Dean Fujioka

Dean Fujioka

출생 : 1980-08-19, Fukushima, Japan

프로필 사진

Dean Fujioka

참여 작품

강철의 연금술사 완결편: 최후의 연성
Roy Mustang
엘릭 형제의 길고 파란만장했던 여정, 그 종지부를 찍을 완결편 2부작의 마지막 작품. 에드워드와 알폰스가 국가 전체를 뒤흔들 초월적인 위협에 맞선다.
바스커빌 가문의 개: 셜록 극장판
Homare Shishio
200년 전 다트무어의 영주였던 휴고 바스커빌은 어린 여자 아이를 납치해 농락하지만 그 아이는 탈출해 도망치는 과정에서 사망하고 만다. 아이는 황소만큼 거대한 개를 보고 두려움에 사망하고 영주는 그 개에게 물려 사망한다. 그때부터 바스커빌가에는 저주가 내렸다고 믿어지고 집안의 모든 자손이 사고사한다. 그러다 최근 찰스 바스커빌이 사망하고 미국에서 살던 바스커빌의 마지막 자손인 헨리 바스커빌이 돌아온다. 그는 사냥개의 존재를 믿지 않고 그 저주의 실체를 밝히기 위해 홈즈와 왓슨의 도움을 받는데 우여곡절 끝에 알게된 사실은 바스커빌가에 또다른 자손이 남아있었고 그 자손이 어마어마한 재산을 혼자 차지하려고 꾸민 일이었다.
강철의 연금술사 완결편: 복수자 스카
Roy Mustang
이마에 커다란 흉터가 있는 단독 연쇄 살인범. 지금 엘릭 형제 앞에 사상 최강의 적이 나타난다. 《강철의 연금술사》 실사 영화 완결편 2부작 중 첫 번째 작품.
츠다 우메코 ~지폐가 된 유학생~
Arinori Mori
Tsuda Umeko was born in December 31, 1864 and became a pioneer in women's eductation. In 1871, Tsuda Umeko, with her father's recommendation, went to the United States to study at the age of 6. She was the youngest of the group of females to travel there. They were the first Japanese female students to study overseas at their government's expense. 11 years after studying in the United States, Tsuda Umeko returns to Japan. She wants to become a woman who is helpful to her culture, but she is shocked by the low status of women in Japan. (Source: AsianWiki)
Pure Japanese
Action actor Tateishi Daisuke who struggles with loneliness after suffering a traumatic experience due to an accident during filming. One day, he comes across a senior high school girl Ayumi who is being harassed consistently by Chinese brokers and the local yakuza. He decides to protect her from them. However, after this incident, he comes to develop a mindset of seeing violence as a way to gain the affirmation and approval of others thus gradually loses himself and behaves in an extreme manner.
Pure Japanese
Tateishi Daisuke
Action actor Tateishi Daisuke who struggles with loneliness after suffering a traumatic experience due to an accident during filming. One day, he comes across a senior high school girl Ayumi who is being harassed consistently by Chinese brokers and the local yakuza. He decides to protect her from them. However, after this incident, he comes to develop a mindset of seeing violence as a way to gain the affirmation and approval of others thus gradually loses himself and behaves in an extreme manner.
Hula Fulla Dance
Ryota Suzukake (voice)
Hiwa Natsunagi is a high school student living in Iwaki City, Fukushima Prefecture. Worried about what to do with her life after graduation, she spots a poster for Spa Resort Hawaiians the “Hawaii of Tohoku” the place where her sister Mari used to work and applies to their new dancer (hula girl) campaign on a whim. Despite her lack of experience, Hiwa is accepted for the job, and starts on the path towards becoming a Hula Girl with her classmates, Kanna, Ranko, 'ohana and Shion. However, unable to keep in step with one another due to their differing personalities, their first stage ends in disaster. Called the “most pitiful rookies ever” the girls are disheartened, but they learn to share the good and bad...and strengthen their bond despite the occasional fumble. With their hearts and minds firmly set, the girls grace the stage once more.
엔젤 사인
Manga creator Tsukasa Hojo's debut live-action film. 'Angel Sign' is Hojo's debut as a director, which is made by editing a number of short films into one movie. Hojo directs the "Prologue" and "Epilogue" stories, while a different director will handle each of the other stories, which were selected in Silent Manga Audition. All the stories will have no spoken lines, and will only have video and music.
기억에 없습니다!
Secretary Isaka
Keisuke Kuroda wakes up in a hospital bed unable to remember who he is. While sneaking out of the hospital, he sees a glimpse of the news and realizes that he is the Prime Minister of Japan. His approval rating was the lowest in the history of modern Japan. During a recent speech, a citizen had thrown a rock at him causing him to lose his memory. Keisuke Kuroda’s subordinate takes him to the official residence of the prime minister where he tries to implement changes to the country. The only people aware that he has lost his memory are his three secretaries.
레・미제라블 끝나지 않는 여로
Baba Jun
This feature drama, produced to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Fuji TV, is an adaptation of Victor Hugo's classic masterpiece Les Miserables set in the 1990s in Japan. In Kobe in 1993, Jun Baba gets taken to a juvenile prison due to a killing of a man who cheated his mother out of all her money in self-defense. One day, he hears that his younger brother, who has been desperately ill, is in a critical condition and breaks out. However, he finds out his brother is already dead. In the depth of despair, he tries to kill himself but is saved by a man who runs a self-support facility. He begins to live at the place, and befriends with Takumi Watanabe aspiring to be a lawyer. In 1995, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake hits and their friendship comes to an end. Crushed under the debris, Takumi persuades Jun to live his life instead. Jun swears to live on assuming Takumi's identity.
하늘을 나는 타이어
Yuta Sawada
아카마츠 운송회사의 트럭의 앞바퀴가 운행중에 빠져 길을 가던 한 여성이 빠져버린 트럭 바퀴에 사망하게 되자, 운송회사는 매스컴으로 인해 세간과 유족의 분노의 대상이 된다. 트럭 제조사의 자체 조사결과, 일상점검 중의 부실 정비라는 오명을 쓰고 운송회사는 세간의 비난과 자금난 및 경영난에 맞닥뜨리게 된다. 하지만 독자적으로 조사를 하던 중 비슷한 사건 및 사고가 다수 있었음을 알게 되고 트럭 제조사인 대기업에서 감추고 싶어 하는 구조적 결함이 있음을 알게 된다. (2018년 제19회 전주국제영화제)
바다를 달린다
쓰나미로 파괴된 인도네시아의 어느 마을에 한 남자가 바다에서 나타나 쓰러진다. 구조대원 타카코와 그녀의 아들은 그 남자를 데려가 ′라우트′, 즉 ‘바다’라는 별명을 지어준다. ‘바다’라는 이 사나이는 곧 주변 사람들에게 지속적인 영향을 미칠 불가사의한 힘을 발휘한다.
언덕길의 아폴론
Junichi Katsuragi
피아노만이 유일한 친구였던 ‘카오루’(치넨 유리)는 사세보로 이사 오게 된 전학 첫날, 학교 최고의 불량아 ‘센타로’(나카가와 타이시)와 그의 소꿉친구 ‘리츠코’(고마츠 나나)를 만난다. 리츠코네 레코드 가게 지하에 있는 조그만 합주실을 무대 삼아 재즈 음악을 공유하며 세 사람은 우정을 키워가고, 그렇게 카오루에게도 평생을 함께할 친구와 잊지 못할 첫사랑이 함께 찾아온다. 하지만 서로의 첫사랑은 엇갈리기만 하고, 계속될 것만 같았던 우정에도 위기가 찾아오는데… 8월, 나와 그녀석과 그녀의 이야기가 시작된다!
강철의 연금술사
Roy Mustang
강철의 연금술사 에드, 잃어버린 동생의 몸을 되찾기 위해 물불을 가리지 않는다. 두 형제를 지켜보는 군과 괴물 같은 존재들의 훼방에도 동생의 예전 모습을 찾을 수 있을까.
Kenji Urumi
Urumi Kenji is a scoundrel who tricks women with his handsome looks and charm into a marriage yarn and swindles them out of their money. He is not a one-man show however. He works with Sengoku Ruriko. They use plotting, scheming, tricking, engagement rings, gourmet and sex to succeed.
完全解剖 ティラノサウルス 最強恐竜 進化の謎
Go! Crazy Gangster
막부가 닌자를 위험시하여 “닌자금지령”을 내린 시대, 코우 공주를 모시고 에도로 향하는 나가노 번 일행 중에 자신이 닌자임을 숨기고 있는 덴조가 있었다. 그런데 산속에서 미지의 괴한로부터 습격을 받게 되고, 덴조와 코우 공주, 호위 사무라이 초에몬은 목숨을 구했으나 나머지 사무라이 일행은 모두 죽고 만다…
샨티 데이즈 365일 행복한 호흡
시골에서 갓 대도시 도쿄로 왔다가 요가강사에게 반해 요가를 시작한 한 남자, 사기를 당해 전재산을 날리게 되었다가 요가의 길로 빠져들게된 한 여자, 그리고 완벽해보이지만 경쟁 속에서 지쳐 쓰러져가는 모델 겸 요가지도자. 세사람은 요가라는 인연으로 만나게 되는데... 요가는 이들의 삶을 어떻게 바꾸어 놓을까?
Dance! Dance! Dance!
The movie is set in Japan and tells the story of Furu, a young aspiring musician, who is dreaming of a getaway out of his small coastal town in Northern Iwate. He succeeds but the price is very high.
I Am Ichihashi: Journal of a Murderer
Tatsuya Ichihashi kills a British woman who taught English in Japan. Ichihashi escapes the police dragnet to Aomori, 550 kilometres away. Learning that he is wanted by the law, he cuts his own lips to change his features. Burdened by guilt, he continues to avoid the law enforcement. He travels 1000 kilometres to Shikoku to participate in a pilgrimage in hope of resurrecting his murder victim. Obviously it fails and he remains a fugitive. As if to escape his own guilt he changes his identity and has cosmetic surgery to further alter his features. He works at construction sites and when people get suspicious of him he flees to a far-off island in Okinawa where he relies on survival skills.
I Am Ichihashi: Journal of a Murderer
Tatsuya Ichihashi kills a British woman who taught English in Japan. Ichihashi escapes the police dragnet to Aomori, 550 kilometres away. Learning that he is wanted by the law, he cuts his own lips to change his features. Burdened by guilt, he continues to avoid the law enforcement. He travels 1000 kilometres to Shikoku to participate in a pilgrimage in hope of resurrecting his murder victim. Obviously it fails and he remains a fugitive. As if to escape his own guilt he changes his identity and has cosmetic surgery to further alter his features. He works at construction sites and when people get suspicious of him he flees to a far-off island in Okinawa where he relies on survival skills.
I Am Ichihashi: Journal of a Murderer
Tatsuya Ichihashi kills a British woman who taught English in Japan. Ichihashi escapes the police dragnet to Aomori, 550 kilometres away. Learning that he is wanted by the law, he cuts his own lips to change his features. Burdened by guilt, he continues to avoid the law enforcement. He travels 1000 kilometres to Shikoku to participate in a pilgrimage in hope of resurrecting his murder victim. Obviously it fails and he remains a fugitive. As if to escape his own guilt he changes his identity and has cosmetic surgery to further alter his features. He works at construction sites and when people get suspicious of him he flees to a far-off island in Okinawa where he relies on survival skills.
블랙 앤 화이트
Li Zheyong
정의감에 불타는 신참형사 ‘우차오’는 현금수송차 탈취범들을 혼자 힘으로 일망타진하는 성과를 거뒀지만 범인들을 검거하는 과정에서 시민들의 안전을 무시했다는 이유로 정직처분을 받게 된다. 어느 날, 우연히 살해된 시신을 발견하게 된 그는 살해된 피해자의 몸 속에서 발견된 휴대폰에 주목하게 되고 정직처분을 받은 상황임에도 피해자가 연루된 보석밀거래 현장을 혼자 찾아간다. 그 곳에서 폭력조직 삼합회의 조직원 ‘슈다푸’를 만나게 되면서 우형사는 상상도 못했던 대형사건에 휘말리게 되는데...
Summer's Tail
Akira Fuwa
In the eyes of her classmates, Yvette is a rock-and-roll girl. Because of a congenital heart condition, she has dropped out of school and spends most of her time at home with her can Summer, messing around, playing the guitar, and getting out and about.
2 Cartons of Alphabet H
Two travelers’ (a Hong Kong independent director and a Japanese musician) motorcycle diaries in northern China from November 2005 to February 2006. Forget all the vital intellectual and history garbage and get down to the real simple, good human feeling – and express it in a simple language that reaches people. No bullshit! (Or all bullshit?) Under the sound of the motor, Yanyan’s visual and Dean’s music weaves into each other; and shows the healing power of the trip to both the Chinese and Japanese souls. Everybody, at a certain point, is a little lost and sometimes we just find a connection to someone that helps to re-inspire or center us. And that experience we'll never forget. It’s a special relationship in real life - a little bit more than friends but not an actual romance. They get each other and they both know it's not going to go anywhere.
2 Cartons of Alphabet H
Two travelers’ (a Hong Kong independent director and a Japanese musician) motorcycle diaries in northern China from November 2005 to February 2006. Forget all the vital intellectual and history garbage and get down to the real simple, good human feeling – and express it in a simple language that reaches people. No bullshit! (Or all bullshit?) Under the sound of the motor, Yanyan’s visual and Dean’s music weaves into each other; and shows the healing power of the trip to both the Chinese and Japanese souls. Everybody, at a certain point, is a little lost and sometimes we just find a connection to someone that helps to re-inspire or center us. And that experience we'll never forget. It’s a special relationship in real life - a little bit more than friends but not an actual romance. They get each other and they both know it's not going to go anywhere.
2 Cartons of Alphabet H
Two travelers’ (a Hong Kong independent director and a Japanese musician) motorcycle diaries in northern China from November 2005 to February 2006. Forget all the vital intellectual and history garbage and get down to the real simple, good human feeling – and express it in a simple language that reaches people. No bullshit! (Or all bullshit?) Under the sound of the motor, Yanyan’s visual and Dean’s music weaves into each other; and shows the healing power of the trip to both the Chinese and Japanese souls. Everybody, at a certain point, is a little lost and sometimes we just find a connection to someone that helps to re-inspire or center us. And that experience we'll never forget. It’s a special relationship in real life - a little bit more than friends but not an actual romance. They get each other and they both know it's not going to go anywhere.