Jean Piat
출생 : 1924-09-23, Lannoy, Nord, France
사망 : 2018-09-18
Jean Piat (23 September 1924 – 18 September 2018) was a French actor and writer.
Piat was born in Lannoy, Nord. He enlisted in the Comédie-Française on 1 September 1947, and became a member on 1 January 1953. He left the Comédie-Française on 31 December 1972, and became an honorary member the following day. He was an officer in the Légion d'honneur and the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, and a grand officer in the Ordre national du Mérite. He was married to actress Françoise Engel (who died in 2005), and was a professor in the dramatic arts of the Simon Course.
He died on 18 September 2018 at age 93 of heart attack, five days before his 94th birthday.
Source: Article "Jean Piat" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.
Tom Murphy
Spike Goodfellow (voice)
The Daltons have escaped to New York, where their accumulated loot is hidden in the carts of Monsieur Pierre's group of honest, naive European immigrants, who naively bought land in California from Crook, who inserted a clause they must claim it within 80 days. Joe emotionally blackmails Luke to guide them there, hoping to escape on the way. The usual route must shortened from 6 to 2 months, so no danger can be avoided. Given Lucky's reputation, Crook decides to shadow them to add sabotage, just to be sure- or is it?
The Priest (french voice)
600년 후의 지구, 한 무리의 사람들이 '액시스'라고 하는 거대한 나무에 의지해 그 속에서 살아간다. 그들은 자신들이 받드는 신을 위해 수액을 채집해 바친다. 그러나 무슨 이유인지, 나무가 점점 시들어가면서 수액도 말라간다. 그곳에서 살아가는 한 소녀 '케냐'는 항상 또 다른 세상이 있다고 믿으며 그곳을 찾으려 하고 있다. 우연한 사건으로 마을에서 도망치게 된 케냐는 외계 생명체 '베카노이'인을 만난다. 그리고 인간보다 훨씬 더 뛰어난 지능을 지닌 벌레의 도움으로 위험에 처한 마을 사람들을 구하러 나선다. 사람들이 믿고 있는 신이란 사실, '베카노이'를 없애려고 하는 외계 생명체였던 것. 그리고 그 '베카노이'와 '액시스'는 동일한 존재였다. '베카노이'가 사라지면, '액시스' 또한 사라지게 되는 것이다. '베카노이'의 선택을 받은 인간, 케냐는 사람들을 구하기 위해 최선의 선택을 해야만 한다.
Sérignole (Voice)
Kom is from a tribe of monkeys who live in a canopy. He rejects elders' authority as well as the superstition that the lower world would be inhabited by demons. But he accidentally falls from the trees…
Georges Rousseau
Pierre Costals
French TV movie.
Stage Director
Middle-aged lust: a man, in his thirteenth and therefore omen-filled marriage year, cheats on his wife.
Robert d'Artois
Set during the reigns of the last five kings of the Capetian dynasty and the first two kings of the House of Valois, Tha Accursed Kings begins as the French King Philip the Fair, already surrounded by scandal and intrigue, brings a curse upon his family when he persecutes the Knights Templar. The succession of monarchs that follows leads France and England to the Hundred Years' War.
Don César de Bazan
Action Director
Dubois, former valet of Dorante
Short film about Paris by Albert Lamorisse.
Bois d'Enghien
M. Armand
멜리는 어느 비오는 날 거리에서 쫓아온 남자에게 폭행을 당하고 정당방위로 그를 살해한다. 그녀는 남편에게 이 사실을 말하지 못하고 가슴에 묻어둔다. 남편 토니가 워낙 질투심이 강해서 가정이 파탄될까 두려워서다. 그녀에게는 기억하고 싶지않은 과거의 기억이 있다. 엄마가 다른 남자와 자는 걸 목격한 그녀를 그녀의 아버지가 하도 다그치는 바람에 사실대로 자백을 했고 아버지는 그 길로 집을 나가 돌아오지 않는다. 그래서 늘 죄책감에 시달리는 그녀는 그녀를 집요하게 추궁하는 미군 수사관 돕스 대령에게 결단코 자백하기를 거부한다. 돕스 대령은 모든 증거를 완벽하게 갖고 그녀를 괴롭힌다. 그러나 그녀의 내면을 알게 되면서 그녀에게 연민과 사랑을 느낀다. 그녀가 바다사물 속에 버린 시체를 찾던 날 돕스 대령은 프랑스 경찰을 비롯, 아무도 관심을 갖지 않는 이 사건을 영원히 미궁으로 남겨둔채 수사를 종결짓는다.
Action Director
Le comte
영화 는 전적으로 종교의 문제에 매달린 예외적이고도 전형적인 브뉘엘의 작품이다. 스페인의 성지 산티아고 데 콤포스텔라로 순례를 떠난 두 주인공의 여행기를 실험적인 피카레스크 구성으로 묘사하는 작품이다. 은하수란 별들의 길을 일컫기도 하지만, 파리에서 산티아고까지의 지난한 순례행로를 의미하는 말이기도 하다. 두 순례자는 6세기의 프리실리안을 비롯해, 17세기의 예수회, 18세기의 사드 후작에 이르기까지 서구 기독교의 온갖 교파와 윤리를 길 위에서 목도한다. 68년을 목도하며 이천년간 서구를 지배해 온 기독교를 헤집는 브뉘엘의 시선은 사드와 니체를 닮아 있다. 역시 장 끌로드 까리에르와 협력한 시나리오를 바탕으로 한 영화이다.
King's swordsman Captain Buridan, hero of the Flanders campaign, returns to Paris to find it in a grip of fear -a "vampire/witch" in the "Tower of Sin" is luring young men to their deaths by offering them a night of sexual ecstasy followed by savage slaughter. Buridan is holding secrets of his own and his battle to save France from an evil Chancellor, an impotent King and a lascivious, wanton Queen make the battlefields of war seem like child's play.
Henri de Lagardère/El Cincelador/Maître Louis/Ésope
Base on Paul Féval's "Le Bossu" ("The Hunchback")
Stage Director
Cléonte, in love with Lucile
Julien Pauphilat is the doorman at the famous restaurant, Maxim's and is also the confidant of many of his customers. As a consequence, in this post, he has managed to make a comfortable living and even acquire a country mansion. Retirement beckons and he is going to be able to enjoy the quiet life at last. The wedding of his daughter, Genevieve with Andre du Velin, a well born playboy is going to endanger this dream, for Genevieve is ignorant of her father's job. However, her fiance doesn't see any problem with this.
Renaud, a young student who is camping alone at the moment, has a dream one night, in which the woman of his dreams appears. When he wakes up the next morning, he cannot believe his eyes: the creature of the dream is there by the side of the road, in the flesh! The woman accepts to drive Renaud to Montargis but it is only after she has dropped him off there that he realizes that what he experienced for her was love at first sight. He then decides not to return to Paris but to try and find the wonderful stranger in Montargis. He discovers that the woman's name is Clara and that she is the member of a drama company.
Joseph Rouletabille
Rouletabille's fiancée, a young journalist always on the lookout for an investigation to solve, tells him how she has just suppressed a spy. Marriage is in question...
Figaro dans 'Le barbier de Séville'
The film is a 125-minute, black-and-white biography of French priest and diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord (1754–1838), who served for 50 years under five different French regimes: the Absolute Monarchy, the Revolution, the Consulate, the Empire, and the Constitutional Monarchy. Its title comes from one of the main historical nicknames for Talleyrand, that he shares with demon king Asmodeus and English poet Lord Byron.
Joseph Rouletabille
The adventures of the famous Joseph Rouletabille, an adventurous young journalist, gone to solve a murder in the south of France. He puts an end to the conflict between two rival bands for the possession of a revolutionary metal, belenium.