When the truck is stolen from his father and with him his livelihood as a mobile apple seller, his son Saeed cannot meet the demand of supplying a basket of apples to school. A razor-sharp look at the age-old city versus countryside discrepancy the film follows Saeed through the alleys and streets of a Tehran suburb in search of a solution.
Aslan is in love with Yassi. Together, they run an underground dog shelter in Iran.
A movie about a girl who tries to get married, Because she afraid for future when she can not become pregnant.
A movie about a girl who tries to get married, Because she afraid for future when she can not become pregnant.
Three young Iranian women, all deaf-mute karate champions, are invited to compete at the World Championships in Germany. Tehran's authorities don't see an issue, as long as they wear a hood to cover their hair and neck.
Roya is a resourceful young woman who is juggling with loans to pay back a large debt. With her gift of the gab and her determination to fight her way out, she finds herself at the top of a small ponzi scheme that promises to be lucrative, but very soon the mechanism seizes up and a sense of control gives way to anxiety. With a sense of narrative sequencing akin to his senior, Jafar Panahi (The Circle, Blood and Gold), Mahmoud Ghaffari portrays a protagonist hemmed in by a double straightjacket, one where social and gender inequality are inextricably intertwined. His character is neither a heroine nor the passive victim of a crushing system but warrior-like yet evanescent. Arguably, this determination, which draws its energy from despair, can be seen as an obligation incumbent on any filmmaker practising their art in today’s Iran: the obligation to fight up to the point where one’s very absence leaves a void full of meaning.
Assistant Editor
유명한 쿠르드족 음악가인 마모는 사담 후세인이 몰락하자 이라크에서 콘서트를 열기 위해 여행을 시작한다. 친구에게 빌린 오렌지색 미니버스를 타고 각지에 살고 있는 아들들을 하나씩 태우는데, 사람들은 보름달이 뜨면 여행길에 끔찍한 일이 일어난다는 마을 노인의 저주를 전해준다. 하지만 오랫동안 일하지 못했던 마모는 어떤 방해물이 있더라도 여행을 계속해야 한다고 주장한다. 국경에 도착하자 마모의 일행들은 갖가지 어려움과 마주치고 그들의 여행은 사건과 모험으로 가득 찬 것이 되어간다.