A homeless refugee looks for a fresh start at a European multinational temp agency - but they have very different plans for him.
Frau Bolschakow
진정한 행복을 찾아 파트너 교환을 시도한 두 커플. 해변가 별장에 모인 이들에게 감정의 소용돌이가 휘몰아친다. 쏟아지는 진실과 커져가는 균열. 우리도 해피엔딩을 맞을 수 있을까?
Jana Schlegel
삶의 이유인 천문학 연구에 방해를 받자 스스로 문제를 해결하기로 한 열두 살 울야는, 동급생이 운전하는 훔친 영구차를 타고 동유럽을 가로질러 소행성의 충돌을 보러 간다. 이 여정을 통해 울야는 그녀를 뒤쫓는 이들뿐 아니라 그녀가 가족과 우정에 대해 가졌던 실리적인 생각도 떨쳐 버려야만 하는 처지에 놓인다.
Former Girlfriend
The german performance artists Greta & Rodi are celebrating the last 24 Hours of their relationship. Planned as an act of gratitude & the last art project at the same time, things get out of control...
Lars, a male nurse from Saarbrücken, moves to Berlin with his lover, Roland. They begin to renovate an apartment and their happiness seems almost complete. What Roland doesn’t know is that, while secretly checking out Berlin’s night life, Lars is also experimenting with a deadly poison.
Inès Ramos
Schwester Agnes
Klaus works voluntary as a Santa Claus in a shopping mall. After an exhausting day, he considers to hang up his job. But then, he gets a call from the children's intensive care unit.
Carola Jurgan
Lara was severely traumatised as a child and every day this trauma catches up with her. During a photo session, she falls in love with Conrad, a writer who has just been released from prison. What Conrad doesn't know is that everyone around her knows the burden Lara lives with. Her uncle Markus resorts to drastic means to save Lara and risks losing her forever.
A heart warming comedy about a grumpy old man, who is confronted with a group of migrant workers and has to challenge his prejudices.
The former boxer Ronald has lost his short-term memory after an accident. Now nothing is the same. Roland's world has no future, and the past only exists in his mind up until his accident.
Freundin von Gio
Frau Schneider
Eleven-year-old Linh shows great grace under pressure. When her mother, who’s raising her kids on her own, has to return unexpectedly to Vietnam, Linh looks after her little sister Tien and the family restaurant on her own. Of course, no one is supposed to find out, not the school, not the neighbours, and definitely not child protective services. But Linh’s biggest problem has red hair, a telescope and a sly grin: Pauline. The daredevil from across the street has the whole neighbourhood under surveillance and can’t imagine anything cooler than a life without parents. When Pauline blackmails the Vietnamese sisters into starting a gang with her, the three girls set off on a daring adventure.
Wolfgang follows a ransom note from his supposed illegal kidney donor Irina back to Istanbul, the city which he would love to erase from memory. Donor and recipient collide and struggle for a fair solution after which there is a bitter new beginning
In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collision course with his new superior, Father Nostler. When Mohr organizes a church choir that includes outcasts from the local tavern and performs in German instead of Latin, Nostler threatens him with disciplinary action. Their relationship further deteriorates when Maria a regular tavern patron, surprisingly joins the performance of the all-male church choir. As Mohr's initial successes start to crumble and his efforts backfire on him, he loses all hope and faces a trial of faith. The night before Christmas, Mohr has to decide if he will accept defeat and leave Oberndorf or embrace the true significance of the Holy Night.
1916년 7월 29일 부다페스트. 세 명의 병사가 전쟁에 쓸 물자로 연료를 찾기 위해 벨라 키스의 주택을 방문했다. 하지만 그들은 기름통에서 연료가 아닌 끔찍한 것을 발견했다. 은행을 털고 몸을 숨길 곳으로 정한 산 속의 호텔로 향하는 다섯 명의 친구들. 알 수 없는 분위기로 가득한 호프만 호텔에 묵게 된 그들에게 이상한 일들이 벌어지기 시작하는데… "이 영화는 20세기 초에 일어난 사건을 바탕으로 제작되었다"
Russische Prostituierte (uncredited)
Susanne, a meteorologist Hamburg, has detected signs of an incipient sea storm that could devastate the city. Although given the alarm, local authorities do not listen to their warnings. To ensure the magnitude of the tsunami, Susanne decided to move to an oil platform located offshore, which verifies that their dire predictions are to become reality, as the storm will soon reach the coast, threatening the lives of thousands of people.