Naomi Levine

Naomi Levine


Naomi Levine is an American actress, artist and filmmaker. She was a friend of Jack Smith and pop artist and filmmaker Andy Warhol.

프로필 사진

Naomi Levine

참여 작품

Aspects of a Hill, Part II: The Grass
The second part of Aspects of a Hill by Naomi Levine
Aspects of a Hill, Part I: The Periphery
The first part of Aspects of a Hill by Naomi Levine
Story of a Dot
A film by Naomi Levine from 1971
At My Mother's House
A film by Naomi Levine from 1970
Zen, and the Art of Baseball
A film by Naomi Levine from 1970
월든 (일기, 노트, 스케치)
“1950년부터 영상 일기를 찍었어요. 언제나 볼렉스 카메라를 들고 다니며, 내가 만나게 되는 상황이나 친구, 뉴욕의 모습, 계절의 변화 등 즉각적인 현실에 반응하고자 했죠. 어떤 날에는 열 프레임, 어떤 날에는 10초, 또 어떤 날에는 10분 정도 촬영을 했습니다. 물론, 아무것도 찍지 않은 날도 있었어요. 일기를 쓸 때는 ‘회상’이라는 절차가 수반되는데, 보통 책상에 앉아서 그날 하루를 되돌아보며 일기를 써 내려가기 때문이죠. 한편 영상(카메라) 일기의 경우, 어떤 순간에 대한 즉각적인 반응을 포착할 수 있습니다. 특정 대상을 카메라에 제대로 담던 담지 못하는 것과 관계없이, 순간의 반응 자체를 카메라가 기록합니다. 어떤 상황에 다시 돌아가 촬영을 재개한다면, 그것은 재연된 영상이 되어버리죠. 이는 사건이나 감정이 수반될 수밖에 없습니다. 일어나는 일을 있는 그대로 포착하려면, 내가 사용하고 있는 도구(여기에서의 도구는 볼렉스 카메라를 말한다)에 대한 온전한 이해가 필수적입니다. 내가 반응을 보이는 현실뿐만 아니라 내가 반응함과 동시에 내 감정의 상태(와 모든 기억)까지 포착할 수 있어야 하기 때문이죠. 다시 말해, 카메라를 들고 촬영이 이루어지는 바로 그 장소에서 영상의 구조화(편집) 작업까지 끝낼 수 있어야 합니다. 월든에서 여러분이 만나는 모든 영상은 카메라에 담겨있는 영상과 동일합니다. 1964년부터 1968년까지 촬영한 영상을 순차적으로 연결한 것입니다. 사운드트랙의 경우, 목소리, 지하철 소리, 길거리 소음 등 촬영 당시 수집한 사운드에 쇼팽의 음악-난 로맨틱한 사람입니다-과 때때로 의미 있고 또 때때로 의미 없는 사운드를 섞어 제작하였습니다.”
From Zero to 16
A film by Naomi Levine from 1969
London Bridges Falling Down
A film by Naomi Levine from 1969
A film by Naomi Levine from 1969
Optured Fraiken Chaitre Joe
A film by Naomi Levine from 1968
Naomi Levine film from 1968
Naomi Is A Dream of Loveliness
Film portrait of Naomi Levine by Ken Jacobs
A rapid montage of flowers and young men's anatomy.
Tarzan and Jane Regained... Sort of
Shot during Warhol's cross-county trip to Los Angeles during his second exhibition at the Ferus - the same trip during which he filmed the footage for Elvis at Ferus. Locations included Hollywood, Malibu, Venice, Pasadena, Topanga Canyon, the Santa Monica pier and the Beverly Hills Hotel.
Batman Dracula
Batman Dracula is a 1964 black and white American film produced and directed by Andy Warhol, without the permission of DC Comics. The film was screened only at Warhol's art exhibits. A fan of the Batman series, Warhol made the movie as a homage. Batman Dracula is considered to be the first film featuring a blatantly campy Batman. The film was thought to have been lost until scenes from it were shown at some length in the documentary Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis.
The couch at Andy Warhol's Factory was as famous in its own right as any of his Superstars. In Couch, visitors to the Factory were invited to "perform" on camera, seated on the old couch. Their many acts-both lascivious and mundane-are documented in a film that has come to be regarded as one of the most notorious of Warhol's early works. Across the course of the film we encounter such figures as poets Allen Ginsberg and Gregory Corso, the writer Jack Kerouac, and perennial New York figure Taylor Mead.
An hour-long paean to the art of the kiss featuring fourteen couples, from passionate participants to lethargic lovers, engaging in the intimate act.
"Yes is one of cinema's most beautiful pastorales and a manifesto of a desperately romantic soul" --Jonas Mekas
Normal Love
Black Spider
The feature length Normal Love is Jack Smith’s follow up to his now legendary film Flaming Creatures. This vivid, full-color homage to B-movies is a dizzying display of camp that clearly affirms Smith’s role as the driving force behind underground cinema and performance art of the post-war era. The cast includes Mario Montez, Diane de Prima, Tiny Tim, Francis Francine, Beverley Grant and John Vaccaro. Smith was known to constantly re-edit the film, often during screenings as it was still unspooling from the projector. This print has been restored under the supervision of Jerry Tartaglia and is provided by Filmmakers Co-operative in New York City.