A disgraced politician takes a vow of silence after a public scandal abruptly ends his campaign, and his marriage. In self imposed exile at a former monastery on a lake, he is confronted by the women in his life, and as night descends, a mysterious visitor from another time.
Produced in 17 different countries entirely virtually during the 2020 global pandemic, the film follows five characters based all over the world, connected only by their devotion to the late founder and tech titan Finley Hart. Forced to work together to shut down Hart’s most secret invention, a machine that is either the solution to mankind’s problems or the end of the earth.
Detective Lane
외딴 집에 사는 부유한 그는 완벽한 미모의 섹시한 그녀를 만나고 격정적인 밤을 보낸다. 다친 그를 간호해주는 그녀에게 점점 빠져들고 어느새 그는 모든 정보와 재산을 하나씩 빼앗긴다. 자신의 집에 감금된 것을 깨달았을 때, 이미 가족까지 인질이 되었는데… 그녀에게 물렸다! 절대 벗어날 수 없다.
A different kind of coming out. When a young moody Millennial reveals his HIV status in a queer support group, it sends Poe, a not so traditional gay priest who mentors the group, in search of his own inner truth.
Chief Russell Mosier
A Marine veteran working as a school janitor tries to mend his relationship with his son after a divorce. When his son is killed by a police officer found innocent without standing trial, he takes matters into his own hands.
John Matthews
A teenage girl visits her mom on death row and gets lured into a dangerous trap to take the fall for her mother's crimes.
The surviving crew of a damaged deep-space harvester have minutes to reach the emergency evacuation shuttle. A motion sensor is their only navigation tool leading them to safety while a creature in the shadows terrorizes the crew. However, the greatest threat might have been hiding in plain sight all along. Alien: Harvest is one of six short films produced to celebrate the 40th anniversary of 1979's Alien.
A terrified boy must face a very personal fear.
Chronicles the making of director Werner Herzog’s 2009 feature, My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done, providing profound insight into the director and his craft. My Son, My Son, What Have Ye Done was inspired by the true story of an actor who committed in reality the crime he was supposed to enact on stage: murdering his mother. With longtime friend Herbert Golder behind the lens, Herzog reveals the privacy and deep solitude that defines the director and his art.
Officer Strickland
An homage to Thelma & Louise, this updated tale takes Joanne the Scammer & Khadi Don on an origin-story adventure through the desert.
Bob Alexander
A small-town business owner tries to save the local Christmas pageant against all odds.
Walter Broadnax
A surreptitious smuggler gets solicited by the CIA to help cover-up the Nicaraguan blackmail attempt on the CIA, after the release of "Dark Alliance", by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, Gary Webb. - Karl Wachsmann
Ted Hanes
A group of friends attempt to successfully complete a list of tasks assigned to them as the "Shovel List" by their dead friend.
Kane Madison is an architect working in Los Angeles while his doppelganger-like spirit, an eighteenth century Ronin, wanders a parallel netherworld of masked demons and Japanese swordsmen. When tragedy strikes, Kane embarks on a journey of faith which prompts the Ronin to seek out his true master in the spirit world... both will face many battles along their interweaving roads to peace.
Ken Adams
1997년 미국 애리조나주 피닉스 상공에서 정체 불명의 거대한 불빛이 다수에 의해 목격되지만 미국 정부는 UFO와 관련된 사실을 은폐한다. 이 의문의 정체를 확인하기 위해 네 명의 청년은 불빛을 계속 추적하고 그 모든 과정을 카메라에 고스란히 담는다. 추적 중 결국 그들은 카메라 속 영상으로만 모습을 남긴 채 흔적조차 없이 사라지게 되는데…
When a girl with a promising future finds herself in financial straits, she makes an agreement with an older man and struggles to keep it secret.
Sgt. Terry Mitchell
전쟁터를 넘나들던 군인이었지만 지금은 은퇴하고 평화로운 일상을 보내고 있던 존은 어느 날 우연히 알게 된 매춘부 때문에 폭력배들 간의 싸움에 말려들게 된다. 불의를 참지 못하고 주먹을 휘두르는 바람에 거대 폭력 조직의 표적이 된다. 그러나 폭력 조직은 존이 아닌 그의 가족을 잔인하게 살해하고, 분노한 존은 경찰의 도움도 뿌리친 채 직접 폭력 조직을 처단하기 위해 나선다.
Lewis Locke 'Locke'
막대한 부를 축적한 벤처 자산가 ‘크롬웰’은 비밀 연구소에서 자신의 파트너인 물리학자 ‘위트모어 박사’를 감금시키고 에너지 관련 연구를 진행시키고 있었다. 그러던 어느 날 크롬웰은 이유도 모른 채 비밀 연구시설과의 통신이 갑자기 끊기게 되자 전례 없는 대체 에너지원의 열쇠를 지닌 위트모어 박사를 데려오기 위해 ‘로크’가 이끄는 엘리트 군사 팀인 ‘블랙잭’과 계약을 맺는다. 크롬웰과 계약을 맺은 블랙잭의 리더 로크는 뛰어난 전투 실력을 지닌 ‘조나단 게이츠’를 영입한 뒤 위트모어 박사를 찾기 위해 비밀 연구시설에 들어가게 된다. 그러나 그들이 그 안에서 마주한 것은 어디서도 본 적이 없는 생물체였는데...
The story of Drew Peterson, who is charged with the death of his third wife after the mysterious disappearance of his fourth wife.
A major advertising festival is held each year to determine the best television commercial in the world. A rookie ad man at a big advertising company named Otan is selected as a judge on the festival jury. Meanwhile, a coworker also named Ota (although the Japanese characters are slightly different) poses as his wife so that he can attend an open party which is held nightly. Knowing that he’ll get fired if his company doesn’t win the Grand Prix, he’s forced to resort to a variety of desperate tactics.
Tommy Edwards
매사추세츠 보스턴. 시장 선거를 앞두고 재선에 출마했던 현직 시장 스탠 우드가 집무실에서 저격 당해 사망한다. 프로 저격수의 솜씨란 것을 알고 지역 FBI 요원 존 아처와 워싱턴에서 내려온 여자 요원이자 분석가인 FBI 밀라 드라이버가 한 팀으로 수사를 시작한다. 살해당한 우드 시장의 경쟁상대들과 비밀단체 그리고 부시장이자 존 아처 요원의 어머니의 죽음으로 하나씩 퍼즐이 맞추어지듯 사건의 전모가 밝혀짐과 동시에 수사를 맡은 두 요원에게 위험천만한 일들이 끊이지 않으며 거대한 조직으로부터의 무언의 압박을 받게 되는데...
Colonel Frank Reichert
한밤중에 자고 있는 브래드에게 낯선 남자들이 찾아 수갑을 채운 채 어디론가 끌고 간다.
그 곳은 바로 문제행동을 교정해주는 청소년 재활 센터인 ‘콜드워터’이다. 브래드는 무조건적인 복종과 가혹한 훈련, 폭행으로 자신을 변화시키려 하는 콜드워터에서 탈출을 시도하지만 경찰관에게 붙잡혀 들어오고 죽을 만큼 잔인한 폭행과 함께 2년이란 시간을 견디며 그 누구보다도 더 악랄한 관리자로 변한다.
그러던 어느 날, 브래드는 콜드워터에 들어와 교도관들로부터 폭행을 당하고 독방에 갇힌 가브리엘을 탈출 시켜주기 위해 안간힘을 쓰는데…
Youth, in all its messy, drunken glory, is the connective thread at an all night noise-rock concert in the woods, where a motley assortment of music lovers prove that it isn’t always darkest before the dawn.
Wyatt Dahl
A small town is haunted by the twin daughters of a wrongfully convicted man. Young Jordan is sent down the path to who the real killer is only to find the killer is very close to her.
This intelligently crafted, seven-time award winning festival favorite, tells the story of a young man, in a small seaside town, who learns a thing or two about love, luck and life from his well-traveled, outlaw grandfather. Born & Raised is a gritty, coming-of-age drama with a lot of heart and a ton of laughs.
Kurt Conrad
좀비가 세상에 나타난 이후, 무전을 통해 연락하던 '엘비스'와 '트위터'. 10살짜리 꼬마 '코비'를 데리고 식량을 찾아 이동하던 '트위터'는 '엘비스'가 있는 곳에 도착한다. 그들은 좀비로부터 안전하다는 섬을 향해 작은 배에 탄다. 하지만 배에 숨어있던 좀비의 급습에 '코비'가 물리고 '엘비스'는 그가 좀비로 변하기 전에 죽인다.섬에 도착한 두 사람은 텅 빈 건물 안을 살피다가 좀비 무리에게 둘러싸인다. 그 때, 섬의 사령관을 필두로 한 남자무리가 나타나 두 사람을 구하고 아지트로 데려간다. 그 곳에서는 구성원으로 받아들여진 사람들만이 섬으로 흘러들어온 물건이나 음식 등으로 살고 있었다.두 사람이 섬의 구성원이 되고 얼마 후, '카터'와 함께 진지한 대화를 나누던 '엘비스'는 배에서 얻었다던 육포가 사람의 살을 떼어내어 만든 것이라는 것을 알게된다. '카터'가 육포를 만드는 일을 '엘비스'에게 시키려하자 처음엔 거부하던 '엘비스'는 결국 그 일에 동참한다.한 편, 아버지의 강요로 방안에 갇힌 답답한 생활을 하던 '레이첼'은 '트위터'에게 배를 타고 섬을 떠날 것을 제안하고 '트위터'는 그것을 실행에 옮긴다. 그러나 배로 향하는 과정에서 좀비에 의해 '카터'의 부하들이 죽거나 좀비로 변하고 만다. 결국 좀비가 되어버린 '카터'를 뒤로 하고 '엘비스'와 '트위터', '레이첼'은 배에 오른다.
Officer Whitaker
Chesterfield High School basketball practice has ended. One year later the town is still reeling from the massacre of a brutal mischief night murder, but even the statewide curfew won't stop these teens from pulling pranks on Hallow's Eve. Susie Hauser, head cheerleader along with her teenage friends are lured by a psychopath to play a revengeful game of hide and seek on this anniversary night. For a high school senior and her friends, the childhood classic becomes a deadly game of survival. Who will play? Has one of their own turned on them? Who will hide and who will seek?
Time is running out for two elite criminals as they seek out revenge to get the money they are owed after a heist gone wrong, years ago. They’ve traveled across the country, tracked down their ex-partner and planned every detail of their attack. When they finally come face to face these two criminals will refuse to back down until they get what belongs to them.
ate Night Host
‘블링크 182’의 프로트맨 톰 들론지가 이끄는 얼터너티브 밴드 ‘엔젤스 앤 에어웨이브스’가 제작한 것으로 화제가 된 작품. 남북 전쟁의 어두운 그림자에 사로잡힌 한 군인이 있다. 한 세기가 흐르고, 지구와의 교신이 끊긴 우주 비행사가 국제 우주 정거장에 홀로 남겨져 있다. 인간은 상호 관계를 통해 인간임을 정의할 수 있다. 관계로 인해 존재가 증명되는 것이다. 이 간단한 개념이 백 년이 넘는 시간을 사이에 둔 우주 비행사와 남북전쟁의 군인에게 놀라운 발견을 가능케 한다.
Agent Mark Conrad
하와이의 외딴 섬에 지어진 연구 단지에서 정체불명의 거대한 괴물 두 마리가 탈출하고, 이 사실을 은폐하기 위해 보내진 사냥꾼 로건과 연구소를 비밀리에 수사 중이던 FBI 요원 폴, 그리고 지역 환경 보안 요원 캐시디는 힘을 모아 괴물의 뒤를 쫓지만 수많은 사상자가 발생하는 것을 보고 망연자실 한다. 더 이상의 참사를 막기 위하여 괴물들과 목숨을 건 한판 승부를 펼치는데…
수인번호 2537번 애나. 7년 째 수감 중, 어머니의 부고로 3일 간의 휴가가 허락된다. 장례식에 가기 위해 탄 시애틀 행 버스, 쫓기듯 차에 탄 훈이 차비를 빌린다. 사랑이 필요한 여자들에게 에스코트 서비스를 하는 그는, 누군가로부터 도망치는 중이다. 훈은 돈을 갚고 찾아가겠다며 억지로 시계를 채워주지만 애나는 무뚝뚝하게 돌아선다. 7년 만에 만난 가족도 시애틀의 거리도, 자기만 빼 놓고 모든 것이 변해 버린 것 같아 낯설기만 한 애나. 돌아가 버릴까? 발길을 돌린 터미널에서 훈을 다시 만난다. 그리고 장난처럼 시작된 둘의 하루. 시애틀을 잘 아는 척 안내하는 훈과 함께, 애나는 처음으로 편안함을 느낀다. 이름도 몰랐던 애나와 훈. 호기심이던 훈의 눈빛이 진지해지고 표정 없던 애나의 얼굴에 희미한 미소가 떠오를 때쯤, 누군가 훈을 찾아 오고 애나가 돌아가야 할 시간도 다가오는데...
어머니를 살해한 정신장애 남자의 실화를 토대로 한 작품.
FBI Agent #4
During an excursion, the two children Tim and Chelsea get lost in the forest. They soon find out that they are being followed by three gangsters led by the treacherous Stuart Bunka who want to kidnap Chelsea for a large ransom ...
Lead HG Man
2081 depicts a dystopian future in which, thanks to the 212th Amendment to the Constitution and the unceasing vigilance of the United States Handicapper General, everyone is "finally equal...." The strong wear weights, the beautiful wear masks and the intelligent wear earpieces that fire off loud noises to keep them from taking unfair advantage.
Alex 'Cold Steel' Belasco
A group of women wake up in a cold cement basement. Drugged and terrified they find themselves captive to a depraved psychopath whose blood-lust and insanity knows no bounds. Police Detective Balasco and psychiatrist Dr. Metcalfe team up in a desperate attempt to locate the girls and their soon to be murderer - a serial killer known as Ghost (Daniel Baldwin). But time is running out as Ghost's sick experiments begin to leave the girls tortured beyond recognition. To survive, the girls must band together in a last attempt to save themselves from a fate far worse than death.
Harry Spalding
Andrew Cunanan started his murderous spree in Minnesota, continued through Chicago, and despite being the subject of an intense manhunt, was able to kill fashion great Gianni Versace, in Miami, before killing himself.
Sugar the good vampire, her boyfriend Dex, and Marvin the homunculous attempt to hunt down a powerful vampire in order to resurrect Marvin's dead son.
The film revolves around Claire, a kind soul who resents having to enforce the law at all times, and Jay, an angry Traffic Officer who loves his job, being the perfect outlet for his anger and frustrations. Coming both from a place of despair and loneliness, Jay and Claire meet and engage in a tumultuous relationship which will eventually teach them that love can spread redemption.
Homeless Man
스트리퍼로 일하고 있는 레이첼은 일을 마치고 퇴근하던 중에 교통사고를 당하게 되고 병원에 입원하게 되지만 신기한 환영을 보고 난 후 정신병원에 수감된다. 레이첼은 의사과정을 거치고 있는 애인인 리암에게 전화해 자신이 이상한 곳에 갇혀 있다고 연락하고 쭉 그 상태로 지낸다. 리암은 교수님께 연락해 레이첼이 갇혀있는 곳이 학대혐의로 문을 닫은 정신병원이라는 사실을 알게 되고 그곳으로 향한다. 한편 레이첼과 동료 환자들이 그곳에 있는 동안 이상한 환영이 하나 둘 동료들을 죽이기 시작하고 환영을 피해 도망치던 중 병원의사인 브라운이 죽기직전 자신이 사는 대신 사신이 회수하지 못한 영혼들을 수습하는 계약을 해서 사신이 이곳 사람들의 영혼을 회수한다는 사실을 알게 되는데…
Mickey Montana
Mafia boss Rocky Basta is a man of vast ambition who rules his dark empire with an iron fist. He plans to consolidate his power with that of his enemies to form a new world order. Instead of constantly going to war Rocky proposes a gladiatorial forum in which power is earned; respect won or lost, and disputes are resolved;..until death. "Gentlemen we have always lived by the sword, might is right. I propose that we set up a game to the death. A game of real power and strength. A game that centuries ago decided the fate of nations..." It's the fascinating story of a man, who has a vision to unify the Underworld. His past sins torment his very being. Guardians of the 'game', protectors from ancient times, offer their guidance, yet their motives are unknown. Rocky is put to the test facing a past love, a troubled daughter he never knew, the dark underworld syndicates challenging his power, and the onus that it exacts. And this is only the beginning
Stan Williams
In the 1960's at Arthur Kingston's old butcher house blood and guts were routine. That all changed one night when the blood spilled was human. At the hand of a murderous, rampaging butcher, two workers and the owner's son were killed. The factory was shut down. Decades pass. The massacre became a legend, but the abandoned butcher house still held the evil in its halls. As six teenagers explore the old butcher house, they unleash the horror that lies within.
On the verge of a major arms deal, the two toughest gangs in L.A. will find themselves trapped in an abandoned warehouse by a ravenous mob of bloodthirsty zombies. They will have to work together with the cops to avoid being torn limb-from-limb and eaten alive. A one of a kind urban-zombie film, Gangs of the Dead is a gore-filled and action-packed thriller for both the horror fan and the urban audience.
Los Jornaleros presents the interwoven stories of three young Hispanic men who come to this country to pursue te American dream and instead end up struggling as day-laborers.
Miss Wonton begins with the arrival of a young Chinese immigrant, Ah Na (Amy Ting), to her new place of work, the Buddha's Happiness in New York. At Buddha's Happiness, she meets other immigrant workers and hears their idiosyncratic dreams of the future. She decides she will do better for herself, and is determined to achieve the American Dream. One day while making a delivery, she stumbles upon an underground world of immigrant women in Grand Central station. This world is called the "Golden Palace". She finds a new friend in Lily - her alter ego. She also meets an American man named, Jack and falls for him. As Ah Na grapples onto the hope of a brighter future, the ghosts of her past soon catch up with her. Will Ah Na achieve her sense of place in the real world or will she be forever lost in the uncertainty of the past?
The everyday struggles of people trying to bridge two cultures, as well as their attempt to find happiness in their new homeland. Tere (Cherrie Pie Picache), mid-forties and single, hosts a dinner for a friend visiting from Manila, Lorna. Invited are their New York City-based friends and former college classmates -- Mike (Christopher De Leon), a newspaper editor in his forties, Gerry (Ricky Davao), an advertising copywriter and closeted gay, and Marissa (Dina Bonnevie).
Hilyard, Dawson Henchman
In a desolate and treachorous region of space known as the Velocity Run, a heavily armored ship passes every six months. It carries billions of Universal Dollars between the colonies and the Central Bank on Earth. Hard currency has returned due to rampant electronic crime. Now a team of highly trained mercenaries are about to commit the perfect crime in a place where evidence and witnesses have no chance of survival. In this deadly corridor of space, a single man must stop them.
Club dancer
A navigator aboard a millionaire's yacht, Jack Morris discovers that the millionaire's mistress has stolen the data for his secret Virtual Reality. To escape, they encrypt, miniaturize, and tattoo the data onto Jack's PL:back. The pair share a VR adventure on the run from the Millionaire's thugs, meeting up with a wild series of characters.
Disappointing everyone around him and considering him a lost cause, Navet aspires to time travel, but is quickly caught by a government agent to stop his work at all costs.
'Yousif' Freedom Fighter #1
Known mastermind 'Yousif "Hamza" San' gets his revenge on President Tatepuft.