On tour promoting their 2015 studio album 'A Head Full of Dreams', English pop rock band Coldplay performs a sold-out live concert at Allianz Parque stadium in São Paulo, Brazil in November 2017.
세계적인 밴드 콜드플레이의 20년 동안 공개되지 않았던 어릴 적 자료들과 그들의 우정과 형제애의 깊이를 드러내는 친밀한 순간들을 담아냈으며, 앨범 발매를 기념하여 진행됐던 글로벌 스타디움 투어 A Head Full of Dreams의 라이브 공연 및 무대 뒤 장면들과 픽스 유(Fix You)’나 ‘비바 라 비다(Viva la Vida)’와 같은 상징적인 트랙의 멋진 퍼포먼스들이 포함된 다큐멘터리.
The peeping tom rom-com ‘How To Meet Girls From A Distance’ is a funny and heartwarming film that looks at how far we go for a crush. Premiering in Wellington as part of the New Zealand International Film Festival, How To Meet Girls From A Distance tells the story of Toby. Trying to win the heart of the beautiful Phoebe, he is determined to become the man of her dreams.
가까운 미래, 지구는 에너지 고갈 문제를 해결하기 위해 머나먼 행성 판도라에서 대체 자원을 채굴하기 시작한다. 하지만 판도라의 독성을 지닌 대기로 인해 자원 획득에 어려움을 겪게 된 인류는 판도라의 토착민 나비의 외형에 인간의 의식을 주입, 원격 조종이 가능한 새로운 생명체를 탄생시키는 프로그램을 개발한다. 한편 하반신이 마비된 전직 해병대원 제이크 설리는 아바타 프로그램에 참가할 것을 제안받는다. 그 곳에서 자신의 아바타를 통해 자유롭게 걸을 수 있게 된 제이크는 자원 채굴을 막으려는 나비의 무리에 침투하라는 임무를 부여받는데...
Camera Operator
Behind the scenes look at the cult comedy series about Kiwi folk musicians Bret and Jemaine trying to make it big in their adopted home of New York. It follows the duo in the United States before and after the release of the first series, as they speak candidly about the road to fame, and we meet the other personalities, cast and crew that helped make their show a smash hit in America, NZ and the rest of the world. As Bret McKenzie's long-term partner, director Hannah Clarke was in a unique position to gain access to the Conchords at their most relaxed, as well as their most frantic and exhausted, and was able to get an up-close-and-personal glimpse into this experience. Through her insider's eye we are granted an intimate look into the lives of this great comedy act and discover how they won the hearts of America.
Behind the scenes look at the cult comedy series about Kiwi folk musicians Bret and Jemaine trying to make it big in their adopted home of New York. It follows the duo in the United States before and after the release of the first series, as they speak candidly about the road to fame, and we meet the other personalities, cast and crew that helped make their show a smash hit in America, NZ and the rest of the world. As Bret McKenzie's long-term partner, director Hannah Clarke was in a unique position to gain access to the Conchords at their most relaxed, as well as their most frantic and exhausted, and was able to get an up-close-and-personal glimpse into this experience. Through her insider's eye we are granted an intimate look into the lives of this great comedy act and discover how they won the hearts of America.
Behind the scenes look at the cult comedy series about Kiwi folk musicians Bret and Jemaine trying to make it big in their adopted home of New York. It follows the duo in the United States before and after the release of the first series, as they speak candidly about the road to fame, and we meet the other personalities, cast and crew that helped make their show a smash hit in America, NZ and the rest of the world. As Bret McKenzie's long-term partner, director Hannah Clarke was in a unique position to gain access to the Conchords at their most relaxed, as well as their most frantic and exhausted, and was able to get an up-close-and-personal glimpse into this experience. Through her insider's eye we are granted an intimate look into the lives of this great comedy act and discover how they won the hearts of America.
Production Coordinator
신비로운 해골섬의 전설적인 야수 '킹콩', 뉴욕으로 잡혀 온‘킹콩’이 도심 한복판에서 벌이는 숨막히는 액션과 환상적인 로맨스가 펼쳐진다! 새로운 작품에 대한 열정이 넘치던 영화감독 칼 덴햄(잭 블랙)은 거리에서 우연히 발굴한 매력적인 여인 앤 대로우(나오미 왓츠)와 지적인 시나리오 작가 잭 드리스콜(애드리안 브로디)과 함께 영화 촬영을 위해 지도상에도 존재하지 않는 미지의 공간인 해골섬을 찾아 떠난다. 그리고 수억만 년 전의 고대 정글이 고스란히 존재하는 해골섬에서 그들은 전설로만 들어왔던 거대한 킹콩과 맞닥뜨린다. 해골섬의 원주민들에게 붙잡혀 제물로 바쳐진 앤의 아름다움에 매료된 킹콩. 갑자기 섬에 존재하는 잔인한 공룡이 나타나 그녀를 공격하고 킹콩은 공룡과 혈전을 벌이며 그녀를 지켜낸다. 그러나 탐욕스러운 욕망에 사로잡힌 감독 덴햄은 킹콩이 앤에게 마음을 빼앗긴 틈을 타 킹콩을 뉴욕으로 생포해온다. 뉴욕 도심에서 사람들의 구경거리로 전락한 킹콩의 분노는 극에 달하고 야수의 본능을 드러내며 뉴욕 도심을 휩쓸기 시작한다. 인간들은 거대 병력을 동원해 킹콩에게 빗발치는 공격을 퍼붓고 킹콩은 공격을 피해 앤을 데리고 엠파이어 스테이트 빌딩으로 올라간다. 빌딩 꼭대기에서 거대한 위용을 드러내며 포효하는 킹콩. 사랑하는 앤을 보호하기 위해 잔인한 인간들에 맞서 처절한 사투를 벌이는데... 과연 거대한 야수 킹콩은 인간과의 대결에서 살아남을 것인가! 수억만 년 동안 잠들어있던 거대한 야수 킹콩의 전설이 드디어 뉴욕 도심을 뒤흔들며 다시 깨어난다!
The documentary looks at the rise to celebrity status of NZ actor and musician Bret McKenzie, who appeared for 3 seconds as an extra in "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", during the Council of Elrond scene. His brief appearance sparked a huge internet fan-base dedicated to his "brooding pout" and "elvish good looks". McKenzie has been dubbed "FIGWIT", an acronym of "Frodo is Great; Who is That!!?"
The documentary looks at the rise to celebrity status of NZ actor and musician Bret McKenzie, who appeared for 3 seconds as an extra in "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", during the Council of Elrond scene. His brief appearance sparked a huge internet fan-base dedicated to his "brooding pout" and "elvish good looks". McKenzie has been dubbed "FIGWIT", an acronym of "Frodo is Great; Who is That!!?"