Mitică Popescu
출생 : 1936-12-02, Bucharest, Romania
사망 : 2023-01-03
In a forgotten village with lazy people and corrupt leadership, Pacoste must suffer for a mistake made in his past. His only friend is a young boy who finds in him a father figure.
All important figures, from police officers to the president commit abuses and fight for rights that normal people doesn't dream.
Dr. Smântânica
Ca sa poata trai, batrana Nica (Rodica Tapalaga) isi transforma casa de la tara intr-o "pensiune" anemica, falimentara. Singurele sale bucurii sunt cicalitul cainelui si programul de stiri de la televizor. Din singuratate, ea se inchipuie uneori eroina de telenovela: in secret, Nica este indragostita de prezentatorul de stiri Paul (Mircea Radu). Batrana hotaraste sa faca o calatorie la Bucuresti, unde fiica ei, Tuta (Cecilia Barbora), sora medicala, locuieste impreuna cu concubinul ei, Jenel (Valentin Teodosiu) si cu Marilena (Beatrice Benezi), fiica ei de 15 ani. In capitala, pasiunea sa pentru Paul ia forme paroxistice. Nica acapareaza telecomanda pentru a ramane pe acelasi canal de televiziune pentru care Paul prezinta stirile, ceea ce-i va atrage ironiile familiei. Ajunge chiar sa-l caute pe "cerbisorul" ei la Televiziune, ii scrie, expunandu-se la umilinte si batjocura. Rezista insa pana o doboara boala si rusinea. Totul culmineaza cu tentativa batranei de a se sinucide...
Corrupt ex-communist politicians in 90s Romania rule the country, with younger politicians vying to take their place.
Depicts Romania during World War II, focusing on the Royal Coup that toppled Ion Antonescu, the Axis-allied Conducător and authoritarian Prime Minister. Focused around the August 23rd 1944 coup against Marshal Antonescu, the movie also tackles other topics from the same era such as the Iron Guard rebellion and the execution of political leaders by communists.
The life-story confession of a prisoner waiting for his trial. Victor Petrini, a promising intellectual in the 1950s and a lecturer in Philosophy is arrested by the repressive secret police, wrongly accused of espionage, and sentenced to prison and forced labor.
Rudeanu, tatăl Lornei
The survivor of a cursed family seeks revenge on the lover who jilted her.
The Difficult Director
In this allegorical fairy-tale, peaceful and warlike knights vie for the hand of a beautiful princess, while a discussion of disco goes on around them. She favors a peaceful knight, while her father and his advisors like the ones carrying around a lot of weapons.
Story of a family. Problems, marriage, taxes, revenge, friendship, army, life and much more.
The Frenetic
A typesetter is in search of an anonymous hero that saved two children.
Mitica Popescu
This is the second part for the "Buletin de Bucureti" movie.
A young engineer which settled in Bucharest after his studies, returns to his village to spend his sick leave. He takes on a project to moderniza an old mill.
Problems ensue once a girl finds about her biological father which tries to be a part of her life.
Based on actual events which happened at the Radio Romania station in Bod-Brasov, during the beginning of the revolution for social liberation and for the country's national liberation, an anti-fascist and anti-imperialist revolution, on August 23, 1944. After King Michael I ousts the Nazi-allied dictator Ion Antonescu, Nazi troops struggle to recapture the Radio Romania station, their former headquarters in an attempt to regroup their forces, but are opposed by a determined band of anti-fascist fighters.
In the sequel to Saltimbancii (1981), Fram the polar bear and the performing Marcellonis weather plotting competetors, bumbling kidnappers and family tragedy in this entertaining family film.
Calin Surupaceanu is a simple boy, convinced by the engineer Dan to accompany him in building a new city. Along the way, he meets his future wife and subsequently source of unrest and rebellion against fate. The movie is based on a novel by Marin Preda called "The Intruder".
Sgt. Vasile
The movie describes the life of a former circus artist who earns his living from the presentation in villages and towns of a sensational number entitled "Sword Swallower".
In a devastating story rife with visual metaphors, Romanian director Mircea Daneliuc traces the slow mental disintegration of a confirmed gambler, using his disorder as an allusion to a greater national and social disorder. Set in the 1930s, the middle-class gambler meets an elderly man who seems to bring him good luck at the gaming tables. Rather than treasure his friendship and the good fortune it brings, the gambler takes advantage of his friend, and by his actions drives the man to suicide. Unable to reconcile his own mental demons, the gambler wanders through the house of his dead friend, and his experiences there only serve to unsettle his mind more and more and more. In the last reels of the film, the fantasies of the hero's deranged mind take over.
Based on a theatrical text by Romanian writer Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), who was a bitter and funny witness of the turn-of-the-20th-century Romanian bourgeois mores, Carnival Scenes manages to preserve and further enhance the slightly hysteric atmosphere of his plays. Pintilie creates a strange combination of carnival scenes which is brought to the screen as a burlesque, fast-paced, screwball comedy with a meditative undertone. This film was banned in Romania for a decade until the death of Ceausescu in 1989 and was only released after the 1989 revolution.
A Romanian village in the 50s. Năiţă Lucean, a cunning and stubborn peasant, opposes the collectivization process using all possible artifice. He instinctively feels that signing his land and cattle over to the state can only bring bad times for him. His only certainty is the ownership of this insufficient and barren plot of land. Although he strongly opposes it, the idea of the collective good is forcibly enforced.
During the peasant uprising of 1888, Alecu Dumitru, a socialist, hides from police in the Nada Florilor island, next to a fishing village.
Năiță Lucian
This movie is about a person that was convicted in the 50s by the stalinist policy of the times, then released and re-educated at the workplace in 65, as the policy changed.
In 1919, young Doctor Poenaru is sent to be the director at a country hospital. On his way there he meets a formar army comrade, now a lawyer. An ideological and philosophical dispute ensues, the two following different paths in life.
A nonconformist engineer challenges some stereotypical negative communist characters.
Light comedy about various Bucharest house dwelling families trading their houses for apartments in a brand new apartment building complex in a new subdivision of a large Bucharest neighborhood.
The rise and fall of the opportunistic Tănase Scatiu, a boyar in 19th century Wallachia.
In Alexandru Tatos’s debut film, a young urologist is assigned to a town hospital with no urology ward and keeps bumping up against his superiors because of both ethical and medical problems.
In Alexandru Tatos’s debut film, a young urologist is assigned to a town hospital with no urology ward and keeps bumping up against his superiors because of both ethical and medical problems.
Maria Sorescu, director of a re-education school, becomes mayor of a town. She tries to improve the predecessors' record.
ilegalistul Manea
At the beginning of the 40's, Victor (Gabriel Oseciuc) is a young Communist who has been hiding for months in a built-in room to print out on his own the free newspaper Communist Command.
Bad luck and bad judgment follow two generations of men in this Rumanian tragedy, set in the World War II era. Ion (Dan Nutu) seeks to find out why many years ago his father was falsely accused of being a communist, an accusation which led to his execution. He discovers that his father's mistress, now married to a wealthy man, made the accusation for money, as she was deathly afraid of poverty. Ion's own girlfriend seems to be similarly concerned about issues of livelihood, and abandons him for a richer suitor. Frustrated and angry, he burns down these couple's houses and takes up with some anti-communist arms smugglers.
Valetul Peter
A comedy that starts from a simple gag, one with social connotations, though (“They brought fish at Leonida’s!”), exploring the self-ironical and surreal potential of the state of things with fantasy.