Nikolai Binev

Nikolai Binev

출생 : 1934-07-05, Sliven, Bulgaria

사망 : 2003-12-08

프로필 사진

Nikolai Binev

참여 작품

에일리언 헌터
Dr. Alexi Gierach
Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.
집에서는 자상한 남편이자 아버지인 자크는 사실상 가족을 속인 채 20여 년 동안이나 나토의 최정예 비밀 요원으로 활동하는 인물이다. 생일을 맞아 7년만에 가족과 함께 휴가를 보내던 자크는 갑작스런 나토의 긴급 호출을 받게 되고 슬로바키아의 화학 연구소에서 화학무기를 빼낸 러시아 여인 갈리나를 프랑크푸르트까지 안전하게 이송하라는 중책이 맡겨진다. 이러한 사정을 알지 못하는 가족들의 서운함을 뒤로 한 채 슬로바키아로 떠나고, 그는 갈리나를 만나 예정된 스케줄에 맞춰 화학무기 'SP43'을 비밀리에 수송할 기차에 오른다. 예약해 놓은 특실 침대칸으로 이동한 자크와 갈리나는 누군가의 노크 소리에 문을 열고 자크는 자신의 생일을 축하하기 위해 케익과 선물을 들고 서 있는 가족들의 모습에 깜짝 놀란다. 그리고 가족들은 여자와 단둘이 침대칸에 있는 자크의 모습에 실망하고 만다. 가족들에게 자신의 신분을 감추고 있던 자크는 이를 해명조차 할 수 없어 답답하기만 한데 설상가상으로 악명 높은 테러리스트가 나타나 열차를 장악하고 'SP43'을 탈취하기 위해 승객들의 생명을 담보로 한 인질극을 벌이는데.
Sergei Kozlov
June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.
The Doctor
전후 대학살이 시작하면서, 인류는 사상 최대의 위기를 맞게 된다. 과학 기술 연합과 공화정 간에 또 다시 전쟁이 선포되고 용병 출신 워차일드(Warchyld: 돌프 룬드그렌 분)는 전쟁의 폭격 속으로 뛰어든다. 그는 적진에 침투해 임무를 수행하며 적들을 일망타진하지만, 무참히 살해된 사람들을 보며 지금껏 느끼지 못했던 분노가 일기 시작한다. 워차일드는 피를 흘리며 기도하는 사제들을 학살한 장면을 떠올리며 괴로워한다. 그는 상관들에게 더 이상 그런 일을 하지 않겠다고 말하지만 상관들은 오히려 그를 위험 인물로 간주하고 워차일드를 없애기 위해 암살자를 보낸다. 그러나 암살자는 다름 아닌 워차일드를 용병으로 훈련시킨 제레미였고, 그 또한 명령을 받고 양심의 가책을 느끼며 우정과 대의 명분 사이에서 갈등하게 된다.
Sinbad: The Battle of the Dark Knights
A young boy is taught to use his imagination by his grandfather who casts him in a great adventure back in time. Using a magic coin, he enters the medieval world of Sinbad, who must rescue a beautiful princess from the clutches of an evil knight.
Love Dreams
Edgar M. and his mother come abroad a small ship to Eden Sanatorium spa. It is here that the wife, wronged by her husband, will seek a cure for her bad headache, while the 13-year-old Edgar M. is fighting his first male impulses as well as 'enoresis nocturna', the prettier word for wetting one's bed. The boy's amazed gaze hungrily devours the diverse hotel guests, their love joys and sorrows, while passion lustfully penetrates the walls, carried by the voice of the enchanting opera singer.
The Enchanted Castle
A beautiful princess is locked in a tower and an evil wizard wants to marry her.
The Poet and The Devil
The Professor
Fictional film about Hristo Smirnenski's life before his death of tuberculosis at 27...
The Biggest Sin
In the last moments of his life, the writer turns over episodes from his past. He finds the cause of another death, ahead of the last breath.
Autumn Sun
Mr. Teodosiy
Bulgaria, 1930s, small provincial town. Vyara Zadgorska returned to her hometown as a doctor after six years of study in France. Along the way she meets the landowner Assen Valchev, who is fascinated by her, but she is in love with someone else - the lawyer Kiril Donchev.
The last student days before the redistribution. The linguist must go to a remote village to work as a teacher. The outlook is not good at all for the ambitious man who published his own story and is searching for the realization of a career in literature. Mihail is looking for the possibility that will let him in Sofia. He is from countryside; his diploma is not of the highest merit; his career as an author is still not established. He meets by chance a famous writer. Soon the attitude of Mihail towards the writer becomes colder,, since he understands that he was used as an object of description. Mihail sees the situation as a deal - he offers "material" for the writer's novel for a note, needed for him to stay in Sofia. The writer's uncompromising nature breaks the deal and Mihail is traveling to the village or maybe to himself.
Near a large Bulgarian city begins the construction of a large factory. There is a fertile land in close by. Prof. Dimov, Director of the Environment Protection Institute has to submit his official approval for the civil works to begin. He and his co-worker Prof. Radev refuse.
Stars in Her Hair, Tears in Her Eyes
Dinko Syarov
20세기 초 불가리아를 떠도는 유랑극단의 이야기
The Last Word
The seven women inmates in Poslednata Duma are imprisoned because they have been associated with partisans opposing the fascist puppet government of the German Nazis. Each of them has the power to save herself if she will betray the others, and each bravely refuses to do so, even though it means they all will die. Despite their grim situation, and the atrocities perpetuated on them as political prisoners, they manage to laugh, and even celebrate a festival.
Maria is having great difficulty getting on with her parents because of their blind, consumerist approach to life. Traumatized by continuous family dramas, having experienced the disappointments of firs love, Maria decides to go up the mountain to a holiday home. There she meets a conceited architect, a shy teacher, a jurist, and a timid journalist (all of them representatives of the intelligentsia) who are domineered by the manager of the holiday home and his 'problems'. Maria's resignation changes into a rebellion against impersonal submission and sheep-like compliance with those who hold power.
Don't Look Back
The movie is set in the years of WWII. The partisans Stefan, Rado and Velko await a plane with weapon. The three men are trapped. Velko is killed. Rado and Stefan go to the Silent one. Only she knows the location where the weapon should be received. Army regiments arrive and a shootout begins. The plane drops the weapons. Stefan covers the others with machine gun while the Silent one and Rado leave with the weapon to the contingent
Farewell, Friends!
Direktorat na gimnaziyata
Boev, an enthusiastic form master, is trying hard to establish rapport with his final-year students. His frankness, buoyancy and good nature soon make him a universal favorite. The only one who does not approve of him is headmaster who loves his job, but is not aware of how dated his own views are and cannot understand the young teacher. Apart from this, Boev comes in into particularly sharp conflict with his colleague and childhood chum Kiril who is consumed by jealousy and the ambition to get promoted quickly.
Three young men, who have become friends while doing their national service, make their way in the world.
Стръмната пътека
1944. The inhabitants of the house are strange. On the first floor is the owner - the lawyer. He expects as a close man to the government to enter the big politics soon. On the second floor resides a pro-Nazi doctor. There is an illegal printing press at the attic. Every day brings new challenges to the illegal printers. The lawyer decides to travel for the country. This distorts the plans of the illegal printers because they must move too. They meet the sunrise with a smile. Every day is joy to them - the fact that they are alive and they can continue their work.