In the early days of the Chinese Republic era, dockworkers in Macau are being mistreated by their Chinese overseers. An accident reveals that the cargo is composed of guns and opium.
Constable Loong Bai
고대 중국. 진웅은 무술계를 떠나 조용히 살아가지만 이런 생활에 염증을 느끼게 된다. 마침 장공전이 사도배를 죽인 비밀을 알고 그것을 기화로 돈을 뜯으러 나간 후 행방불명이 된다. 그러자 천보와 주검은 진웅의 행방을 찾기위해 정체불명의 곱추를 찾아 다니는데 도중에 수차례의 위기를 모면한다. 결국 이름을 알 수 없는 소녀, 음양도의 괴수와 곱추가 한패라는 것을 알고 그들의 소굴을 찾아나선다. 그녀도 자기 언니의 행패에 대항하기 위해 찾아가는 것이었다. 이들은 함께 음양도의 소굴에 들어가 악전고투를 하고 동생은 끝내 죽게 된다.
Kao's friend
Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.
Martial artist after Fang
양천웅(라유)이 호송하는 관료 일가 재산 30만 표의 은이 괴한에게 도둑맞고 만다. 표를 훔친 자는 귀신과 같은 채찍 솜씨였다고 한다. 무술계의 달인은 모두 자신에게 혐의가 걸리는 것을 두려워해 결집해서 범인 찾기에 분주했다. 사람들은 영자신편으로 불리는 채찍 솜씨를 가진 방승천(전풍)에게 의혹의 눈길을 돌리고 있었다. 그러나 그는 이미 잠적한 뒤인데...
Bank security guard
Soon-to-be legendary director Chu Yuan had just joined the Shaw Brothers when he helmed this thriller of bickering bandits. Audiences loved watching three pairs of cunning male and female crooks trying to steal a million gold taels from the Fu Lai Treasury House...not knowing that one of them is actually an undercover hero. Even without him, there's no honor amongst thieves, so the double-crosses and deadly duels come fast and furious, all choreographed by Hsu Erh-niu.
Police officer
Ivy Ling Po gives a startling performance as an abused wife who suffers through all his adulterous and treacherous ways in The Silent Love, which became an allegorical, tragic love story that reflected the unspoken truths inherent in Chinese society. Lead actor Chin Feng received the 1971 Golden Horse Outstanding Performance award for his portrayal as The Mute, a man that secretly loves Ivy and does all he can to make her life better, except that it backfires on him.
Man at Eatery (extra)
대외적으로는 평판이 좋지만 실제로는 음모를 감추고 있는 용 대협은 강호에서 원앙도로 명성을 날린 뇌력에게 누명을 씌우고 그를 쫓아낸다. 쫓기던 뇌력은 원성표국 무리들과 혈전을 벌이던 중 용 대협에게 패해 결국 스스로 자신의 오른쪽 팔을 자르고 강호를 떠나 은둔하게 된다. 그러던 중 위기에 처한 뇌력을 봉준걸이 구해주게 되고 둘은 우정을 쌓아가게 된다. 하지만 봉준걸도 용 대협의 음모에 걸려들어 목숨을 잃고, 뇌력은 봉준걸을 잃자 복수를 다짐하며 다시 칼을 잡는다.
Fake mad beggar
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.
Detective's assistant
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
Lao San
Teddy plays some physically deformed musical genius named Wu Sheng who falls for a blind girl named Jui Fang (Chin Ping). Is love really blind? According to Wu Sheng, probably so, but when Jui Fang is on the verge of regaining her eyesight from an operation, Wu Sheng packs up and leaves the country for fear of Jui Fang disowning him once her eyes gets a look at Wu Sheng.
Warlord Zhu's officer
당 말기, 지방 제후인 리계영에게는 뛰어난 무공을 가지고 있는 13명의 아들이 있다. 각각 리계영의 군대를 이끄는 장군인 그들은, 당 황제에 반하여 일어난 반역자의 무리들이 장안을 점령하고 있는 상태에서 장안을 탈환하고 반역자의 괴수를 처단하기 위한 묘안을 생각해낸다. 13명 중 아홉 명이 장안에 잠입해 들어가기로 하고, 제후는 가장 총애하는 막내 리춘샤오에게 대장직을 맡긴다. 전 군대를 지휘하고자 하는 욕심을 가지고 있던 넷째 리춘신은 이에 불만을 느끼고, 결국 장안에서 작전을 수행하던 중 열둘째 강춘리와 함께 대열을 이탈한다. 그리고 이로써 형제간의 반목과 불신의 씨앗이 싹튼다. 한편, 지방관 주웬은 리계영을 제거하고 황제의 자리를 넘보기 위해 리계영을 자신의 성으로 초대하고, 리계영은 열한번째 아들인 시칭즈와 함께 초대에 응한다. 결국 이들은 주연에서 과음을 하면서 위험에 빠지는데...
Jimmy Wang Yu gets to flex his dramatic muscles in this contemporary Lo Chen drama. Wang is a detective's son whose attempt to punish a swindler leaves him and his father in a thrilling final face-off.
Fake Imperial Guard
유비하가 아버지의 죽음이 무림 다섯 장문의 짓이라고 공언하던 차에 신공비결이 도난당한 사건이 발생하고 유비하가 혐의를 받는다. 동심문에 잡혀온 유비하는 결백을 주장하고 사건을 조사하러 가던 금의대협의 일원이 기습을 받아 죽자 악당들이 금의대협의 얼굴을 벗겨 가짜를 만든다. 동심문을 탈출하여 아버지의 원수를 찾아 소림사에 들어간 유비하는 자신을 가장하여 악행을 일삼던 복면여인 애청을 사로잡는다. 애청은 남장한 유비하에게 호감을 느끼고, 그녀에게 표를 얻어 상저장에 위장잠입한 유비하는 정체가 탄로나 사로잡히나 애청이 그를 구해낸다. 드디어 무림을 제패하려는 음모를 꾸미던 동심문 노장주의 정체가 드러나는데...
The Younger Generation is an ultra-tragic tale about a young girl, played by Ivy Ling Po who gets married, has five kids, then she and her husband die forcing one child sold to prostitution to feed the other four. Chinese culture dictates that great respect is given to the elders and in The Younger Generation, it is an elder that is the hero, telling audiences that although sadness abounds, they can return home happy with their Confucius mindset.
Chief Wen
In this thrilling martial arts twist on the tale of Robin Hood, a charismatic highwayman with formidable sword skills decides to help the poor by robbing from thieves and distributing the wealth. This plan doesn't sit well with the criminals, who band together to stop him. Fortunately, our hero has a powerful blade on his side, not to mention popular beauty Lily Li at his side. A high-spirited blend of action, romance, and comedy, this Shaw Brothers classic from fearless director Chang Cheh is a timeless example of pure high-voltage entertainment.
Wang Cheng
Private eye Chang Wen Chiang receives a telephone call from his girlfriend Li Lan Hsing. He rushes over and finds her dying in a pool of blood.
Tavern customer
The film tells the story of Tang Bohu, a famous scholar who spends most of his time wandering around the countryside.
After the Ming Emperor is overthrown and his infant son put in the care of the Black Dragon Society, a traitorous martial arts clan attacks the society and forces two inexperienced swordsmen to flee with the infant and begin a dangerous journey in search of allies.
Ying's uncle
청룡장의 아들이 강간 살인을 행하자 우영이 살해한다. 청룡장의 장주 비도수 초뢰는 건곤검장을 몰살시키고 우영의 아버지인 건곤검장 장주 우원을 추적한다. 초뢰의 악행으로 위기에 처했을 때, 떠돌이 검객 양청이 나타나 우영을 도와 탁월한 비도 솜씨로 비도수 초뢰를 처단한다. 기다리겠다는 말을 전하는 우영을 뒤로하고 양청은 길을 떠나는데...
Kings' Gate Guard
영평강은 소만과 함께 시골에서 평범한 농부로 살아간다. 하지만 강호에는 새로운 세력 팔대도왕이 나타나 여러 문파에 도전장을 보내고, 조용히 살아가던 영평강에게도 대결을 신청한다. 영평강은 그들의 도전을 무시하지만 주변 군소문파가 하나씩 제압당하면서 결국 다시 칼을 뽑아 든다.
Shek Que Shan
A fearsome swordswoman known as The Jade Raksha appears in the martial arts world and begins killing people whose surname is Yan. A swordsman figures out who she is, and asks her why - the answer being that a Yan killed her family 18 years ago... but she's not sure exactly which Yan it was. He suggests that killing the innocent is wrong, but she only has vengeance on her mind and is not to be convinced.
Shaw Brothers comedy.
Shang's uncle
패배할 뻔한 전쟁을 승리로 이끌었던 칼 중의 칼 '신도'가 그 칼의 주인이였던 왕의 죽음과 함께 실종되었다가 후에 한 무술가에 의해서 발견되어 그가 왕이 그 칼을 다시 원할 때까지 보관하고 있는 과정에서 그 칼을 탐하는 내부변절자들과 대결을 그린 작품
Li Jiu
The bandits of Hulu Valley murder the chief of Mei Clan while searching for a treasure map. In retaliation, the clan’s leading swordsman Feng-chun (Chan Leung) infiltrates the bandit’s fortress hideout in anticipation of a surprise attack by a larger force and unexpectedly finds himself romantically involved with the bandit leader’s feisty daughter (Cheng Pei-Pei).
Li Guan Chun
강에서 쉬고 있던 3인이 세탁하고 있던 마을 처녀를 발견하고 강간하려는 듯이 쫓아가 그대로 민가에 침입해 아버지부터 엄마와 막내까지 몰살한다. 간신히 딸은 도망친다. 집에 돌아온 청년 장익, 가족은 모두 죽고 누나는 실종이라는 것에 절망해 "반드시 원수를 갚겠다!"고 굳게 결의한다. 집을 떠나 복수의 여행을 떠난 장익. 도중에서 무적의 검사 양지경을 만나 이에 입문한다. 거리에 나온 장익. 누각에서 달아난 진평이 쫓기고 있었으므로 이를 도와 숙소까지 데리고 가 사정을 듣는다. 체면이 깎인 누각 주인은 곧 여관에 자객을 보낸다. 그러나 장익은 적을 부수고 누각 주인에게서 복수의 상대 중 한 명인 방주가 그곳에 있었다는 것을 알게 된다. 장익은 방주에게 덫을 친다. 마침내는 장익과 방주가 대밭 속에서 일전을 벌인다. 방주가 죽자 그의 제자였던 오마가 이 모습을 지켜보고 복수의 상대인 대비에게 전하러 간다. 뇌우의 밤, 대비도 제거한다. 여관에서 또 다시 자객에게 습격당한 장익. 이를 물리치지만 관병에게 붙잡혀 버린다. 감옥 안에서 장익은 마을의 권력자가 된 임문을 만난다. "한패가 되겠느냐?"고 권유해 온 임문에게 일단 승복하고 주변을 살핀다. 그때 실종됐던 누이를 만난다. 임문의 부인이었던 것이다. 둘의 모습에서 형제임을 간파한 임문은 민가를 덮친 일을 떠올린다. 마지막 대결! 수많은 부하와 그 안에서 화살로 장익을 노리는 임문! 과연 누가 승리할 것인가?
Detective Chen
Lily Ho, a secret agent out to thwart the sale of a powerful explosive to the wrong people. It’s a female, Chinese James bond.
Iron Face Sheng Yong's brother
강호를 떠나 산속에서 한타오와 함께 평화로운 삶을 살던 금연자. 한편, 도적들을 소탕하며 곳곳을 돌아다니던 은붕(銀鵬)은 자신의 사매이자, 또한 자신이 사랑하는 그녀를 강호로 끌어내기 위해 도적들을 죽인 자리에 금연자의 비녀를 놓는다. 복수를 위해 금연자와 한타오의 은거지로 잠입해 들어온 자객들을 맞고서야 이 사실을 알게 된 금연자는 한타오의 만류에도 불구하고 은붕을 만나러 길을 떠난다. 그러나 강호에 들어온 금연자는 곧 위험에 처하고, 은붕은 그녀를 구하기 위해 칼을 빼든다. 역시 금연자를 사랑하는 한타오 또한 금연자를 찾아오고, 은붕과 한타오는 서로 갈등을 표출하는 가운데 심야의 결투를 펼치게 된다.
Ling Bor plays Wen Fei E who is both an excellent academic as well as martial arts expert. Since her childhood days fond of dressing up as a boy, she becomes a village scholar sharing classes with Tu Zi Zheng (Chin Feng) and Wei Zhun Zhi (Ho Fan). When Fei E's innocent father is framed and sent to prison, she rushes to his rescue saving Jing Fu Quan (Kam Fie) who is in the hands of robbers along the way. Mistaking Fei E to be a noble hero, Fu Quan has no greater wish than to get married to her savior...
Young love and its comedy of errors. Hsiao Fang, played by Li Ching, is a spunky young girl not afraid to fight back against hooligans. Unfortunately, she mistakes the handsome Ma Ta-hai, for one such hoodlum. The two are immediately attracted but refuse to admit their true feelings. The real hooligans are from a rich family led by a devious Madam who devise a revenge plot. With plot twists, mistaken identities, along with some terrific musical numbers, romance has never been this much fun.
Wu Se
Six heroes are killed while investigating rampant lawlessness at Zhaoqing Temple where villains are posing as monks. The dead heroes’ senior brother Su-chen and his two apprentices pose as scholars in order to infiltrate the temple. When the life of the Emperor’s Inspector and his daughter are threatened, the trio leaps into battle as government troops prepare to storm the temple.
Paul (Zhang Chong) is a businessman who gets caught up in an international espionage plot when he accidentally switches briefcases with a friend aboard a Singapore-bound plane. The friend turns up dead, and Paul discovers a small Golden Buddha inside the briefcase that contains a set of instructions. The instructions are only one of three parts, the other two being held in similar Golden Buddhas by Lo Wei (doing double duty as actor and director) and Lin Cui. When combined, the three Buddhas will lead the bearers to a buried treasure. But the nefarious Skeleton Gang is after the Buddhas, along with a buxom femme fatale (Fannie Fan) who isn't above showing a little skin to get her way. Luckily, Paul knows kung-fu, so the bad guys had better watch out!
Jade Faced Tiger's Man
공무차 사막을 지나가던 지방관리 장푸칭이 도적떼에게 납치된다. 근처의 절을 접수하여 본거지로 삼고 있던 그들은 감옥에 잡혀있는 자신들의 리더를 풀어줄 것을 요구하며 그 지방의 감독의 아들이기도 한 장 푸칭을 인질로 삼는다. 이들을 소탕하고 장푸칭을 되찾아오기 위해 파견된 사람은 바로 그의 친누나인 장시엔. '금연자'라는 별명으로 유명한 그녀는, 도적떼들의 일부가 기다리고 있던 객잔으로 가고, 뛰어난 무공으로 도적떼들을 압도한다. 주정뱅이 걸인으로 보이지만 실은 고강한 무공을 소유하고 있던 대취협의 도움으로 도적들의 은거지에 들어간 그녀는 동생을 찾기 위해 도적들과 한 판 대결을 펼치게 되는데...
Chan's man
First film in the series, based on Ni Kuang's spy pulp novels. Police Commissioner Fong enlists the chivalrous female bandit Muk Lan-fa to retrieve the latest gadget that emits deadly laser beam and its protocol, which allegedly have been transferred away by Ho Tin-hung. Sensing his life in danger, Ho recruits the agent Ko Cheung as his aide, but no sooner has Ko set foot in his house than Ho is murdered. The opportunistic Detective Chan coerces Ko into the hunt by implicating him in the crime. Masking their own agenda, Muk and Ko enter into a duel of wits which leaves the beaten Ko with a counterfeit. Having abducted Muk's mother, Chan presses Muk and her cousin Sau-chen to surrender the genuine article, but Ko unmasks Chan, the spy, by baiting him with the weapon. The police squad led by Fong and Commissioner Suen swarm onto the scene, arresting Chan while he is attempting to flee holding Muk's mother hostage. Chan dies amidst a shower of bullets fired by his own daughter Sau-chen.
The lovely Li Hsiang-chun stars as a poor beauty who is drugged, ravished, lied to, locked in a burning store room, left to drown, and chased by sword-wielding ruffians, among other things. Her only hope is her betrayer's new wife, played by the strong and sensual Ivy Ling Po. Dawn may come, but the questions is: will it be too late? Director/writer Kao Li shows both restraint and sadism in this historical melodramatic tearjerker.
King of Black Wind
당나라의 삼장법사가 서천으로 불경을 체득하러 가는 길에 천궁에 들렸더니 상제께서 오행산의 손오공을 길잡이로 데려가라 하심에 법사가 이를 앞세우고 가는 험준한 여로에서 일어나는 갖가지 신화를 엮은 내용으로서 중국 고대 소설인 "서유기"를 영화화한 작품임.
Book Without Words is a 1965 Cantonese martial arts film directed by Chan Lit-Ban and starring Cheung Ching.
General Sun Fei Hu
A scholar woos the daughter of an important family, while outwitting rebels who try to capture her.
It seems that Li Zhenfei was once an imperial concubine, who often found herself competing with her rival Madame Liu for the emperor's sole, undivided attention. When Li gives birth to the Emperor's child, the jealous Liu switches the boy with a cat and commands a servant named Kou Zhu to kill the baby. However, Kou Zhu ignores the order and gives the prince-to-be to the emperor's brother, a decision which eventually leads to the boy being adopted by the emperor himself! But as fate would have it, to go along with his new son, the emperor has a new wife as well - Madame Liu! As this strange new family unit is being constructed, poor Li Zhenfei has been confined to the forbidden palace, condemned to never see or speak to her son, the prince. But destiny reunites her with her son, but will this family reunion be a happy one? And will Madame Liu finally be punished for her treachery?
The tragic love triangle of early 20th century Peking Opera star Chiu Hai-tang, his beautiful stage partner, and the warlord who forces himself between them, has been a favorite with Chinese audiences for decades.
FAIRY, GHOST, VIXEN (1965) consists of three fanciful tales that may be loosely classified as ghost stories, but they're presented and designed more along the lines of traditional fairy tales. They're beautifully staged and photographed and have a timeless quality about them with a moral at the end of each.
Inspector Lan Chin Sheng
War film set during the second Sino-Japanese war.
Constable Ma Han
A Huangmei opera produced by Shaw Brothers about a carp spirit who transforms into an identical copy of a beautiful woman to win the heart of a lonely male scholar.
A member of the Red Peony troupe, singer Tang Pei Hua (Yeh Feng) is renowned for her beautiful voice and appearances. Her beauty, however, invites the unwanted attentions of cruel and lecherous warlord Cao Lin (Zeng Mei). In order to escape Cao's grasp, Tang and her lover Lin Ke Qiang (Chin Han) decide to run away to the south where they can live freely. But their plan is uncovered by Cao, and Lin gets captured. In order to save Lin, Tang must sacrifice herself and entertain Japanese guests at a banquet, throwing herself into danger's way.
Ling Bo is Lin, a young man engaged to the daughter of a rich man, who now despises Lin because of his family's declining status. Lin visits his beloved fiancee before he heads towards the imperial city to participate in the civil service examination, only to find her maid lying dead in blood. Lin is then accused of murder. How can Judge Bao prove his innocence?
Shang general
Admist a rebellion during the Ching Dynasty in ancient China, a nurse flees the palace with a young prince. As an adult, he convinces the daughter of the usurper to betray her father and to assist in restoring him as the rightful monarch.
Army officer
잘 알려진‘ 뮬란’이야기의 황매조 영화 버전. 뮬란은 아픈 아버지를 대신해 남장을 하고 전쟁에 나가 큰 공을 세운다. 여배우가 남자 역할을 하는 황매조 영화의 장르적 특성과 남장 여자 이야기인 화뮬란이 유기적으로 결합해 볼거리를 제공한다. 이 장르의 간판스타 악풍감독과 능파가 각각 연출과 주인공 화뮬란 역할을 맡고 있다.
Comedy of Mismatches begins with widow Sun who single-handedly raises her son Yu Lang (Chin Feng) and daughter Zhu Yi (Li Hsiang Chun). One day, Mother Sun sends her children to the temple, where Yu Lang encounters Hui Niang (Pat Ting). Artist Xu Ya is also at the temple, praying that his daughter Wen Gu (Carrie Ku) will find a good husband. Soon after, Wen Gu encounters nobleman's son Pei Zheng (Wai Mao) and the two fall in love at first sight.
A woman in an arranged marriage falls in love with her husband's brother.
Soldier in the street
Fan Chia-soo is a kind-hearted student whose heart is captured by the sweet song of Shen Feng-hsien. However, he is not the only one who has eyes for Shen. The General's henchmen are also determined to present the songstress to their superior as a gift. Fan received help from an unexpected quarter to save the woman he loves.
9세기 전의 사랑, 배신, 살인, 그리고 구원에 대한 황매조로 고전 명나라 소설 "수호전"의 "세 죄인"의 에피소드를 기반으로 영화화한 작품. 이려화는 세 죄인 하나로 격렬한 구혼자와 그녀의 질투에 불타는 남편 사이에 사로잡힌 여자를 연기한다.
The noted actress Li Li-hua, star of more than sixty films since 1947, beautifully portrays the drugged, then disgraced wife of a peddler in the waning days of the Ching Dynasty. To make matters worse, she’s soon framed for her husband’s murder by her rapist - the son of the local magistrate! And even that isn’t the end of her woes. It’s best to have a box of tissues nearby as two expert directors ratchet up the emotional suspense in this consummate tearjerker.
Part of wedding procession
In this dreamy romance set in China during the fourth-century, a young woman convinces her parents to allow her to dress as a boy and attend university.
Monk Fa Shan
This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination.
Carriage driver
A young scholar spends the night in a creepy temple that is said to be haunted. He doesn't believe in the rumors, but after running into a Taoist swordsman, he meets a beautiful lady ghost.
Royal guard
This is a musical about a young emperor who is lured via stories told to a place called Kiang-Nan by his royal tutor. The empress mother has the tutor go to Kiang-Nan to bring him back.
A young woman in search of a lost identity, her long lost mother who abandoned her soon after her birth.
A Hong Kong historical drama