Gabriella Hámori

Gabriella Hámori

출생 : 1978-11-01, Szarvas, Hungary


Hámori Gabriella (Szarvas, 1978. november 1. –) Jászai Mari-díjas (2007) magyar színésznő. 2001-ben végzett a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetemen, Marton Lászlónál tanult. Az egyetemi évek alatt bizonyította tehetségét, aPesti Színházban szerepelt a Tótékban. Vígszínházban a Bűn és bűnhődésében játszott. 2001–2004 között a Radnóti Színház tagja volt. 2004-től a Vígszínház, majd az Örkény István Színház tagja, amelynek vezető színésznője. 2011-ben kísérletező alkat lévén megpróbált Los Angelesben és Berlinben is érvényesülni, a német fővárosban párjával, Márton Dávid magyar színházi rendezővel élt együtt. Játszott a Márton Dávid rendezte Macbeth című darabban a berlini Volksühne színházban német nyelven. 2003 óta az egyik legfoglalkoztatottabb magyar filmszínésznő, az országos népszerűséget Bergendi Péter vígjátéka, az Állítsátok meg Terézanyut! hozta el számára, amelyben a főszerepet alakította. Számtalan filmbéli alakítását díjazták bel- és külföldön is. Pályáját statisztaként kezdte. 2012 és 2014 között Berlin és Budapest között ingázott. 2014 tavaszán az Örkény Színházban bemutatásra kerülő Stuart Mária című Schiller-dráma címszerepe miatt tért haza. Első poplemeze Nem örmény népzene címmel 2014 őszén jelent meg. Az albumon szereplő dalok közül számtalan szerzemény szövegét saját maga írta. A "Mindenki mindent akar" című dalt külföldi rádiók is játszották, Paul Smith manchesteri rádiós műsorvezető Through The Curtain Show című rádióműsorában is hallható volt. Professzionális szinten játszik fuvolán. Forrás: Wikipédia

프로필 사진

Gabriella Hámori

참여 작품

더 게임
Gáti Éva
1963년, 부다페스트. 첩보부 대령 ‘언드라시 융’은 아내인 ‘에버’와 행복한 결혼생활을 유지하며 부족할 것 없는 삶을 누린다. 승진 욕구가 강한 그에게 유일한 장애물은 늘 경쟁구도를 이루는 동료 ‘쿨차르’ 뿐이다. 어느 날 전설적인 스파이 ‘팔 머르코’가 부다페스트로 돌아오면서 상황은 복잡하게 전개된다. 무엇도, 누구도 믿을 수 없고, 작은 몸짓 하나로 목숨을 잃을 수도 있는 무자비한 전쟁이 시작된다.
As Far As I Know
No equal signs of justice can be drawn between those who are accused of a crime, those who are convicted of a crime and those who are the true offenders. That triangle always contains the accused who are not guilty and true offenders whose guilt cannot be ultimately proven. Throughout history, one of the greatest deviations in the strive towards equality has occurred in the triangle of guilt in sexual crimes, where guilt is largely proven on the basis of a woman’s will.
포스트 모템
1918년 주인공 '토마스'는 전쟁에서 죽었지만 아이 영혼의 도움으로 다시 살아나게 되고, 이를 계기로 영정사진사가 된다. 어느 날, 죽음의 경계에서 본 아이 영혼 '아나'를 다시 만나게 되고 전쟁과 스페인 독감이 휩쓴 아나의 마을로 간다. 수많은 사람이 죽은 아나의 마을은 이상한 기운과 함께 유령이 있다는 소문이 돌았고 점점 기괴한 현상이 나타나기 시작한다. 이를 조사하던 토마스는 떠도는 유령들을 사후세계로 보내야 한다는 확신을 가지게 된다.
Psycho 60
Marion Crane
A frame-for-frame remake of the famous Shower Scene of Hitchcock's Psycho with 60 actresses for its 60th anniversary, a different actress in each shot.
Beck János felesége
The police hire a convicted bank robber to crack the Ministry of Interior's vault during the final days of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. But what they find inside is quite different from what they were expecting.
미션 임파서블: 루벤
Mimi (voice)
루벤 브란트는 유명한 심리치료사로, 세계 유수의 박물관과 개인 수집품들 가운데 13점의 회화 작품을 훔쳐야 한다는 강박에 사로잡혀있다. 이는 어린 시절부터 무의식을 지배하던 모종의 메시지 때문에 시달려온 끔찍한 악몽에서 벗어나기 위해서다. 루벤은 그의 환자들 4명과 힘을 합쳐 큰 성공을 거두게 된다.
Couch Surf
A fictional account of the 1958 attack against the Hungarian embassy in Bern. Based on a true story about the aftermath of the 1956 Hungarian revolution.
The Exam
Éva Gáti
Budapest, Hungary, Christmas 1957. The state, insecure after the defeated revolution of 1956 and increasingly put under the influence of a renewed Stalinist atmosphere, has decreed that all security officials must pass an exam to verify their loyalty. But to be actually effective in a shadowy world where suspicion and secrets reign, the subjects must be unaware that they are being tested.
Szinglik éjszakája
Last Report on Anna
Péter, a literary critic, is tasked by the secret police to persuade Social Democratic politician, Anna Kéthly, who has been living in exile for decades, to return home.
José Costa is a Brazilian ghost writer. Returning from a ghost writers convention his airplane is rerouted to Budapest. His life is also rerouted when he meets Krista and with her help, learns "the only language in the world which, according to the tongue-wagers, the devil respects.
While cleaning offices at night, Zsolt Kovàcs learns a lot about his invisible employers by examining what they leave behind, carefully choosing his targets, often disillusioned women whom he seduces, methodically taking their money. An artist of manipulation, with a generous dose of humor and the ability to assume different personalities, Zsolt begins to work in a psychologist's practice, where he meets Hanna, a 30 year-old dancer who is physically incapacitated and the daughter of a millionaire. The ideal victim if love doesn't get in the way.
Eszter's Inheritance
The aging Eszter clarify outstanding relationship.
Csodálatos vadállatok
Who the Hell's Bonnie and Clyde?
Lili and Pali are "chance" bank robbers, and perhaps "chance lovers" but they don't have the opportunity to pursue their relationship. With stolen money in their backpacks they are constantly on the run and everything seems to go wrong. As they seek refuge in a rundown industrial town they learn they are now famous and have been nicknamed Bonnie & Clyde. A contemporary look at youth in Eastern Europe trying to find truth in a world found on deception.
Stop Mom Theresa!
Kéki Kata
Kata, in her 20s, loses her boyfriend and her job on the same day. She's been indulging in fantasies of a more thrilling romantic life, and the cold water of being alone and unemployed doesn't entirely dampen her imagination. She's egged on by three girlfriends who get together to talk about men and sex. Kata has possibilities: she meets David, a medical student; there's Tamás, a stranger on a train who might be good for a relationship and a job. There's also Miki, her brother who's had serious drug problems. Is fulfillment within her grasp?
Eastern Sugar
Three young friends, from the Hungarian countryside, want more sex and excitement in their life. Together they undertake a journey to Lake Balaton, where they hope to find plenty of summer fun as well as a temporary job.
A Kind of America
Stoppos lány
Tamás is a young, Budapest-based director of video clips and commercials who dreams of directing his...