When a group of students manage to complete Thomas Edison's unfinished "spirit phone" that allows communication with the dead, they are brought to the spirit world by an ancient Incan priest. There they meet historic figures such as Albert Einstein, Buddha, and Friedrich Nietzsche and learn the hidden truths of the cosmos, heaven, hell, and God.
In the year 2403 AD, a young student named Satoru is visited by a time traveler from the future, a cute girl named Alisa. The two go back in time together to explore the 21st century when a malfunction sends them hurdling through seemingly random episodes of religious and historical importance featuring Buddha, Jesus Christ and other eminent figures.
Some 120 million years ago, a king named Satan fell to hell and instigated a rebellion against gods, all kinds of confusion and evil effects began to occur on earth. El Cantare, the highest existence of Earth, allowed a part of his spirit to descend on Earth to put an end to the realm of Hell. El Cantare's consciousness descended to the continent of Mu, to Atlantis, to ancient Incan Empire, to Greece, and to India as Gautama Siddhartha and awakened people with the power of enlightenment.
쟝은 어느날 해변에서 정신을 잃은 소녀를 발견하게 된다. 자신의 이름만 겨우 기억해내던 소녀는 쟝의 도움으로 건강을 회복해 가고 소녀의 기억도 조금씩 돌아오기 시작한다. 하지만 세계 각국의 수뇌부들이 증발하는 사건이 발생되면서 소녀와 그 사건이 연관이 있음을 알게 되는데...
Based on a manga by Chuusonji Yutsuko, it tells the story of OL (office lady) extraordinaire and golf fanatic Oyamada Non. She is 23 and works at Major Products in Tokyo's commercial district, Marunouchi. Between bossing her bosses and managing her managers, she finds time to golf, shop, party, and pursue the important things in life, i.e., marriageable men.
A gray wolf raised on a farm kills the family dog, and to save him from being destroyed, a boy named Lasset makes a trek through the wilderness with the wolf to a wilderness sanctuary 300 miles to the north. The BGM in the film consists entirely of Dvorak's Serenade for Strings, making it perhaps the only anime since Gauche the Cellist to make use of a single piece of classical music as the soundtrack. The plot of the film is simple and the outcome obvious, but the atmosphere of the film is genuine, and it is very moving in parts thanks to Dvorak's music (which is scored entirely for the most emotional of the instrument groups, the strings). This is a straightforward drama about the friendship between a boy and his wolf, and it pushes all the buttons you'd expect, but it's very enjoyable despite all that.
The movie starts out with Katsuhiko going to the US, with Kasumi and Yusaku seeing him off at Narita. Two years later, Katsuhiko is a professional racer, and comes back to Japan to race (and to marry Kasumi). Yusaku`s hobby is photography.
Foxes Ken and Chin become the proud parents of cubs, Koro and Kan, who enjoy a carefree life on the northern Japanese island of Chironup. They befriend a fisherman and his wife but are forced to run for their lives when soldiers on a military exercise decide to take home some fox pelts as souvenirs. A sweet little film that obliquely symbolizes the plight of Japan's aboriginal Ainu people and the northern islands that have been contested with Russia since they were occupied by Stalin's soldiers in 1945.
쌍둥이 형제인 타츠야와 카즈야는 생긴 것은 똑같지만, 타츠야는 낙천적이고 카즈야는 매사에 노력하는 스타일이다. 둘은 이웃에 사는 미나미와 어린 시절부터 친하게 지내고, 친구였던 이들의 관계는 나이가 들면서 미묘하게 변해간다. 야구부의 에이스 투수인 카즈야는 미나미의 소원을 들어주기 위해 전국 대회에서 우승을 노리고 맹훈련을 하지만, 그의 마음을 알고 있는 타츠야는 빈둥대기만 하다가 권투부에 들어간다. 그러나 예선 결승이 벌어지던 날, 카즈야는 경기장으로 향하던 중 교통사고로 숨을 거둔다. 결국 타츠야는 동생의 뒤를 이어 야구부의 에이스가 되는데...
Based on the children's book by Sunada Hiroshi. Musuke "Shorty" Sato is a shortstop for the local junior baseball team, the Eggs, who is asked by his mother to look after some money for her. He foolishly lends it to Tower and Dump, the school bad-boys, and must enlist the help of the pitcher's pretty little sister.
In this Japanese animated film, Sea Prince and Fire Child are two youngsters in love who flee from their disapproving parents into a world filled with risks and adventure.
A gang of eleven cats have stolen a fish and are banned out of the town.
Chirin is an innocent though adventurous young lamb whose carefree life on the farm comes to an abrupt end when a wolf murders his mother. Confused and angry, Chirin pursues the wolf into the mountains, seeking revenge. The laws of nature are brutal, however, and hatred alone won't be enough to avenge the loss of his mother. Only the strong survive in the wild, and obtaining that strength may change Chirin forever.
영주로부터 겁탈당한 한 여인이 악마의 힘을 빌려 복수하는 내용의 애니메이션 영화
Three people from the future, who travel spiritually to the era of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra VII Philopator and her Roman lovers Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, become their closest friends as they try to unravel the nature of the plan developed in their own time by a sinister enemy.
바그다드의 한 마을에 찾아온 청년 물장수 아르딘은 노예시장에서 팔려나갈 뻔한 미녀 밀리엄을 발견하고 대형 토네이도가 마을을 덮쳐 혼잡한 틈을 타 그녀를 데리고 간다. 이 때부터 아르딘의 파란만장한 인생이 시작된다. 밀리엄의 죽음, 40인의 도적, 여자만 사는 섬, 거인이 있는 섬, 마왕의 배. 그리고 보물을 둘러싸고 국왕의 자리를 건 싸움, 밀리엄과 닮은 소녀와의 만남 등 아르딘의 모험은 계속된다.