Dewitt Fulbeani is not a ladies man. He is positive that love is chemical, and he has devoted his life to creating a computer program to prove it. He has even identified his first subject, a girl living in his apartment building whose name he knows only by her mailbox - M. Vornellini. However, unbeknownst to Dewitt, their parents have both already beaten him to the punch.
캘리포니아의 한 연구소. 중대 임무를 위해 텔레포터로 공간 이동을 시도한 '크리스틴'과 대원들은 무엇이 잘못된 것인지 지구 표면 600km 아래의 이상하고 낯선 장소에 도착하고 만다. 크리스틴과 대원들이 거미부터 공룡까지 각종 생물들에게 쫓기며 고군분투하는 사이, 연구소의 상임 과학자 '조셉'은 연락이 끊긴 대원들을 구하기 위해 전 부인이자 크리스틴의 언니인 '에밀리'에게 SOS를 청한다. 고민 끝에 '디디'라는 천공기를 이용해 땅을 뚫고 지구 내부로 들어가 보기로 한 두 사람! 과연 조셉과 에밀리는 크리스틴과 팀원들을 무사히 구출해낼 수 있을까?
The 2007 golf comedy, Fairway to Heaven (a play-on-words on the classic Led Zeppelin song), stars Ryan Tower (who also co-directed) as Brad Tripp, a former hot-shot junior golfer who finds himself with the "dream" once more of becoming a famous, world-class linksman. Surrounded by an (to say the least) unlikely group of assorted hangers-on and supporters, such as a lesbian golf instructor, an ex-girlfriend-turned-nemesis and an annoying caddy who'd be more at home on a surfboard, Tripp somehow manages to make the Tour. It's only then that the two drop-dead gorgeous, bikini-clad, space-gun-wielding aliens appear. At times hilarious, at other times merely ridiculous, Fairway to Heaven tries to be Caddyshack, but too often more closely resembles Porky's.