은퇴를 앞두고 거대한 마약 범죄 조직의 사건을 맡게 되는 특수요원 ‘밥 마주르’(브라이언 크랜스톤) 조직의 핵심인물을 체포하기 위해 성공한 사업가 ‘로버트 무셀라’로 위장하고 지하의 돈을 세탁해주며 그들의 신뢰를 얻는다 단 한번의 실수도 용납하지 않는 무자비한 조직 안에서 무셀라는 최대 규모의 마약 유통을 담당하는 ‘로베르토 알케이노’(벤자민 브랫)와 둘도 없는 형제가 되지만 세계적인 은행 BCCI까지 조직에 깊게 연루되면서 순조롭던 잠입수사에 위기가 닥치는데…
In 15-years the Black Mafia Family, or BMF as they were called, made close to 300 million dollars trafficking cocaine from Atlanta to Los Angeles. In the Hip-Hop music industry they created a front company called BMF Entertainment, which was a perfect mix of drugs, violence, and street cred that makes their story Hip-Hop's version of the Godfather. This film explores the story of the 15-year investigation by the DEA, FBI and an elite drug task force called HIDTA, which resulted in 41 defendants across the country being charged in one of the largest drug conspiracy cases ever.
In 15-years the Black Mafia Family, or BMF as they were called, made close to 300 million dollars trafficking cocaine from Atlanta to Los Angeles. In the Hip-Hop music industry they created a front company called BMF Entertainment, which was a perfect mix of drugs, violence, and street cred that makes their story Hip-Hop's version of the Godfather. This film explores the story of the 15-year investigation by the DEA, FBI and an elite drug task force called HIDTA, which resulted in 41 defendants across the country being charged in one of the largest drug conspiracy cases ever.
A documentary on the secret dossiers that police, FBI, and task agencies have compiled on hip-hop performers and industry executives.