Bernard Graczyk

참여 작품

Marieke, Marieke
Marieke wants to live her life. But how can she succeed if love has been taken away from her? She seeks warmth in the arms of much older men to find the strength to face the past and finally be herself. Marieke is 20 years old. She lives with her mother, Jeanne, a woman left cold and distant ever since her husband died. During the day, Marieke works in a Brussels chocolate factory. At night, she escapes into the arms of much older men. With them she feels strong, cherished and free. The arrival of Jacoby, a book editor living abroad, searching for her father's last manuscript, upsets Marieke's precarious balance. Her mother does everything in her power to keep them apart. She fears that he will reveal the secret that has remained hidden for so many years. Marieke falls in love with Jacoby but devastated by the truth of her father's death, she sinks despair. Will she find the strength to accept the truth and live anew?
The Cool Lakes of Death
Hedwig, a young wealthy woman growing up in the straight-jacket of bourgeois morality in the Victorian era, descends into madness after years of sexual repression and tragedy.
The girl is very fascinating and unaware. The great tentacled city will give her unpredictable surprises and she won't be afraid to taste them day by day.
브뤼셀의 어느 미장원에서 일하는 청년 마르크는 자동차 경주대회에 출전할 꿈을 갖고 산다. 주인의 차를 몰래 끌고 나와 거리를 방황하곤 하는 그는 젊은 여인과 사랑에 빠지지만 동시에 부유한 여인으로부터 유혹을 받는다. 예르지 스콜리모프스키가 벨기에에서 장 피에르 레오와 만난 작품으로, 68년 전후 유럽의 공기를 만끽할 수 있는 아름다운 영화. 1967년 베를린영화제 금곰상 수상.
A family of farmers comes across a stranger with a peaceful message. The problem is that they don’t like visitors…