Fernanda Moro

참여 작품

A Oeste do Fim do Mundo
시간과 바람
Josefa Bezerra
Erico Verissimo의 동명 소설 3부작을 원작으로 한 Time and Wind 는 150년 간의 테라 캄바라 가족과 그들의 적대자인 아마랄 가족의 이야기를 따릅니다. 두 가문의 투쟁의 역사는 예수회 선교 시대를 기점으로 19세기 말까지 이어진다 . 이 영화는 또한 리오그란데두술(Rio Grande do Sul) 주의 형성 기간 과 포르투갈 왕실과 스페인 왕관 사이의 영토 분쟁을 다루고 있습니다 .
In Your Name
Early 1970s. Latin America was under a military dictatorship. Some political groups opted for armed struggle to confront the regime. Boni, an engineering student of humble background adheres to the armed struggle, but carries doubts and fears as to whether this would really be the best way, as he fears for his family, his girlfriend and the future, which seems more uncertain every day. Like so many, he is arrested, tortured and banished from the country. In exile in Chile, together with his partner Cecilia, he comes to understand society in a different way. He begins to work and live with the Chilean people, realizing that to change reality it is first necessary to understand it.
A Casa Verde
The Bachelor's Party
Juan Manuel arrives to Montevideo for the wedding of his friend Beto. He decides to organize the bachelor's party in 24 hours. Juan Manuel and his friends have to avoid several obstacles to achieve the party Beto deserves. The constant inconveniences put the wedding in danger.
Valsa para Bruno Stein