Masahiko Naruse

참여 작품

Lady's Triangle
Old man in Roppongi
Roman Porno from 1983.
Demon's Room
Yoshiko Sejima gets a call from a man claiming to be from her husband's company. He tells her that he will come to pick her up on behalf of her husband. It turns out that he's a kidnapper and takes Yoshiko to a hotel, and proceeds to rape her. This man Fuji Nakatogawa calls Yoshiko's husband but doesn't request a ransom. He's just bent on humiliating Yoshiko to submission to be his sex slave.
Mibōjin no shinshitsu
Motto hageshiku motto tsuyoku
Hanzo Isaka
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Momoe no kuchibiru: Aijû
Yutaka Nanbara
Nikkatsu Roman Porno
Long Journey into Love
A beautifully told story of a woman hardened by marriage to a man she doesn't love, after giving herself to another. She dedicates herself to her work, designing and creating plaited cords for kimono.
Evil Spirits of Japan
Murase is a bodyguard of yakuza group. Ochiai is a police officer who once was a student activist. When they meet, they are surprised how identical they look.
Admiral Borneo: Betting at the Equator
Takeo (Kiniya Kitaoji), son of a wealthy car industry executive, is unhappy with his job and goes to Singapore to become a fisherman. At first ridiculed by the local fishermen, he eventually gets their respect but his rebel temper pushes him to find new adventures in Alaska.
The Fox With Nine Tails
Saheiji (voice)
Tobimaru is the young emperor of Japan. He meets a mysterious woman named Tomamo. After successfully seducing Tobimaru, she brings great misfortune onto the land. Tobimaru soon discovers that Tomamo is actually a kitsune, and now has the task to unmask and kill her to save his land. (currently a lost media)
The Sands of Kurobe
Kitagawa is an engineer charged with construction of a gigantic tunnel through the Japan Alps for the transportation of equipment in the building of the massive Kurobe Dam. The tunnel crosses an earthquake fault and Kitagawa is beleaguered not only by cave-ins and flooding, but by strife between management and the workers's union. Adding to Kitagawa's stress is the knowledge that as his attention is pulled inexorably toward the tunnel construction, his youngest daughter is dying from leukemia.
When the Cookie Crumbles
Japanese film directed by Tadashi Imai.
Silence Has No Wings
Following the journey of a caterpillar along the Japanese islands from Nagasaki to Hokkaido, this allegorical and oblique first feature film by Kuroki depicts in exquisite images a series of encounters and life's turning points.
도쿠가와 막부 4대 장군의 동생을 차기 장군으로 올려서 실권을 잡으려고 하는 막부의 대노 사카이 그룹에 몇몇 무사들은 불만을 품고, 사카이를 암살하려는 계획을 세운다. 영화는 막부 그룹과 반란 그룹 사이의 암투를 담담하게 묘사한다. 신선한 영상미와 대담한 연출이 빛나는 작품으로 핸드헬드로 찍은 최후의 결전 장면은 압도적인 인상을 남긴다. 1960년대 초반 토에이사는 이전까지의 형식적인 시대극에서 탈피하여 쉬운 형식의 시대극을 대거 양산하기 시작하였다. 이 작품도 그 중 하나이다.
Bushido: The Cruel Code of the Samurai
Okitomo Tamuna
After a salary-man's fiancée attempts suicide, he recounts his gruesome family history which saw generations of his ancestors suffer and sacrifice themselves for the sake of their cruel lords.
젊은 양아치 신이치와 켄지는 경마장에서 손님 돈을 챙기고 도주한다. 그 도중 시게무네반 보스의 애인 유미와 우연히 알게 된다. 유미의 소개로 두 사람은 당장 그날 밤 예정된 권총 밀매 거래를 끝내고 구매자인 카지카와조에게서 권총을 강탈하는 데 쓴다. 한편, 권총 밀매인인 쿠로도 카지카와조에게서 권총을 되찾으려고 획책하고 있는데...
Who Are You, Mr. Sorge?
Baron Sakurai
인간의 조건 3
Chôsenjin (uncredited)
전쟁에 패전한 일본의 병사들은 곳곳으로 퍼지고. 카지는 한 무리의 병사들을 이끌고 고향으로 돌아가는 길에 나선다. 집으로 향하는 도중 난민들 무리를 만나며 그들까지 자신의 무리에 받아들여서 그들을 이끌고 목적지까지 향한다. 그들은 여행 중 여기저기에 있는 중국군과 소련군들의 공격을 받지만 카지는 자신을 집에서 기다리고 있는 사랑스러운 부인 미치코를 생각하면 힘든 걸음을 계속해서 앞으로 나아간다. 하지만 결국 카지의 무리는 소련군에 잡혀 포로가 되고 카지의 리더십을 통하여 그곳에서의 생활을 견뎌내지만 한 때 일본군이었지만 소련 포로수용소 안에서 포로관리인이 된 일본군들의 부조리를 참지 못하고, 자신의 동료를 죽인 포로관리인을 살인한 카지는 소련 포로수용소를 탈출하여 자신의 고향으로 향한다.
Deep River Melody
A poignant story about a young couple, Setsu and Chozo, who are torn apart to save Setsu's father's restaurant.
Police Precinct Part 14
An elderly woman, Ume Matsumoto, complained to the First Investigation Department that her son Hirasaka, who runs a shoe store, had disappeared. The ominous foreboding of the First Investigation Department hit the mark, it turned out that the discovered unidentified body of the drowned man was Hirasaka. Moreover, the land in front of the station, owned by Hirasaka, was sold by someone. Suspecting that this is a planned murder, the Investigative Group, fearing the escape of the criminal, begins to act secretly, without creating an investigation headquarters.
Moonlight Mask – The Last Death of the Devil
The sixth and last Moonlight Mask film in the original series produced by Toei in the 1950s.
Moonlight Mask: The Challenging Ghost
Fifth Moonlight Mask theatrical film.
Men in a Rough Town
An action-packed, dramatic gangster film.
Points and Lines
Based on Matsumoto Seicho's classic mystery novel of the same name, the story centers around a group of detectives who are determined to find the truth behind an apparent double suicide.
The Story of Pure Love
Junai Monogatari AKA Story of Pure Love is about two poor youths, Mitsuko and Kando, rebelling against society in various ways, who are desperately trying to be together despite tortuous circumstances. The film depicts their lives as thieves, menial laborers who can get little pay, society outcasts, and of course, lovers. Junai Monogatari depicts, mostly, their struggles within the Japanese reformatory system and Mitsuko's worsening sickness.
Elegy of the North
Mimizukuza member
A sensitive young woman aged 22 fell in love with a middle aged man who was troubled by his unfaithful wife.
버마의 하프
1943년 8월, 일본 군대는 진군 중이다. 버마에 파견된 한 소대는 사기 진작을 위해 노래를 부른다. 하프 연주의 달인인 병사 미즈시마가 반주를 하고 음악학교 출신의 소대장이 지휘를 하면서 이 소대는 합창단 소대라는 별칭을 얻는다. 일본이 패전하자 그들은 영국군이 관리하는 무동의 포로 수용소에서 송환을 기다린다. 그러던 어느 날 미즈시마는 항복하지 않는 일본군 중대를 설득하기 위해 산 위에 있는 진지로 보내지는데…
Shishun no izumi