Francine Mussey

Francine Mussey

프로필 사진

Francine Mussey

참여 작품

Buridan's Donkey
Georges is a lover of women, of all women, without exception. One fine day, a young girl like no other, a savage, will come into his life. Will Georges fall in love and experience the joys of marriage despite his love of women?
The Crowd Roars
Lee Merrick
French-language version of Howard Hawks' The Crowd Roars (1932): A race car driver vies with his younger brother, who he'd hoped to keep away from the track, both in competition and for a girl who hangs out with the men. Tragedy results.
Round of Hours
A singer marries a rich girl without her parents' consent. But he loses his voice, and has to leave her. He becomes a clown in a circus.
Anne Lucile Philippe Laridon Duplessis
나폴레옹의 어린 소년 시절, 사관학교에서 천재적인 용병술로 전쟁 놀이를 승리로 이끄는 에피소드를 효과적인 접사와 이중 인화 미쟝센으로 인상 깊게 묘사하는 장면에서 영화는 시작 된다. 나폴레옹의 고향이자 프랑스, 영국, 이탈리아, 스페인의 접점이기에 늘 국제적으로 쟁점이 됐던 작은 섬 코르시카에서의 성장 과정을 거쳐 쉬이 현실과 타협하지 않는 과감성, 프랑스를 조국으로 인지하면서 생겨난 애국심과 민족주의적 성향, 정확한 판단력과 기회를 놓치지 않는 결단력으로 격변기 프랑스의 동력으로 자리매김 되기까지 나폴레옹의 영웅적, 인간적 내면 세계를 깊이 있게 묘사한다. 그 뿐 아니라 프랑스 혁명, 1793년 영국-이탈리아-스페인 연합군과의 트론 전쟁, 당통의 사형, 로베스 삐에르의 공포정치와 공화제 폭정에 고통받는 민중들, 정치 역학의 소용돌이에서 부침을 거듭하는 나폴레옹의 역경과 국민공회에 의한 최고 사령관 추대, 그의 처 죠세핀이라는 인물의 조망까지 당대의 상황을 아벨 강스는 탁월하게 담아냈다.
The Cradle of God
A young intellectual, J. Powers, loses his faith in God after the untimely death of his wife. He devotes his great talents to writing a shockingly blasphemous book, debunking all religion, and then embarks on a trip to Jerusalem. Far from reconciling him to God, the sight of all the different sects worshipping in that ancient city only serves to embitter him and deepen his unbelief. One day, wandering in the country, he loses his way and stops to ask directions at a small house. The inhabitants are a poor but devout family whose daughter, Ruth, revives his broken heart. At the risk of losing her, he confesses to her his loss of faith, and she gently declares that meditation on the Gospels will heal him. He sorrowfully tells her that he wishes he could believe as she does, but it is impossible.
Le chiffonnier de Paris
Paris, under the reign of King Louis-Philippe. Jean, a rag-and-bone man, witnesses a murder. The victim begs him to adopt little girl Marie Didier. 20 years later, in 1846, she has grown into a beautiful young lady and works as a seamstress. One night, she is taken to a party where she is insulted by the nasty Baron Hoffmann because she was wearing the dress she had made for his daughter. Dashing Henri de Berville takes her defense.
The Scar
Six-episode film Directed by Maurice Champreux and Louis Feuillade.
La gosseline
A film by Louis Feuillade.
The House of Mystery
Film composed of 10 episodes: 1.- L'Ami felon. 2.- Le secret de L'etang. 3.- L'Ambition au service de la haine. 4.- L'Implacable verdict. 5.- Le Pont vivant. 6.- La Voix du sang. 7.- Les Caprices du destin. 8.- En Champ clos. 9.- Les Angoisses de Corradin. 10.- Le Triomphe de L'amour.