Walter Mathews

출생 : 1926-10-10, New York City, New York, USA

사망 : 2012-04-28

참여 작품

The Check Is in the Mail...
Water & Power Man #1
Frustrated with all the minor irritants of the rat-race Richard Jackson decides to buy a goat, disconnect the electricity and become self-sufficient. But will this life be any less annoying?
Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter
Mr. Warren
This is a splendid little sleeper of a movie. Ernie Kovacs was one of the giants of early television. I think he would be pleased with the way Jeff Goldbloom captures his wonky personality. Melody Anderson also distills that of Edie Adams. There is a very basic heart tugging story about the search for Kovacs' two abducted daughters. But at the same time the film is funny --- Cloris Leachman is a hoot as Kovacs impossible mom --- and has many of the offbeat and innovative qualities of the old Kovacs show itself.
젊음의 초상
Sailor (voice)
1942년 12월, 캘리포니아 뮤어 곶(Point Muir). 조국을 위해서 몸바쳐 싸우는 일은 분명 엄숙한 일이다. 그러나 입대 후 바로 전장에 투입되는 상황에서 입대를 앞둔 젊은이들의 마음은 불안 그 자체임을 속일 수 없다. 이 영화는 1942년 12월부터 이듬해 2월까지, 미국 캘리포니아주의 한 작은 해안 마을에 사는 한 젊은이 둘이 그 불안을 극복해 나가는 과정을 그리는데...
The Kid with the 200 I.Q.
A 13-year-old genius goes to college and tries to cope not only with campus social life, but also with his professor.
Inspector Perez
Sergeant Grady
Failed crime TV pilot starring Anne Bloom.
즐거운 목요일
코미디 전문 감독 데이빗 S. 워드 감독의 첫 데뷔작. 부상으로인해 영구 선수 생활을 은퇴한 주인공 생물학자(?)가 우연히 한 여자를 알게 되면서 벌어지는 좌충우돌 코미디.
잔혹한 중동의 테러 조직인 볼프카(Wulfgar: 룻거 하우어 분)의 뉴욕 침투를 입수한 경찰은, 강력계 민완 형사인 다실바(Deke DaSilva: 실베스타 스탤론 분)와 폭스(Matthew Fox: 빌리 디 윌리암스 분)에게 특수부대와 함께한 진압을 지시한다. 다실바는 아내와의 별거 문제로 고심 중이었으나 할 수 없이 성형 수술을 한 볼프가의 행방을 찾는데 몰입한다. 볼프가가 죽인 스튜어디스의 시체 발각을 계기로 다실바는 성형한 볼프가의 얼굴을 알아내서 추격을 시작한다. 보프가는 UN 총회때 잠입, 25명의 인질을 잡은 후, 그중 부인 한명을 사살하는데...
Alcatraz: The Whole Shocking Story
Filmed on location at Alcatraz Island, this two-part "whole story" actually concentrates on a handful of the denizens behind the cold grey walls of "The Rock". Michael Beck plays the real-life Clarence Carnes, an Oklahoma Choctaw Indian said to be the youngest man ever incarcerated in the notorious maximum security prison. Serving a 99-year sentence for a gas station holdup and murder, Carnes makes periodic attempts to escape, the final attempt being the most violent. Many of the subordinate characters are fictional (as are most of the details concerning Carnes' escape efforts); the one exception is Robert Stroud, the "Birdman of Alcatraz", here portrayed by Art Carney as a gentle, kindly philosopher. Telly Savalas, a costar of the Burt Lancaster vehicle Birdman of Alcatraz, also guest starred in the 1980 film. Originally titled Alcatraz and Clarence Carnes, this made-for-TV movie wavers between gritty realism and "I'm bustin' outta here!" artifice.
Off the Minnesota Strip
2nd Man
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.
The Two-Five
A police show pilot movie dealing with two eager-beaver cops who try to set up a major narcotics bust anonymously because their eccentric commander wants to keep his precinct out of the limelight.
To Kill a Cop
City Editor
Earl Eischied is a man with his hands full. As the Chief of Detectives in New York City he is trying to break up a group of black militants that are on a crime spree including the killing of a police officer. He is also trying to battle with a mayor and police commissioner that want him out of his job.
Ruby and Oswald
A dramatic re-creation of the four-day span preceding and following the assassination of John F. Kennedy in November, 1963, drawn from authenticated events and eyewitness accounts.
The Lawyer
Mr. Andre
Tony Petrocelli, a bright young lawyer practicing in the rich cattle town of Baker, becomes embroiled in a murder case.
네이키드 키스
한 때 매춘부였던 켈리는 시골의 작은 마을 그랜빌로 이사와 판매원으로 살면서 새로운 삶을 시작한다. 어느 날 마을의 경찰서장 ‘그리프’를 만나고 그와 함께 행복한 시간을 보낸다. 그러나 이 행복을 산산조각 낼 엄청난 사건이 터지고 마는데... 켈리는 인간과 세상의 본질을 목격하고 한없는 절망과 폭력의 회오리에 빠져든다. 이 영화의 오프닝 시퀀스는 인간의 폭력성을 묘사하는데 탁월했던 사무엘 풀러의 진가를 확인할 수 있는 절대 놓치지 말아야 할 명장면이다.
Middle of the Night
Mickey Hilliard (uncredited)
Jerry Kingsley is a wealthy garment manufacturer left lonely in his 60s when his wife dies. Despite the difference in their ages, he strikes up a romance with divorced 24-year-old receptionist Betty. The relationship is dismissed by his daughter, Lillian, discouraged by his sister, Evelyn, and denounced by Betty's mother. But when Jerry begins to mention marriage, even Betty is forced to confront her ambivalence.