Giorgos Kotanidis

Giorgos Kotanidis

출생 : 1945-02-05, Thessaloniki, Greece

사망 : 2020-01-28


Giorgos Kotanidis is a Greek actor.

프로필 사진

Giorgos Kotanidis

참여 작품

One More Dance
Mrs. Kaiti prepares a birthday party for Giannis, her husband. Her love for him has always been pure, sincere and true. Nothing has stopped her from considering him the perfect match. Not even now, when Kostas, her son, opposes her view since his dad had never been close to them.
코렐리의 만돌린
그리스의 평화스러운 섬 케팔로니아. 이섬에도 2차대전이라는 큰 전쟁은 한바탕 회오리바람을 몰고 오는데, 젊은이들은 앞 다투어 전쟁터로 나가 나라를 위해 싸우게 된다. 이들 젊은이 가운데, 이 섬의 의사 딸인 펠라기아를 사랑하는 만데라스가 있으며 전쟁터로 떠나기전 펠라기아와 약혼을 하게 된다. 하지만 만데라스의 마음을 받아들이지 않는 펠라기아 앞에 전쟁과는 전혀 어울리지 않는 그저 놀고 노래하고 만돌린 연주에만 열중 하는 이탈리아 군인 안토니오 코렐리 대위가 나타나게 되고, 펠라기아는 점점 그에게 사랑을 느끼게 된다. 이들은 서로의 사랑을 확인 하지만, 이탈리아 군들은 못솔리니 정권이 종식되자 퇴각을 감행 하게 되고 이 와중에 독일군에게 대항하지만 모두 처형 당하는 운명을 맞게 되고 구사일생으로 살아나게 된 코렐리 대위는 섬을 떠나게 된다. 전쟁이 끝나고, 코렐리 대위는 펠라기아를 위해 작곡한 만돌린 곡들을 음반으로 내게 되며 펠라기아를 잊지 못하는 코렐리에게 펠라기아의 부친은 편지를 보내고 그들 연인은 다시금 만나게 되는데...
The Very Poor, Inc.
Giorgos Haramis
Odysseus is a model employee in Haramis Inc, a large company with an unscrupulous boss, Mr Haramis. When an oil spill puts the boss in a difficult situation, Odysseus gets the blame and he is sent to jail unfairly. In jail, he meets a junkyard dealer and an out-of-work mathematician with a fixation on the chaos theory. The three meet again once out of jail and decide to start a rubbish recycling company, which unfortunately, soon becomes successful enough to challenge the profits of Haramis Inc. Odysseus and his former boss cross swords again and end up in court - The moot point, who owns rubbish?
Pater Familias
A young writer takes to edit the autobiography of a popular folk singer then, however, falls victim to intrigues and accused of kidnapping her daughter.
No Sympathy for the Devil
A modern version of Orpheus and Eurydice. A romance in extremes set at a dystopian future by the acclaimed Greek director Dimitri Athanitis. Provocative, already a cult film. After being released from prison, Eurydice gets a job as a waitress but also as a naked model for a mysterious photographer who blackmails her. Orpheus, a cashier at a super market meets her by chance and falls for her at once. When he loses her, he shall travel all the way to hell, to get her back. Dimitri Athanitis's take on the "Orpheus and Eurydice" myth is stylish and sexy. Lena Kitsipoulou is totally magnetic for her fellow characters and the viewer.
Living Dangerously
Petros Savvidis
A gifted electrician, Michalis Karamanos works for Greek Telecommunications Organization and it seems that he is the only one who hasn't been completely absorbed by the corrupt and all-devouring system. Acting as a member of the revolutionary organization Constitutional Struggle, which is fighting against the unpopular policy of the government, he connects the computer of the director of OTE to an explosive device. He threatens to destroy the telecommunications of the country if he is not allowed to broadcast on television his revolutionary message during the broadcast of an important football game. The Authorities, thinking that he has gone crazy, try to bring him around using his old friends from the army, whom they pick up one by one as intermediaries. This is a situation comedy with excellent, mature plot development, plenty of suspense as well as masterful criticism of sociopolitical reality.
Pretty Smart
Professor Raji
In this adolescent-oriented drama, a young woman is forced to attend a posh finishing school in the Mediterranean. She vents her anger by rebelling against the cruel and sicko headmaster. When she discovers that he has been secretly photographing them naked and profiting from the pictures, she rallies the other girls and gets revenge.
The Girl From Mani
For Her Love Has Become A Desperate Dream.
Remake of Jean-Pierre Melville's "Le Doulos."
Electric Angel
A typical experimental film, in which a variety of audiovisual techniques are used to create the sense of polymorphic eroticism as developed by European and Mediterranean cinematography of the 20th century. Combining the methods of “animation” and “live action”, this intricate work embodies the idea of an “ars combinatoria”. The structure is loose, with neither a central axis nor a point where everything converges, contributing greatly to the open-ended character of the film, where rhythm is the key element.
The true story of Nikos Koemtzis, a man who stabbed three men to death in 1973 Athens for disrespecting his brother Demos' zeibekiko, a traditional Greek dance.
Which Way to the Septic Tank?
A conscientious tanker driver, Thanasis Papathanasis, works hard to help his sister Afroditi study medicine. He believes that in this way he will be able to marry her off so that then he can finally marry Eleni, whom he has loved for years. His efforts, however, are all in vain, as he is constantly confronted with a corrupt establishment and political situation that generate all the prevailing misfortunes: personal, social and national.