Jacqueline Ford

참여 작품

For one evening..!
In a chic nightclub, a navel officer admires his new love, the singer Stella Maris. A fellow officer warns him not to get involved with this woman and tells the tragic story of a sailor who lost everything because of his love for her. Some years before, in the port of Toulon, a sailor, Jean, met Stella in a bar. The two danced and instantly Jean realised he was love. The sailor later traced Stella to her home in St Tropez where, having forced his way into her bedroom, he spent the night with her. Some days later, Jean saw Stella in the company of another man. Driven by jealousy, he deserted his post and decided to put an end to his days…
Peach Skin
An orphan from Montmartre is sent to the countryside by his foster parents. Ten years later he returns in search of a girl he once knew.
Rose Mignon
르누아르가 존경해마지 않았던 에밀 졸라의 원작 소설을 각색한 장편 무성영화. 르누아르의 아내인 카트린 에슬랭이 주인공 나나 역을 맡았으며, "칼리가리 박사의 밀실"의 베르너 크라우스가 상대역인 무파 백작 역을 맡았다. 원작과 배우의 지명도에 힘입어 상업적 성공을 확신한 르누아르는 대규모 예산을 투여하여 를 제작했지만, 결과적으로는 흥행에 참패, 아버지의 그림을 팔아 청구서를 갚아야만 했다. 하지만 "나나"의 서정성, 그리고 희극과 비극이 교묘하게 어우러진 분위기는 많은 비평가들의 찬사를 받았다.