Here she meets other girls from all different walks of life, and begins a relationship with a young airman.
On the Night of the Fire
Art Direction
A barber gives in to temptation and steals some money, leading to blackmail and murder.
Inspector Hornleigh
Art Direction
When a landlady finds one of her tenants murdered, Inspector Hornleigh is sent to investigate. Inspector Hornleigh's assistant, Sergeant Bingham, soon finds an attaché case that had been stolen from the murdered man. When Hornleigh examines the case, inside it he finds a bag that was used to carry important government documents. The documents have been taken, and to make things even more confusing, a duplicate of the stolen bag soon turns up.
Art Direction
When linguistics professor Henry Higgins boasts that he can pass off Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle as a princess with only six months' training, Colonel George Pickering takes him up on the bet. Eliza moves into Higgins's home and begins her rigorous training after the professor comes to a financial agreement with her dustman father, Alfred. But the plucky young woman is not the only one undergoing a transformation.
Stolen Life
Art Direction
Adapted from the best-selling novel by K. J. Benes, A Stolen Life serves as a tour de force for German actress Elizabeth Bergner, whose husband Paul Czinner directed the film. Bergner stars as identical twins Sylvina and Martina, whose mild sibling rivalry intensifies when one of the girls tricks the other's sweetheart Alan McKenzie (Michael Redgrave) into proposing to the wrong twin.
The Captain's Table
Art Direction
A passenger is murdered on board an ocean going liner and suspicion falls all too neatly upon her husband.
Sunshine Ahead
Art Direction
'Producer stages outside broadcast despite jealous critic.' (British Film Catalogue)
Colonel Blood
Art Direction
'1670. Irish patriot caught stealing Crown Jewels talks his way to pardon.' (British Film Catalogue)