Franca Mazzoni

참여 작품

짧은 휴가
Forced to support herself, her children, her physically incapacitated husband and her obtrusive brother and mother, a downtrodden working woman contracts tuberculosis. She is granted a brief vacation at a health spa, where a whole new world — and potential new life — is opened up to her.
Oplà, noi viviamo
Mamma Meller
브라더 썬 씨스터 문
아씨시 갑부의 아들 프란치스코는 전쟁에 출정했다가 그 참혹함에 충격을 받고 목숨만 부지한 채 귀향한다. 인간의 비참과 가난에 눈을 뜬 프란치스코는 자기 옷과 재산을 가난한 이들에게 나누어주고 아버지와 결별하여 폐허가 된 산 다미아노 성전을 재건한다. 그리고 가난과 자유의 복음을 교황에게 전한다.
Il processo di Santa Teresa del bambino Gesù
Suor Luisa della Croce
The trial of Saint Teresa de Lisieux.
The Demon
The Mother Superior
Purificata, a young peasant living in a small village in Southern Italy, is considered a witch by the locals; incurring this way into their wrath — up to a point where she is condemned to a terrible sentence as a punishment to her supposedly evil deeds.
Mrs. Chierici
Emilio Brentani leads a peaceful and uneventful life with his older sister Amalia. Until he meets Angiolina Zarri, a beautiful but fickle, wayward and coquettish young woman. Unfortunately for him, Emilio falls madly in love with her.
Everyone's in Love
Giovanni is a young widower with a son who is attracted to the charming teen Allegra.
Pia de' Tolomei
Two young lovers, Tao and Valeria, decide to go and enjoy a beautiful holiday in privacy, away from the daily routine and their parents. After a journey full of adventures, aboard a sidecar, they find themselves in a campsite populated by Germans.
March's Child
Francesca and Sandro meet, falls for each other and get married. But the differences between them are too many and the separation is around the corner.
It Happened in Rome
Three girls are on a hitchhiking trip through northern Italy, the riviera, Venice, Pisa and Rome.
The Bachelor
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?
Mater dolorosa
Elsa, l'istitutrice