Samuel Hopkins Adams

참여 작품

You Can't Run Away from It
A reporter stumbles on a runaway heiress whose story could salvage his career.
하비 걸
서부로 가는 기차여행. 신부인 수잔 브래들리는 여행객들을 위해 음식과 음료수를 제공하는 레스토랑 '하비 하우스'에서 유쾌한 직원을 만난다. 수잔과 그녀의 부끄러움 많은 청혼자가 서로 소원해졌을 때, 수잔은 하비 하우스에서 일하는 하비 걸로 합류하게 된다. 수잔은 사람의 마음을 끄는 유쾌함과 지혜로운 언변으로 인기를 끌게 되고 마침내, 하비 하우스의 소유자이자 매력적인 남자 네드 트렌트의 강렬한 눈빛을 느끼게 된다.
The Perfect Specimen
Raised in seclusion to be the epitome of mental, physical and moral perfection, Gerald Beresford Wicks is resigned to following his grandmother's wishes until a chance encounter with Mona Carter leads him into the outside world.
The President's Mystery
The screenplay for this mystery is based upon a story suggested to Liberty Magazine by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It is the tale of a prominent lawyer who shocks his snooty friends, family and colleagues by abruptly abandoning his successful practice and his wife to find true happiness. He soon falls in love with another woman and continues to keep a low profile until he learns that his first wife stands accused of murdering him
The Gorgeous Hussy
It's the early nineteenth century Washington. Young adult Margaret O'Neal, Peggy to most that know her, is the daughter of Major William O'Neal, who is the innkeeper of the establishment where most out-of-town politicians and military men stay when they're in Washington. Peggy is pretty and politically aware. She is courted by several of those politicians and military men who all want to marry her, except for the one with who she is truly in love.
In Person
Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.
어느 날 밤에 생긴 일
Short Story
재산을 노리고 구혼을 한 비행사인 킹 웨슬리와 결혼하고자 하는 엘리를 아버지 알렉산더가 반대하고 요트에 가둬 두자 엘리는 헤엄을 쳐 해안으로 도망쳐나와 뉴욕으로 가는 그레이하운드 버스에 오른다. 그 버스에는 근무 중에 술을 마셔 해고당한 신문 기자 피터가 맨 뒷 좌석에 자리잡고 있는데, 엘리는 피터와 맨 뒤의 좌석에 나란히 앉게 된다. 여행 도중 엘리가 소지품이 든 가방을 잃어버렸음에도 신고하기를 거부하자 피터는 엘리의 신분에 대해 의심을 하게 된다. 그레이하운드로 계속되는 여행 다음날 둘은 잠시 쉰 휴게실에서 느긋하게 아침 식사를 하다가 엘리와 피터는 버스를 놓치게 되고, 피터는 엘리의 신분을 알게 된다. 엘리는 피터에게 뉴욕에 도착하도록 도와주면 자신에 대한 특종 기사를 쓰게 해 주겠다며 거래를 제안하지만 부잣집 딸이나 부를 탐내 결혼하려는 킹 웨슬리 같은 사람한테 전혀 관심이 없다면서 퉁명스럽게 이 제안을 거절한다.하지만 북쪽 으로 향하는 여행에서 몇 가지 우연찮은 사고가 일어나게 되고 피터와 엘리는 여러 곤경에 같이 빠지게 되는데...
Week Ends Only
A recently impoverished but formerly wealthy young woman ends up working as a nightclub hostess. There she meets a handsome, sophisticated and wealthy fellow who hires her to help him spice up his weekend parties. She begins helping him and regains her lost wealth and posh lifestyle.
Week Ends Only
A recently impoverished but formerly wealthy young woman ends up working as a nightclub hostess. There she meets a handsome, sophisticated and wealthy fellow who hires her to help him spice up his weekend parties. She begins helping him and regains her lost wealth and posh lifestyle.
Hombres de mi vida
Alternate-language version of Men in Her Life (1931)
Men in Her Life
A wealthy ex-bootlegger comes to the rescue of a formerly rich society girl after her gold-digging fiancé leaves her stranded when he finds out she's broke. The bootlegger proposes a deal: he will settle her debts if she teaches him how to be "a gentleman".
What Men Want
A playboy's mistress falls in love with another man. Her younger sister arrives in town. Complications ensue.
와일드 파티
Wild girls at a college pay more attention to parties than their classes. But when one party girl, Stella Ames, goes too far at a local bar and gets in trouble, her professor has to rescue her. Gossip linking the two escalates until Stella proves she is decent by shielding an innocent girl and winning the professor's respect.
Sailors' Wives
Informed by her doctor that she is going blind, Carol Trent tearfully breaks off her engagement with Don Manning, hoping to spare him the stigma of a sightless bride. When Hughes catches up with her and demands an explanation, Astor pretends to have fallen out of love with him and further convinces him that she has turned into a shameless hussy.
Summer Bachelors
Derry Thomas is a pretty girl from a good family who earns her own living, but is disillusioned about marriage and is firmly set against ever getting married. Nothing against men, just marriage. She is drawn into the company of some rich businessmen whose wives have gone away for the summer. Parties follow in New York nightclubs, road-houses, country clubs and fashionable estates. Situations and contradictions follow.
A stern old woman, who owns the largest factory in a small town and has ruled both the factory and the town with an iron hand, finds herself battling with the wife of her nephew, the man she has picked to succeed her.
Flaming Youth
When Mona Frentiss dies, she has her confidante "Doctor Bobs" watch over her family, especially her youngest daughter Patricia. The family has been raised in a most unconventional manner, with Mona having a much younger lover and the father Ralph keeping his own lover on the side. As Patricia grows older, she attracts the attention of her mother's former lover, the much older (than Patricia, who in the book is in her early to mid teens) Carey Scott. Patricia tempts fate with her wild ways, nearly loses her virtue to a musician aboard an ocean-going boat, and is saved in time by Carey. Realizing that he is the man for her, she settles down into an experimental marriage.
This melodrama about an actress in love with a playwright and the stage manager blackmailing her for her affections offers a unique glimpse into Chaney’s career before his classic performances in The Hunchback of Notre Dame and The Phantom of the Opera.
A Love Sublime
A 1917 film directed by Tod Browning & Wilfred Lucas.